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  • ホテルを検索



ビーチには割れた貝殻がたくさんありました。環境は悪くありません。サービスもとても良いです。専用アプリがあります。応答速度は非常に速いです。部屋は少し狭いです。設備はまあまあです。朝10時半にプーケットに戻りましたが、まだ潮が上がっていないので、まずは海水100メートルのボートに乗りました。ボートからスピードボートまでさらに 200 メートル運転するのは非常に興味深いです。
最安値JPY 23,045
ホテルはログビーチで最高です。しかし、子供連れの家族や足に問題がある人には絶対にお勧めしません。部屋への登りは非常に急で、場所によっては30〜40度です。または車を呼びます。部屋は清潔で広く、景色も美しいです。私たちは朝食をとりました - とてもボリュームがあり、美味しかったです。ホテルのレストランの値段が高いので、ロングビーチの反対側で昼食をとりました。ビーチは白い砂浜で良いです。ダイビングは賞賛を超えています、サメ、カメ、魚の群れ、そして素晴らしい組織です!私はスパのマッサージが好きではありませんでした。不快なほど痛くて、あざが残り、マッサージ後は背中が前より悪くなり、クランプがすべて所定の位置にあり、リラックスすることもエネルギーを高めることもできませんでした。 21時にビーチでのパフォーマンスが始まり、部屋では音楽が非常にうるさく迷惑です。そして騒音も聞こえました。モペットや車の騒音はとても大きかったです。部屋は清潔で、リネンとタオルは毎日交換されます。良いホテル。
最安値JPY 11,766
You can’t find a more spectacular location to stay. Our bungalow was number 505 and was on the beach front literally a stones throw to the water edge. The sand is white and water clear just as you see in the photos. Things to bear in mind. Cleanliness was not as good as expected. Under and around our bungalow there were things left behind by previous guests a lot of rubbish, slippers, towels which had been forgotten. The bathroom and shower was outdated and felt old and we didn’t dare use the outside shower as that whole area looked dirty and stained from the wildlife. I had to ask the cleaner one day for a cloth to clean the table outside on the balcony as it was stained from beverages used by guests before us. The breakfast area really was quite gross. I didn’t feel like i was eating in a clean atmosphere. Really basic things like the table cloth on the breakfast bar were stained and tatty. The bar being quite open to the outside had stains from the fauna which seemed to flow in and out at their leisure. Staff were attentive however you never saw anyone cleaning when they weren’t doing anything. Its a pity as it would make the atmosphere much more pleasant. We did encounter some problems with the verandah door not opening and it was resolved immediately. The hotel took full charge of collecting us from our previous hotel in phuket taking us to the ferry port and the boat trip to the island for 1500 baht per person also the trip from the resort by boat to the next hotel in Krabi also for 1700 baht per person. This service is a real benefit because otherwise you have to take several boats and taxis and avoid all the hassle! Also another thing which was fabulous and my highlight of my entire trip to Thailand was the private long boat tour to ko phi phi leh. Not for the visit to Maya beach (however it was included) but for the swimming in the lagoon and snorkeling experience. That was worth every baht! You pay for the boat up to 4 ppl and its 2080 baht for 4 hours. Highly recommended!
最安値JPY 14,607
Loh Dalum Bay ピピ島|中心部より1.34km
A fantastic little resort where every room is a detached chalet set in palms and green foliage. At night spot lights add to the magical feel of the place. The room is a little on the small side but the beds are very comfortable and the bathroom is modern. However... the walls are paper thin and although being detached, you cloud clearly hear the guests next door. The pool area was perfect. The relaxing atmosphere encouraged you to make the list of the swim up bar and the pool food service. The view out to sea was pretty spectacular too. The hotel is situated a few minutes walk from the main part of the island where you can eat and drink at so many places. Everything was idyllic until the clock struck 8pm! Then you are bombarded with the loudest club music you could ever imagine. This lasts every night until 2am. Why the island can't stop this, I haven't a clue but it certainly spoiled the holiday for us. We were so shocked in the first night, with the windows of our hut literally vibrating that we rebooked our original hotel back on the mainland as we just couldn't bear the noise. However the next day was our first full day at the resort. That was so relaxing and enjoyable, that we decided to bear with the loud music for the next two nights. The reception staff were not that cheerful which was a shame. And we had issues with the aircon and the fridge which was warm. This wasn't really fixed even though we asked and we were charged for ice too which again was a little rich! Would we go back? No. But it was a nice place to stay for a few days up until 8pm!
