Hobby Lobby周辺のホテルをお探しですか?実際の旅行者の口コミをホテル選びに役立てましょう。


Hobby Lobby周辺の人気ホテルをチェック


コンフォート スイーツ フレズノ リバー パーク

コンフォート スイーツ フレズノ リバー パーク

フレズノ|Hobby Lobbyより0.58km
フェアフィールド バイ マリオット イン&スイーツ フレズノ リバーパーク

フェアフィールド バイ マリオット イン&スイーツ フレズノ リバーパーク

フレズノ|Hobby Lobbyより0.97km
This hotel has construction, and we were only told upon check-in to expect an 'inconvenience.' The noise beginning early in the morning on Monday, the second night of our stay, was absolutely unbearable, and ruined our morning on the day of preparation for a relatives funeral. Literally sounded like a jackhammer on the wall outside our room. They’re doing stonework. There's dust flying everywhere. There's loose plaster on the carpet in the elevators and the hallways. Construction workers come and go in the elevators alongside customers with all their equipment and mess and noise. There's an operating cherrypicker in the registration area of the parking lot with no safety cones. You walk out the East guest door on the first floor into a total hardhat situation with people doing stonework on ladders overhead, construction material blocking the exit, and the door is usually propped open all day. I politely told the front desk that we unfortunately needed to check out 2 days early due to the noise, and requested a late checkout to 3pm because we had appointments at the church, and funeral home, and hadn't planned to have to change hotels today. Note that I'm a platinum member, and didn't expect this to be an issue whatsoever given the unusual circumstances. I was denied, and asked for the manager, who promptly flatly denied my request with literally the rudest most uncaring expression and flat tone possible. I reinstated my request and attempted to explain my situation, and the manager admitted that the hotel was not booked (obviously because my room was already spoken for for 2 more nights), but still, she flatly denied me. She finally told me it was because the hotel could experience 'loss of revenue.' So I'm here to tell you that if revenue is more important than customer experience or showing compassion to a customer you placed in a difficult situation, I will no longer be staying at La Quinta. I'll certainly never step foot in this one again, in a town I visit every month. And I’ll be demanding a full refund from La Quinta Platinum Customer Service, let’s see where that gets me. I also recommend anyone else over the next few months seriously reconsider. I don't care about your loss of revenue. Close this place, finish it up, and reopen. With a new manager. There are several really nice hotels with similar rates in the immediate area.



Hobby Lobby周辺のホテルをお探しですか?宿泊料金や口コミを比較して、ぴったりの宿泊先を見つけましょう。
フェアフィールド バイ マリオット イン&スイーツ フレズノ リバーパーク
This hotel has construction, and we were only told upon check-in to expect an 'inconvenience.' The noise beginning early in the morning on Monday, the second night of our stay, was absolutely unbearable, and ruined our morning on the day of preparation for a relatives funeral. Literally sounded like a jackhammer on the wall outside our room. They’re doing stonework. There's dust flying everywhere. There's loose plaster on the carpet in the elevators and the hallways. Construction workers come and go in the elevators alongside customers with all their equipment and mess and noise. There's an operating cherrypicker in the registration area of the parking lot with no safety cones. You walk out the East guest door on the first floor into a total hardhat situation with people doing stonework on ladders overhead, construction material blocking the exit, and the door is usually propped open all day. I politely told the front desk that we unfortunately needed to check out 2 days early due to the noise, and requested a late checkout to 3pm because we had appointments at the church, and funeral home, and hadn't planned to have to change hotels today. Note that I'm a platinum member, and didn't expect this to be an issue whatsoever given the unusual circumstances. I was denied, and asked for the manager, who promptly flatly denied my request with literally the rudest most uncaring expression and flat tone possible. I reinstated my request and attempted to explain my situation, and the manager admitted that the hotel was not booked (obviously because my room was already spoken for for 2 more nights), but still, she flatly denied me. She finally told me it was because the hotel could experience 'loss of revenue.' So I'm here to tell you that if revenue is more important than customer experience or showing compassion to a customer you placed in a difficult situation, I will no longer be staying at La Quinta. I'll certainly never step foot in this one again, in a town I visit every month. And I’ll be demanding a full refund from La Quinta Platinum Customer Service, let’s see where that gets me. I also recommend anyone else over the next few months seriously reconsider. I don't care about your loss of revenue. Close this place, finish it up, and reopen. With a new manager. There are several really nice hotels with similar rates in the immediate area.
コートヤード バイ マリオット フレズノ
Sonesta ES Suites Fresno
サマーフィールド イン フレズノ ヨセミテ
カナダのフェアフィールド インに数回滞在しましたが、アメリカでは初めてでした。初めて部屋に入ったとき、非常に強い化学臭がして、まったく不快で圧倒的でした。4-day滞在中に窓をほぼ常に開いておくことで、消えてしまいました。もう1つの大きな問題は、光源が十分でないことです。部屋は特に夜はかなり暗かった。部屋の唯一のオーバーヘッドライトはドアの近くで、タイマーがオンでした。それで、私はそれをオンにするために15分ごとに立ち上がらなければなりませんでした。その下には読書灯と奇妙な物体があり、背中がなかったのでオットマンかもしれません。私は部屋の読書椅子が好きだったでしょう。代わりに、椅子として機能しない背中のないこの奇妙なオットマンのようなものがありました。たぶん、スーツケースを置く場所だったのかもしれません。私は知りません。隣人のテレビが部屋にいるときはいつも大声で聞こえたので、壁は非常に薄かった。さらに、私は本当に部屋の金庫が好きだったでしょう。プラス側では、ウォークインシャワーは素晴らしく、朝食はとても良かったです。チェックインしたトニーに叫び声を送ります。彼はとても優しくて親切でした。ホテルのすべての従業員が彼のようになれば幸いです。全体的に、このホテルは、特に部屋の臭いに関しては、混合バッグでした。町に戻ったら、別のホテルを試してみるかもしれません。


  • Trip.comでホテルを予約するにはどうすればよいですか?


  • Trip.comでホテルのお得情報を入手するにはどうすればよいですか?


  • Trip.comのどのページでホテルのお得情報を確認できますか?


  • ホテル料金を安くする方法を教えてください。


  • Trip.comに掲載されているホテル数は?


  • Trip.comでホテルの予約をキャンセルまたは変更できますか?


  • Trip.comカスタマーサポートに連絡する方法を教えてください。





フレズノを旅行する際に、約59軒おすすめホテルを選択することができます。フレズノは数多くの有名ブランドホテルチェーンが集まっており,ビジネス出張や旅行にぴったり!ラマダホテルは現地の人気ブランドホテルチェーンの一つです。ラマダを好むお客様は、その傘下のホテルを利用することができます。フレズノの人気ホテルに関して、ベスト ウェスタン プラス フレズノ イン の評価は最も高いホテルの中の一つです。もちろん、多くのお客様はベスト ウェスタン ビレッジ イン も予約されています。

上記の紹介したスポットと別に,エアウェイズ・ゴルフ・クラブ, セコイア国立公園も比較的に有名です。










