Farský kostol Kráľovnej rodiny周辺のホテルをお探しですか?実際の旅行者の口コミをホテル選びに役立てましょう。


Farský kostol Kráľovnej rodiny周辺の人気ホテルをチェック




Farský kostol Kráľovnej rodiny周辺のホテルをお探しですか?宿泊料金や口コミを比較して、ぴったりの宿泊先を見つけましょう。
ウィルソン パレス
ガルニ ホテル マティサック
The hotel is friendly and welcoming and well priced. Rooms are spacious and comfortable and the whole hotel is spotlessly clean. We came for a long weekend in Bratislava and staff were helpful in choosing places to visit and advising on routes to get to destinations. The bar and restaurant are very good and the wine selection is excellent. It is a 20 minute walk to the old town but the hotel is near the bus station. There is a little road noise as the hotel is on a major route but it’s not intrusive and overall it’s a quiet place to stay. Very good.
クラリオン コングレス ホテル ブラチスラヴ
パティオ ホステル
Don’t be deceived by the photos! The only positive thing we can say about this hostel is the bar downstairs with the evening activities. The main entertainment man was lovely and very welcoming, whilst the other staff looked at us as if we had 10 heads most of the time. We were inter-railing and this was the worst hostel we had been in. Despite there being free washing use, which was great, the dryers were horrendous and left our clothes wet for ages, and boiling hot (untouchable) leaving our room almost as a laundrette. The hostel was at the end of an alley way, so didn’t feel particularly safe, as well as the doors to the room not being great(with force, you could probably barge the door down with body weight). The bedsheets were stained and bobbled and so were the pillows. The showers were small and gross, with hair bunged up around the plug hole. The beds also creaked like mad and the fan was something from the 90s which puffed out less than a breath of air! I would only recommend this hostel if you were desperate and in need of a central hostel in Bratislava- but wouldn’t recommend if you were looking for a safe, clean room!
Ficamos hospedados no quarto 606 de 27 a 28/11. O quarto é excelente mas ficamos surpresos com o péssimo atendimento da ”recepcionista” que nos atendeu por volta das 07:30 da manhã. Extremamente arrogante e debochada. Nos sentimos indesejáveis no ambiente. Sempre vamos a Europa e foi a primeira vez, em todas as cidades e países que já tivemos, que fomos mal atendidos dessa forma. Acho importante averiguar se isso acontece com outros hóspedes pois os apartamentos são excelentes, mas se precisasse voltar, não voltaria pra esse hotel e não indicarei para amigos que ainda isso a Bratislava. Ninguém merece esse tipo de tratamento.
ホテル タトラ
部屋は広くて清潔で、朝食はとても豊富です ホテルの向かいにはスーパーマーケットやファーストフード店があり、アトラクションからもそう遠くありません。 ホテルのスタッフはとてもフレンドリーです。スロバキア料理は、夕方には有料でレストランで提供され、夕方には10時まで提供されます。 非常に素晴らしい





トリップドットコムでは、ブラチスラヴァのホテルが178軒以上の情報を掲載し、高級ホテルや人気・格安ホテルなど情報が豊富です。ブラチスラヴァは数多くの有名ブランドホテルチェーンが集まっており,ビジネス出張や旅行にぴったり!ブラチスラヴァにはイビスのホテルチェーンが運営しており、このブランドを好む方は是非ご予約ください。きっとイビスが提供された高品質サービスを堪能いただきます。多くのお客様がブラチスラヴァへ旅行する際に、宿泊先をイビスホテルに指定しています。チューリップ ハウス ブティック ホテル ブラチスラヴァの中で、比較的に人気が高いホテルの一つです。なかなか宿泊先を決められないお客様に、ダブルツリー バイ ヒルトン ブラティスラバ をおすすめします。



•1月~3月: 昼4.16°C,夜0.41°C

•4月~6月: 昼18.27°C,夜12.53°C

•7月~9月: 昼22.5°C,夜16.7°C