最安値JPY 20,098
We had an amazing visit! Would definitely return! You must realize that you are staying basically in the jungle. You don't need fancy clothes. You don't even need shoes. Getting there takes time and you need to plan ahead with flights and boat transfers. We were there during ”off” season, so this information could change during high season. (Check other reviews.) There was not any entertainment, which was perfect for us! We came to rest and relax and enjoy the beach. We read books, swam, walked, ate, exercised, slept. Best vacation ever. 1) When I go to a beach resort, the most important thing is THE BEACH. This beach is gorgeous, the sand is golden, the water is clear and beautiful. The swim area is very generous and cleared of large rocks. No trash or debris. You can also go outside the swim area and snorkel near the rocks that are in front of the neighboring resort. Lots of lounge chairs with a bean-bag type cushion and large umbrellas. If chairs are taken, they also have mats that lay on the ground but with a back cushion. They were very comfortable. 2) The other thing that makes or breaks a hotel stay is the comfort of the bed, and the room in general. The bed was perfect -- not too hard, not too soft. The rooms are individual teak wood buildings and have thatched roofs. The room has air conditioning. The beds have mosquito nets, but I didn't feel like we needed them during our stay. There is a beautiful breezeway porch with chairs and cushions, then an enclosed bathroom with toilet, sink & shower. There is a separate outdoor shower behind a wooden wall. Also an outdoor sink attached to a dressing table with chair and mirror plus outlet. If you have long hair that you usually dry, I would make plans NOT to do so. It is too hot and the hair dryer is not really for styling. (ours only had high setting and it made my hair look crazy) 3) Food/Dining - The resort had a large dining area where an amazing breakfast buffet spread was served daily. We were able to get lattes with several different types of milk (regular, almond, soy). There were western choices and traditional Thai choices. Fresh eggs to order. The other restaurant is on the beach. You can get lunch/snacks and dinner there (special occasions or rain would move to the breakfast area). For dinner there were delicious Thai choices. They also had western/American food, but we ate Thai at all meals except a hamburger & fries once for lunch. 4) Drinks/Alcohol - We're not big drinkers, but I felt they had an adequate range of alcohol to make a variety of drinks/cocktails. I don't usually like sugary drinks, but the ones they serve in the fresh coconut and the fresh pineapple were delicious. They also had a fair selection of wines. We don't drink beer, but they did offer it. 5) Spa/Gym - We had Thai massages that were wonderful. There's a workout room with some free weights and several machines (elliptical, treadmill, rower). Very nice. 6) - Pool - beautiful pool that
最安値JPY 27,667
トンサイベイ ピピ島|中心部より1.55km
3 泊しました。ホテルの場所はまあまあで、日の出の写真を撮るのに最適な場所です。毎日6時半に起きて撮影します。プールがとても綺麗で、少しずつ赤い太陽が出てくるのを眺めながら泳ぐのはとてもロマンチックです。部屋は広いです。サービスはまあまあでした。私たちが泊まった部屋は給水システムに非常に近く、設備は夜にとてもうるさかったです。朝食は平均的すぎて、価格に見合っていません。日の出を十分見たので、次回は宿泊を変更します。ホテルのバルコニーでもビーチでも、サルは必ずやって来ます。ホテルの正面にあるタイ式マッサージサービスはとても良いです。カヤックでモンキー島に行くこともできますが、子供も大人と同じように、サンゴ防止の靴、長袖ズボン、サングラス、帽子を着用する必要があります。そうしないと日焼けします。
最安値JPY 9,477
Loh Dalum Bay ピピ島|中心部より0.56km
このホテルは桟橋から歩いてすぐです。ダラムビーチのコ·ピ·ピの大声で聞こえる部分に近い場所にあります。スリンキーのバーに非常に近いです。Googleマップは、ほとんどの場合、uを取るでしょうが、最後の左折(ピック封入)を逃します。フロントで働く素敵な女の子は仕事が終わったが、素敵。チェックイン時間よりも早く入って、準備が整うまでプールで数時間過ごしました。部屋は到着前に割り当てられているので、運が良くなるかもしれません。フロントでプール/ビーチタオルが利用できます。一番安い部屋を選びました。あまり面しておらず、景色もありません。2階のプールを見下ろす部屋を選ぶことをお勧めします。部屋はかなり狭いですが、すべてに余裕があります。ミニ冷蔵庫、2本の無料のボトルの水、コーヒー紅茶、シャワーのアメニティ、リーズナブルな値段の軽食もあります。テレビはそこそこ。使っていないので、何が入っているのかわかりません。バルコニーに椅子2つと小さなテーブルがあります。お湯-チェック!プール - 私のお気に入りの場所。日光浴のための素晴らしい環境。食べ物や飲み物には長い幸せな時間があります。島自体はタイほど安くはありません。フィルター付きの種類でなければ、水はほぼ2倍かかります。島は小さく、少なくともあなたが☺️に到達するためにボートを必要としない部分です。それを知るための最善の方法は、歩き回ることです。果物や野菜、地元のスタンド、バー、レストランがある小さな市場があり、すべてが徒歩圏内です。チェックイン時に1000バーツのデポジットがあります。部屋でWiFiがうまくいかない。質問をして楽しむことを自由に感じてください🏖️
最安値JPY 6,318
Loh Dalum Bay ピピ島|中心部より0.56km
最安値JPY 16,579
The room was big but full of mosquitos and one of the day I left my swimmers drying and when I went to collect there was a cockroach in the bathroom. Everyday I had to go to the reception after the housekeeper because she would forget to leave water, beach towels or refill the shower gel. They leave the towels in the grass very early in the morning and it just seats there waiting until the housekeeper can go in, I believe that what’s caused itches in our body. Breakfast wasn’t really thinking of people that come from other cultures so definitely suggest people to book without breakfast and just go down to town to eat. Water park was not as expected, most of the slides are dangerous and the water inside the swimming pool is dirty I was afraid to catch something if I went inside. Shuffle bus is really helpful and the drivers are very friendly however the hotel keeps letting other people go inside the bus and then instead of having a nice ride which was included on the price of the hotel so we paid for it we felt like they were doing favour for us to be in the bus because there was no space.
最安値JPY 6,191
トンサイベイ ピピ島|中心部より0.65km
We stayed here for 4 nights. The hotel staff were all amazing and very helpful. They collected us from the pier with our bags and carried them directly to the room, and the same leaving the island. The hotel is all individual tree top cabins. This can be a hike/long walk up a hill to the room depending on which one you stay in. The hotel is located on the beach with a private beach which is lovely. You can walk across the beach for 3 minutes to the main path around Phi Phi. 5 minute walk from the hotel to restaurants/shops. Taking 15 minutes to walk to the pier. Or you can get a tail boat taxi directly from the hotel beach to take you around the island or day trips. The hotel’s breakfast was 5/10. The average buffet style breakfast. The pool bar doesn’t exist when we were there and doesn’t look like it has been open in a long time. The rooms were cleaned everyday. I would not recommend the hotel for young children or people with reduced mobility.
