

ホテル ユニバーサル
私たちは 3 人用のジュニア スイートを持っていました。大きな部屋と、スーパー シャワー付きの非常に大きなバスルームです。長い鏡のあるオープン ワードローブと、衣類のロープ付きの 2 つの小さなバルコニー。いくつかの言葉で、私たちが必要としていたすべて。レセプションからルームサービス、朝食ルームまで、人はどこでもとても優しく、さらにビーチはホテルの前にあり、ビーチサービスは素晴らしく、エンターテイメント(通常は好きではありません)でした他のビーチからの人が参加するほど素敵でした。駅への無料シャトル。市内中心部と有名な「ロトンダスルマーレ」まで徒歩圏内ですが、夕方には混乱を避けるのに十分な距離です。私はそれを4-starsホテルと評価します。
ラファエロ ホテル
I went to the Spa at Hotel Raffaello after booking a muscle massage. The receptionists confirmed it two times and I communicated clearly that was the type of massage I booked. When I arrived to meet the masseuse Anna, she immediately told me that she doesn’t do that type of massage and that it is not her fault that it is offered on the spa menu. She said she only does massages her way. I found that weird but I decided to continue. After two minutes into the massage she said that I was tense and asked me if I want to stop because I probably don’t like her massage. I didn’t feel that tense but after she asked me again, I definitely started feeling tense. After about twenty minutes she asked me to turn around. I asked her if she could focus a little bit more on my shoulders. After I asked her that, she seemed offended and said that she does the massage her way and that the reason that I asked her that was because I didn’t like her massage. Then, she again said that I “ don’t like her massage “ and said that I don’t speak Italian well and that I don't understand her. ( which is not true I am Italian and speak the language fluently, it felt really insulting ) and because I didn’t like her from the start. It started to feel very aggressive and I felt like I became her therapist.. I told her that I would like to stop ( after about twenty minutes ) because the conversation made me uncomfortable and because I actually came for a massage but she continued to say that I don’t like her. I asked her to unlock the door so I could leave, which after a minute she did. When I went down to the receptionist and explained the situation and how uncomfortable I felt after, they said: well, we can’t do anything about it and charged me half the price. They ignored the fact that the masseuse insulted me and still decided to charge me, even though I left after twenty minutes. I have never had such a bad massage experience and I have had many massages, from sports massage to Ayurvedic as I travel a lot for work and frequently need massages. If you want a relaxing, quality experience I don't recommend this place.


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