最安値JPY 5,491



トンサイベイ ピピ島|中心部より0.91km
Absolutely fantastic location, 2 minutes from the harbour and central to everything. Pool was brilliant right next to the pristine beach. Clean rooms, very attentive staff. Simply can’t fault this hotel. Will return in September. Thankyou
最安値JPY 15,116
最安値JPY 6,169
トンサイベイ ピピ島|中心部より0.65km
最安値JPY 7,314
トンサイベイ ピピ島|中心部より0.49km
We booked our trip a while ago and the reviews seemed great. The closer our trip got the reviews seemed to worsen. But we were unable to change/cancel due to the rate we booked. On arrival we were welcomed by staff and given a cold bottle of water and cold flannel and handed a big list of do’s and don’ts whilst at the hotel. Including leaving your hotel key with reception when leaving the hotel meaning your AC didn’t work whilst out and about. Coming back to an extremely hot uncomfortable room. The hotel is right next to the mosque on the island and the tannoy goes of several times a day to announce prayer including around 5:30am. Very loud. But this can’t be helped, we should have thought about this whilst booking the hotel. Walls are paper thin. We were fortunate enough to between two friends so it was only our noise we could hear but I imagine if this was a stranger it would become annoying, to the point we could hear each others conversations through the walls. We paid for the swim up bungalow villas which apparently are the best rooms available at this hotel. They were filthy (see attached photos) and need of a deep clean and some serious TLC! Also whilst showering there is a terrible foist smell from the drains. And the water pressure is low, again could be down to location. The beds were like sleeping the floor they were that hard, but apparently these are how beds are in Thailand. But the beds have been excellent on the mainland at other stays. Unable to sleep. Little interaction with hotel staff other than check in but whilst writing this review a staff member walked past our room, and spat on the ground! The pool also is in need of some TLC and a full regrout. Be careful where you’re walking as some bits are sharp and appears to be full of grit/sand on the floor. The island itself is stunning but the hotel is lacking for the cost. This is a mid-range budget hotel for the island so would expect a much higher standard. Wouldn’t return to this hotel.
最安値JPY 6,106
Our staying here was perfect. The bungalow was very clean and comfortable. The AC worked great. The snorkeling was amazing in the 2 roped off areas. The one closest to the pool was better than the one further down. The food in restaurant was great and the buffet breakfast has amazing made to order omelets. The staff we super kind and helpfull. The arranged a long boat tour and the speed boat back to Tonsi harbour for us. Shout out to Bank who was super friendly, kind and helpfull! We would highly recommend this resort.
最安値JPY 12,127
Firstly the location, the hotel is directly on a beautiful ***** of beach with snorkelling opportunities literally metres into the water. The views of the islands etc are stunning and Ton Sai pier is a very short taxi boat (100B per person Vs the hotel 1,200B per trip) and is a vibrant and buzzing little pedestrian town. Unfortunately, the hotel doesn't live up to the environment. It has so much potential but just appears to be run down, neglected and uncared for. Everywhere you look there are endless maintenance jobs that need doing. Worth noting that there is nothing that directly impacts your stay but it just gives the impression of not caring. Broken fences, fascia boards hanging off, every wall or wooden structure needs repainting, what looks like a construction site on one side and a dumping ground on the other. Non-functioning fountains, overgrown gardens, and some villas that look condemned. There seems to be plenty of staff but they just seem to have no one managing them and they were continuously on their phones. I've seen reviews stating the staff were rude and my personal impression is that they are not but they don't speak English very well and this could be misconstrued as rude or not caring. There is a restaurant onsite and even though breakfast is included after day 2 we preferred to pay to eat at one of the neighbouring hotels. Goes without saying that we also ate every other meal at the other hotels. Interestingly even though breakfast is 7am to 10am they have a sign-up inferring that they really want you there between 8 and 9! Would I stay here again? Yes, but not in its current state, the rooms were generous sizes, tidy and everything worked and to its credit, the prices were reflective of the standard of the hotel.
最安値JPY 7,420
トンサイベイ ピピ島|中心部より0.5km
このリゾートは観光客をまとめて扱っていることがはっきりとわかりますが、残念ながらゲストと個人的な関係はありません。 客室 (ヴィラ) はとても素敵に整えられており、ゲストに十分なスペースを提供しています。バスルームも快適なデザインです。 残念ながらバスローブはなく、服を掛けるためのフックも十分ではありません。短期滞在の場合、濡れた服はなかなか乾きません。 場所は完璧です - ビーチのすぐそばにあり、歩道だけで区切られています。 朝食はビュッフェ形式で提供され、十分な選択肢があり、おいしいです。 残念ながら、滞在中にインターネットがダウンしてしまいましたが、リゾートの担当者はゲストを助ける理由が何もないと考えていました。フロントデスクのスタッフは、一部のゲストがこのことで問題を抱えていることを気にもしませんでした。たとえば、私たちは往路の航空券とホテルを予約しなければなりませんでした。 たとえば、従業員は、宿泊客がインターネットを使用できる他のホテルやレストランに問い合わせることもできたでしょう。 代わりに、ゲストは自分でインターネット接続を見つける必要がありました。その後、私たちはマクドナルドで 2 時間座って、重要なことはすべて行うことができました。 非常に悪いサービスです!
最安値JPY 11,491
Loh Dalum Bay ピピ島|中心部より0.28km
The room was nice, we were a family of five with kids. Spacious room, great view, adequate bathroom. The place itself felt a bit run down and the steps would put a lot of people off staying here. Everything went well, we were no bother to the hotel, didn’t ask for our room cleaned, didn’t complain, were quiet and respectful etc etc. so when we came to check out we were so shocked to find that we were being fined for going over by 20 mins. We know that rules are rules but we also know that there is discretion and common sense. We just cannot understand why a run down hotel like this, that needs all the help it can get is actively letting relatively happy guests go on a bad note!!! A 200baht fine on check out leads to only one thing - a negative review.
最安値JPY 3,053
素晴らしいホテル。すべてのパーティー、騒々しいバー、その他の娯楽施設から離れた場所にあります。このホテルは別のタイプです - 完全なリラクゼーションとプライバシーです。美しい海の見えるバンガロー (山のはるか上にありますが、景色は本当に価値があります) と、波の音があなたを眠らせ、波があなたの家への階段を愛撫するときのビーチの完全に異なるバンガロー。数日間の孤独に最適なオプションです。二度目にそこにいて、間違いなくまた来るでしょう。
最安値JPY 8,480
Loh Dalum Bay ピピ島|中心部より0.59km
最安値JPY 5,703



Loh Dalum Bay ピピ島|中心部より0.78km
1月23日:正直に言うと、このプロパティの4/5スターレビューを理解していません。それらのほとんどは、プールからの美しい景色にそれを帰しています。私は同意します、プールは素晴らしいですが、IGに写真をアップロードする必要がある場合にのみ。それ以外は、いくつかの難しい事実をお伝えしましょう。 1. 部屋の質- これらは私が今まで行った中で最も小さくて暗い部屋です。何世紀にもわたる古い家具で、いつでも壊れてしまうような気分です。 2.非機能 AC - 文字通り45分かかるAC 耐えられる温度まで部屋を取得します。 3. アクセスできない場所 - プロパティは文字通り島で 2 番目に最後のプロパティであり、すべての店舗、レストラン、バーから離れています。トンサイ市場に行くには少なくとも15分歩く必要があります。少なくとも4-5 1日。 4.貧弱なサービス-スタッフは私たちが持っていたどんな要求にも非常に失礼で思いやりがありません。荷物カートも新鮮なリネンもなく、リクエストにもまったく応えません。物件を出る間、荷物を桟橋にドラッグしなければなりませんでした。 5.高すぎる価格-プールの景色は素晴らしかったことを認めます。これはほとんどの人が4/5星を評価している理由ですが、一晩の滞在に125米ドルを支払ったことを考えると、トンサイビーチではるかに良い宿泊施設を得ることができます。家具そして施設。ピフィ島自体は素晴らしいもので、IGが好きな場所を得るのにはるかに良い場所があります。賢明に選択してください。
最安値JPY 6,381
Loh Dalum Bay ピピ島|中心部より0.09km
บรรยากาศดีมาก วิวสวย มี พนักงานไปรับเรามาจากท่าเรือ พนักงานต้อนรับ ให้ความช่วยเหลือทุกอย่างที่ชั้นต้องการ ยิ้มแย้ม แจ่มใส ราคา ถูก กับ 999 บาทที่ฉันจองมา เราสามารถ จองตั๋วเรือโดยสาร และ ทัวร์ท่องเที่ยวได้ที่นี่
最安値JPY 2,056
トンサイベイ ピピ島|中心部より1.49km
最安値JPY 4,219
トンサイベイ ピピ島|中心部より0.71km
My hotel room was basic but very clean, had great AC, and a great view (rooftops and partial view of cliffs). Location is great in that it is very central (if that is what you are looking for, it was great for me). My hotel room was quiet, I had no issues with noise. The staff is amazing, very kind and helpful, helped me book a snorkeling tour run by a local company and a ferry. Thanks for everything!!
最安値JPY 7,950
トンサイベイ ピピ島|中心部より1.22km
最安値JPY 3,032
トンサイベイ ピピ島|中心部より0.53km
最安値JPY 6,530
トンサイベイ ピピ島|中心部より0.53km
最安値JPY 6,085
最安値JPY 6,954
トンサイベイ ピピ島|中心部より1.04km
We were greeted warmly at the reception & got a beautiful pool facing Room with the backdrop of the Sea. The pier is barely 5mins walk and the Hotel had sent a cart with the man holding our placard. The Room was spacious for 3 Pax & was totally comfortable. The location of this Hotel is prime and the food joints & market streets are all walking distance. The breakfast spread is good enough to start your day with… Relax in the pool or just across the pier to take a private tour in the Long Tail Boats. This a must do if you are staying in this Island. You will be surprised to watch the fire shows, music & dance at the beach Parties. This Island has some lovely restaurants with delicious local cuisine and a wide spread platter for Sea Food lovers. Chill with the “Chang Beer” and interesting Cocktails. We stayed for 3 nights and had a memorable time….Our room commanded a picturesque view!! We will definitely be back here. Only improvement required to be done by the Hotel Management is to renovate the bathrooms & fittings as these are dated.
最安値JPY 9,053
Loh Dalum Bay ピピ島|中心部より0.6km
the rooms are not clean and everything is old. it hasn't sleeper , shampoo, the sheets are not clean , there is no enough lamp and electrical supply for drying your hair. the rooms have mosquitoes and other insects. the benches beside the pool is very dirty .
最安値JPY 3,329



An absolute gem on Koh Phi Phi. For a 3 star hotel it had all the amenities we wanted as a couple (and what looked like several other happy couples) more with some of the most attentive staff who made our stay a joy. While undergoing some small renovations during our stay we barely noticed thanks to the staff's efforts to keep everything out of our way and pleasant. We never left for food as lunch and dinner were always excellent and quick.
最安値JPY 22,049
Loh Dalum Bay ピピ島|中心部より1.36km
The location is very far from the center, the hotel is old. It is not possible to open windows as there are monkeys on the balcony all the time. Very not recommended
最安値JPY 5,088
トンサイベイ ピピ島|中心部より0.63km
I booked 2 rooms on Saturday night 3 days before we left on the slower ferry from Phuket Rassada pier £10 each return. The rooms were nearly £70 each but there is a distinct difference in 4/5 star and 3 star on this island price wise. I opted for this 3 star as the higher ratings were too expensive or in the North of the Island. This hotel is slap bang in the middle and it’s perfect for going straight out into the narrow streets to mooch around. It’s was quiet in the evening , you get a free welcome drink and our room had air con and yes the beds are hard but I like it with a bad back. I fixed a light that was hanging down from the ceiling as I am a sparky , the water in the sink takes it time to drain but is fine. Rooms were clean , Shower was nice and hot. Breakfast buffet was lovely with no complaints about the food. The 2nd room the air con wasn’t working but they fixed it whilst we were out. The next morning we went on a boat trip to Maya beach 2000 baht booked and paid at hotel , guy came and picked us up to escort us to his long tail boat. Overall considering I booked it very late for £67 a room it was good. If you book further in advance it’s cheaper. The pool isn’t that big but it’s fine , use the beaches instead. Only 6 sun loungers but use the beaches that is the whole point in going to Phi Phi. They looked after our bags after we checked out to go on the trip , the lady behind the desk was so friendly. My tip if you have a problem is not to overreact , I was travelling with 2 Thais and they showed me this , be nice ti the Thai staff as they will be nice back to you. I would recommend staying at this hotel for 1/2/3 nights as the location is so perfect in the middle of the island. 5 minutes from pier. Beaches are just as close to walk to. Restaurants and bars are right outside the hotel 1 minute away. We had a really good time and were treated well , they send a person to greet you at the pier and to walk you to the hotel. Just look for the sign with the hotel name on it and a person holding it. Thanks PP Palmtree it was a pleasant stay.
最安値JPY 7,590
トンサイベイ ピピ島|中心部より0.6km
場所は大丈夫だった、確かに悪くなかったが、私の部屋は素晴らしかった。清潔で、大きく、素晴らしいベッド。必要なものすべて、それ以上。 いつも旅行のトップ選択に行きます。彼らは私を間違えたとは思いません。😊 1つだけの番号を尋ねると、5になります
最安値JPY 5,237
最安値JPY 9,774
トンサイベイ ピピ島|中心部より0.53km
最安値JPY 4,982
トンサイベイ ピピ島|中心部より1.35km
We were a party of 7 with a total of 3 bungalows. Upon arrival we were greeted on the pier with someone to take us over on a long boat to the resort and help us with our bags. The service continues with amazing service throughout our 4 day stay. The restaurant was perfect for every meal. We arranged a private long boat snorkel tour thru the resort. The private beach is peaceful and the water stunning. After staying in 4 different locations in Thailand we all agreed that Paradise Pearl was our favorite. Additionally, one of our party needed medical attention on the first day due to stepping on a sea urchin and the staff was instrumental in helping get her to a clinic for treatment and then waiting at the pier to transport back. I would highly recommend the Paradise Pearl for anyone’s stay.
最安値JPY 6,784
Loh Dalum Bay ピピ島|中心部より0.52km
ppパーティーをするために、私たちは予備の部屋も予約もせずにそこに来ました。レセプションもプールであきらめ、ホテルのプールで楽しんでから午後5時にシャットダウンします ホテルの部屋はかなり良いですが、深夜1時から2時までビーチバーから騒音が発生します シャワーの低圧は良くありません 朝食ポイントでのコーヒーモーニングは悪いです 私たちは持っていますコーヒーマシンには1杯あたり50バーツの追加料金を支払います。無料でくれたらいいですね。朝食付きの部屋代を高い値段で払ったので
最安値JPY 8,883
We enjoyed our three-night stay at the hotel due to its commanding view of the area, isolation from the main town and arranging private long-tail boats tours. The hotel itself is located a short complimentary (check-in and checkout only) long-tail boat ride away from Ao Ton Sai Pier, which we had to wait a few minutes for after arriving by ferry. Once at the hotel, the staff greeted us and walked us up the several flights of stairs. Luggage is transported up to the hotel on a rail mounted cart. Our two bungalows (Bungalow West Seaview and Grand Seaview) had nice views of the Andaman Sea with lots of windows. The bungalows themselves were rather basic and would align with mid-range to slightly budget hotels. Our room was comfortable, including the bed, with all the features we needed and we enjoyed the bungalow feel with all its windows. I would have a preferred a nicer bathroom, due to the bungalows having a wet shower. The air conditioning was also a little noisy. Overall, I likely would pick the bungalow over a similarly appointed hotel with full bathroom. During our two full days, we hired a private long tail boat for 1,500-2,600 bhat/day (through the hotel). We enjoyed this option as we got to specify our schedule and got to Maya Bay before the tour groups. We also enjoyed snorkeling during our day tour. After the second day tour, I went snorkeling in front of the hotel by Shark Point. On our last morning, I asked the hotel about hiring a long-tail boat to take us to Shark Point and was quoted a 1,500 bhat, which felt really expensive considering it was a few hundred meters from the dock. I tried swimming out to Shark Point again, but the current/tide was too strong at times without flippers. You also need to be careful to avoid stepping on sea urchins. Overall, we would recommend the tours. The hotel itself is situated a 30 minute or so walk from the town center. However, we always took the long-tail boat, which cost 100 bhat/person before dusk and 150 bhat/person after. The hotel was fairly quick about getting long-tail boats to take us into town. However, hiring the long-tail boat by the pier to take us back to hotel was normally slow, as they seemed to wait for other people before departing. On one trip back (after a long wait) the boat left closer to the end of dusk and we got high-centered for a little while, due to the low tide. Typically, we would go into town in the late afternoon for groceries, arrange ferries, etc. and come back to have dinner at hotel next door. During Omicron, the town center was fairly busy near the water front, but away from main street many businesses were closed. I expect they all are open now. I preferred the quieter area surrounding the hotel and would likely choose to stay away from town center even if it meant dealing with expensive long-tail boat trips to town.
最安値JPY 6,360
トンサイベイ ピピ島|中心部より0.72km
最安値JPY 5,703



ピピ島 リゾートホテルの最新口コミ情報

ピピ ナチュラル リゾート
Our staying here was perfect. The bungalow was very clean and comfortable. The AC worked great. The snorkeling was amazing in the 2 roped off areas. The one closest to the pool was better than the one further down. The food in restaurant was great and the buffet breakfast has amazing made to order omelets. The staff we super kind and helpfull. The arranged a long boat tour and the speed boat back to Tonsi harbour for us. Shout out to Bank who was super friendly, kind and helpfull! We would highly recommend this resort.
最安値JPY 12,127
ピピ パームツリー リゾート
I booked 2 rooms on Saturday night 3 days before we left on the slower ferry from Phuket Rassada pier £10 each return. The rooms were nearly £70 each but there is a distinct difference in 4/5 star and 3 star on this island price wise. I opted for this 3 star as the higher ratings were too expensive or in the North of the Island. This hotel is slap bang in the middle and it’s perfect for going straight out into the narrow streets to mooch around. It’s was quiet in the evening , you get a free welcome drink and our room had air con and yes the beds are hard but I like it with a bad back. I fixed a light that was hanging down from the ceiling as I am a sparky , the water in the sink takes it time to drain but is fine. Rooms were clean , Shower was nice and hot. Breakfast buffet was lovely with no complaints about the food. The 2nd room the air con wasn’t working but they fixed it whilst we were out. The next morning we went on a boat trip to Maya beach 2000 baht booked and paid at hotel , guy came and picked us up to escort us to his long tail boat. Overall considering I booked it very late for £67 a room it was good. If you book further in advance it’s cheaper. The pool isn’t that big but it’s fine , use the beaches instead. Only 6 sun loungers but use the beaches that is the whole point in going to Phi Phi. They looked after our bags after we checked out to go on the trip , the lady behind the desk was so friendly. My tip if you have a problem is not to overreact , I was travelling with 2 Thais and they showed me this , be nice ti the Thai staff as they will be nice back to you. I would recommend staying at this hotel for 1/2/3 nights as the location is so perfect in the middle of the island. 5 minutes from pier. Beaches are just as close to walk to. Restaurants and bars are right outside the hotel 1 minute away. We had a really good time and were treated well , they send a person to greet you at the pier and to walk you to the hotel. Just look for the sign with the hotel name on it and a person holding it. Thanks PP Palmtree it was a pleasant stay.
最安値JPY 7,590
このリゾートは観光客をまとめて扱っていることがはっきりとわかりますが、残念ながらゲストと個人的な関係はありません。 客室 (ヴィラ) はとても素敵に整えられており、ゲストに十分なスペースを提供しています。バスルームも快適なデザインです。 残念ながらバスローブはなく、服を掛けるためのフックも十分ではありません。短期滞在の場合、濡れた服はなかなか乾きません。 場所は完璧です - ビーチのすぐそばにあり、歩道だけで区切られています。 朝食はビュッフェ形式で提供され、十分な選択肢があり、おいしいです。 残念ながら、滞在中にインターネットがダウンしてしまいましたが、リゾートの担当者はゲストを助ける理由が何もないと考えていました。フロントデスクのスタッフは、一部のゲストがこのことで問題を抱えていることを気にもしませんでした。たとえば、私たちは往路の航空券とホテルを予約しなければなりませんでした。 たとえば、従業員は、宿泊客がインターネットを使用できる他のホテルやレストランに問い合わせることもできたでしょう。 代わりに、ゲストは自分でインターネット接続を見つける必要がありました。その後、私たちはマクドナルドで 2 時間座って、重要なことはすべて行うことができました。 非常に悪いサービスです!
最安値JPY 11,491
ジボラ リゾート
We had an amazing visit! Would definitely return! You must realize that you are staying basically in the jungle. You don't need fancy clothes. You don't even need shoes. Getting there takes time and you need to plan ahead with flights and boat transfers. We were there during ”off” season, so this information could change during high season. (Check other reviews.) There was not any entertainment, which was perfect for us! We came to rest and relax and enjoy the beach. We read books, swam, walked, ate, exercised, slept. Best vacation ever. 1) When I go to a beach resort, the most important thing is THE BEACH. This beach is gorgeous, the sand is golden, the water is clear and beautiful. The swim area is very generous and cleared of large rocks. No trash or debris. You can also go outside the swim area and snorkel near the rocks that are in front of the neighboring resort. Lots of lounge chairs with a bean-bag type cushion and large umbrellas. If chairs are taken, they also have mats that lay on the ground but with a back cushion. They were very comfortable. 2) The other thing that makes or breaks a hotel stay is the comfort of the bed, and the room in general. The bed was perfect -- not too hard, not too soft. The rooms are individual teak wood buildings and have thatched roofs. The room has air conditioning. The beds have mosquito nets, but I didn't feel like we needed them during our stay. There is a beautiful breezeway porch with chairs and cushions, then an enclosed bathroom with toilet, sink & shower. There is a separate outdoor shower behind a wooden wall. Also an outdoor sink attached to a dressing table with chair and mirror plus outlet. If you have long hair that you usually dry, I would make plans NOT to do so. It is too hot and the hair dryer is not really for styling. (ours only had high setting and it made my hair look crazy) 3) Food/Dining - The resort had a large dining area where an amazing breakfast buffet spread was served daily. We were able to get lattes with several different types of milk (regular, almond, soy). There were western choices and traditional Thai choices. Fresh eggs to order. The other restaurant is on the beach. You can get lunch/snacks and dinner there (special occasions or rain would move to the breakfast area). For dinner there were delicious Thai choices. They also had western/American food, but we ate Thai at all meals except a hamburger & fries once for lunch. 4) Drinks/Alcohol - We're not big drinkers, but I felt they had an adequate range of alcohol to make a variety of drinks/cocktails. I don't usually like sugary drinks, but the ones they serve in the fresh coconut and the fresh pineapple were delicious. They also had a fair selection of wines. We don't drink beer, but they did offer it. 5) Spa/Gym - We had Thai massages that were wonderful. There's a workout room with some free weights and several machines (elliptical, treadmill, rower). Very nice. 6) - Pool - beautiful pool that
最安値JPY 27,667
ココ ベッラ リゾート
Loh Dalum Bay
悪いホテル、場所は店やレストランの中心部に近いようですが、事実は悪い場所です。非常に美しいクリアレセプションを通過すると、彼らはあなたがホテルに入るとすぐに外出する必要があるとあなたに言った、彼は非常に保存されていません、我は完了し、クリアには多くの欠陥があり、彼はホテルよりもホテルのように見えます。もっと予約されているはずのバンガローでは、他のバンガローの音を聞き、あなたが見るすべての場所に灰と壊れたものがあります。部屋にはエアコンdがありますが、pqがないようです。機能しません。16⁰ Cを置きました。ファンのように見えます。ホテルに2時間滞在します。これらの障害をすべてチェックすることをお勧めします。最後に、私たちはチェックを行わなければなりません。そして、私たちは使用できない他の日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常日常受付係は、彼らがどんな種類の列を行っていないと私たちに言った。この種のホテルは、この地域を知らない観光客をだまし、実際の価値の1%のホテルにかなりの価値を払っているだけであり、私たちはだまされていると感じています。
最安値JPY 6,424
PP チャーリー ビーチ リゾート
Loh Dalum Bay
最安値JPY 5,703
ピピ ザ ビーチ リゾート
ホテルはログビーチで最高です。しかし、子供連れの家族や足に問題がある人には絶対にお勧めしません。部屋への登りは非常に急で、場所によっては30〜40度です。または車を呼びます。部屋は清潔で広く、景色も美しいです。私たちは朝食をとりました - とてもボリュームがあり、美味しかったです。ホテルのレストランの値段が高いので、ロングビーチの反対側で昼食をとりました。ビーチは白い砂浜で良いです。ダイビングは賞賛を超えています、サメ、カメ、魚の群れ、そして素晴らしい組織です!私はスパのマッサージが好きではありませんでした。不快なほど痛くて、あざが残り、マッサージ後は背中が前より悪くなり、クランプがすべて所定の位置にあり、リラックスすることもエネルギーを高めることもできませんでした。 21時にビーチでのパフォーマンスが始まり、部屋では音楽が非常にうるさく迷惑です。そして騒音も聞こえました。モペットや車の騒音はとても大きかったです。部屋は清潔で、リネンとタオルは毎日交換されます。良いホテル。
最安値JPY 11,766
チャオコー ピー ピー ホテル & リゾート
最安値JPY 7,314
ピー ピー プー シャレー リゾート
An absolute gem on Koh Phi Phi. For a 3 star hotel it had all the amenities we wanted as a couple (and what looked like several other happy couples) more with some of the most attentive staff who made our stay a joy. While undergoing some small renovations during our stay we barely noticed thanks to the staff's efforts to keep everything out of our way and pleasant. We never left for food as lunch and dinner were always excellent and quick.
最安値JPY 22,049
サイ ピピ アイランド ビレッジ
ビーチには割れた貝殻がたくさんありました。環境は悪くありません。サービスもとても良いです。専用アプリがあります。応答速度は非常に速いです。部屋は少し狭いです。設備はまあまあです。朝10時半にプーケットに戻りましたが、まだ潮が上がっていないので、まずは海水100メートルのボートに乗りました。ボートからスピードボートまでさらに 200 メートル運転するのは非常に興味深いです。
最安値JPY 23,045
ピピ コージー シー フロント リゾート
Loh Dalum Bay
最安値JPY 2,968
ピピ アニータ リゾート
Loh Dalum Bay
このホテルは桟橋から歩いてすぐです。ダラムビーチのコ·ピ·ピの大声で聞こえる部分に近い場所にあります。スリンキーのバーに非常に近いです。Googleマップは、ほとんどの場合、uを取るでしょうが、最後の左折(ピック封入)を逃します。フロントで働く素敵な女の子は仕事が終わったが、素敵。チェックイン時間よりも早く入って、準備が整うまでプールで数時間過ごしました。部屋は到着前に割り当てられているので、運が良くなるかもしれません。フロントでプール/ビーチタオルが利用できます。一番安い部屋を選びました。あまり面しておらず、景色もありません。2階のプールを見下ろす部屋を選ぶことをお勧めします。部屋はかなり狭いですが、すべてに余裕があります。ミニ冷蔵庫、2本の無料のボトルの水、コーヒー紅茶、シャワーのアメニティ、リーズナブルな値段の軽食もあります。テレビはそこそこ。使っていないので、何が入っているのかわかりません。バルコニーに椅子2つと小さなテーブルがあります。お湯-チェック!プール - 私のお気に入りの場所。日光浴のための素晴らしい環境。食べ物や飲み物には長い幸せな時間があります。島自体はタイほど安くはありません。フィルター付きの種類でなければ、水はほぼ2倍かかります。島は小さく、少なくともあなたが☺️に到達するためにボートを必要としない部分です。それを知るための最善の方法は、歩き回ることです。果物や野菜、地元のスタンド、バー、レストランがある小さな市場があり、すべてが徒歩圏内です。チェックイン時に1000バーツのデポジットがあります。部屋でWiFiがうまくいかない。質問をして楽しむことを自由に感じてください🏖️
最安値JPY 6,318
Loh Dalum Bay
A fantastic little resort where every room is a detached chalet set in palms and green foliage. At night spot lights add to the magical feel of the place. The room is a little on the small side but the beds are very comfortable and the bathroom is modern. However... the walls are paper thin and although being detached, you cloud clearly hear the guests next door. The pool area was perfect. The relaxing atmosphere encouraged you to make the list of the swim up bar and the pool food service. The view out to sea was pretty spectacular too. The hotel is situated a few minutes walk from the main part of the island where you can eat and drink at so many places. Everything was idyllic until the clock struck 8pm! Then you are bombarded with the loudest club music you could ever imagine. This lasts every night until 2am. Why the island can't stop this, I haven't a clue but it certainly spoiled the holiday for us. We were so shocked in the first night, with the windows of our hut literally vibrating that we rebooked our original hotel back on the mainland as we just couldn't bear the noise. However the next day was our first full day at the resort. That was so relaxing and enjoyable, that we decided to bear with the loud music for the next two nights. The reception staff were not that cheerful which was a shame. And we had issues with the aircon and the fridge which was warm. This wasn't really fixed even though we asked and we were charged for ice too which again was a little rich! Would we go back? No. But it was a nice place to stay for a few days up until 8pm!
最安値JPY 20,098
ピピ クリフ ビーチ リゾート
3 泊しました。ホテルの場所はまあまあで、日の出の写真を撮るのに最適な場所です。毎日6時半に起きて撮影します。プールがとても綺麗で、少しずつ赤い太陽が出てくるのを眺めながら泳ぐのはとてもロマンチックです。部屋は広いです。サービスはまあまあでした。私たちが泊まった部屋は給水システムに非常に近く、設備は夜にとてもうるさかったです。朝食は平均的すぎて、価格に見合っていません。日の出を十分見たので、次回は宿泊を変更します。ホテルのバルコニーでもビーチでも、サルは必ずやって来ます。ホテルの正面にあるタイ式マッサージサービスはとても良いです。カヤックでモンキー島に行くこともできますが、子供も大人と同じように、サンゴ防止の靴、長袖ズボン、サングラス、帽子を着用する必要があります。そうしないと日焼けします。
最安値JPY 9,477
P. P. エラワンパームスリゾート
最安値JPY 9,774
You can’t find a more spectacular location to stay. Our bungalow was number 505 and was on the beach front literally a stones throw to the water edge. The sand is white and water clear just as you see in the photos. Things to bear in mind. Cleanliness was not as good as expected. Under and around our bungalow there were things left behind by previous guests a lot of rubbish, slippers, towels which had been forgotten. The bathroom and shower was outdated and felt old and we didn’t dare use the outside shower as that whole area looked dirty and stained from the wildlife. I had to ask the cleaner one day for a cloth to clean the table outside on the balcony as it was stained from beverages used by guests before us. The breakfast area really was quite gross. I didn’t feel like i was eating in a clean atmosphere. Really basic things like the table cloth on the breakfast bar were stained and tatty. The bar being quite open to the outside had stains from the fauna which seemed to flow in and out at their leisure. Staff were attentive however you never saw anyone cleaning when they weren’t doing anything. Its a pity as it would make the atmosphere much more pleasant. We did encounter some problems with the verandah door not opening and it was resolved immediately. The hotel took full charge of collecting us from our previous hotel in phuket taking us to the ferry port and the boat trip to the island for 1500 baht per person also the trip from the resort by boat to the next hotel in Krabi also for 1700 baht per person. This service is a real benefit because otherwise you have to take several boats and taxis and avoid all the hassle! Also another thing which was fabulous and my highlight of my entire trip to Thailand was the private long boat tour to ko phi phi leh. Not for the visit to Maya beach (however it was included) but for the swimming in the lagoon and snorkeling experience. That was worth every baht! You pay for the boat up to 4 ppl and its 2080 baht for 4 hours. Highly recommended!
最安値JPY 14,607