

デイズ イン & スイーツ バイ ウィンダム ヒューストン ホビー エアポート
Room is nice and clean. Good lighting for those who prefer a brighter room. Bed is on the soft side. They have waffle, bagel and muffin, eggs, fried rice and sausage for breakfast. There is a coffee machine too.
규모가 크고 좋은 호텔이었습니다. 실내수영장이 있어서 기대했는데, 수질이 별로 좋지 않아 보여서 사용은 안했습니다. 운동시설은 좋습니다.
ベストウェスタン プラス ホビー エアポート イン & スイーツ
ソネスタ ES スイーツ ヒューストン - NASA クリア レイク
トラベロッジ バイ ウィンダム ヒューストン ホビー エアポート
After we got our luggage at HOU, we called the hotel for a shuttle pickup and was told a shuttle would be on its way. We waited for about 25 minutes, but no shuttle came and there was no way of finding out status. We called again and the person that picked up said she would have to call the shuttle driver to find out, but that they were very busy, and she hung up on me. I thought it was odd to be busy after 11pm. We waited another 10 minutes and still no shuttle. We called a third time and the same person said she did not call the shuttle driver, but that he should be on his way, which was useless info. The shuttle finally came after another 10-15 minutes, and the driver was not particularly friendly, but I'm sure he had a long day so that's that. Arriving at the hotel, it was clear we needed to check in since we had all our luggage, but the front desk agent did not smile or greet me, and I had to approach closer to initiate the check in. He did not do any of the usual pleasantries like simply ask how my day or flight was. He did not ask any questions or offer to upgrade (since we're Titanium members) or anything, but just typed away and then told us our room number and gave us our card keys. He was so stoic and unpleasant I didn't bother to ask. As a side note, his personal appearance was not what I would expect of a front desk agent. He had a nose piercing bar, multiple ear and facial piercings, colored hair, disheveled attire, etc. I'm not a prude, but I would imagine a hotel as an establishment should have some guidelines for their staff, such as you would not expect staff to show up for work just wearing a bra or be smoking behind the counter. Within the room, with four people (and I believe this was noted on our reservation), we had the main bed, the sofa (not sofa bed), and a trundle bed. That's workable, but here's the problem: we only had one additional blanket and sheets other than what was on the bed, and no additional pillows. Two blankets and pillows (for two more people not on the bed) should have been provided already. When we went down to ask the front desk for another blanket, the answer was that there were no additional blankets. Are you kidding me? What we got were three additional sets of sheets, which we had to lay all out to have any semblance of the warmth of a blanket. Lastly, going down for the breakfast, the selection and quality of the food was lacking when compared to breakfasts at other Marriott properties of similar class. The attendants bringing out the food also didn't smile or look like they cared about their work. Again, maybe it was a tough weekend, or maybe all the customers were rough and they responded in kind, I don't know. Overall though, from before we arrived to when we left out the door, there isn't anything good I could say about our stay at all.









 ヒューストンで外せない観光スポットの1つが「スペースセンター・ヒューストン」、NASAのジョンソン宇宙センターの近くに位置するビジターセンターです。400を超える展示とアクティビティで宇宙やNASAに関する知識を深めることのできる大人気のスポットで、特に人気のアクティビティが「NASAトラムツアー」。ジョンソン宇宙センター内の敷地をトラムに乗りながら移動し巨大なVロケットや650ヘクタールの様々な紹介を聞くことができます。もう1つの人気スポットが「ヒューストン美術館」。62,000点以上の収蔵品、28,000㎡の展示面積というアメリカ最大級の美術館です。幅広い時代の収蔵品が展示されていますが、その中での見どころは20世紀初頭/後期の印象派の作品群。クロードモネの48点ある「睡蓮」のうちの1つや、日本でも人気の高いルノワールの作品「Girl Reading」などを鑑賞することが可能な、1日では周りきれない美術館です。


 ヒューストンで訪れたいレストランの1つが「Vic & Anthony's Steakhouse」。その名の通りステーキのレストランでお好みの肉を選んでお好みの火加減で調理してもらうことが可能です。魚のムニエルやシュリンプカクテルなどシーフードのメニューもあり、にぎやかにゴージャスな食事を楽しみたい方におすすめのレストランです。

 もう1つ、ヒューストン発祥の人気ドーナツ店を紹介します。その名も「Shipley Do-Nuts」。こちらのお店はヒューストンが発祥ですが今は全米に200もの店舗を持つ人気店。カラフルなチョコスプレーがかけられたドーナツやナッツののっているドーナツなど様々な味のドーナツがあり、値段もリーズナブルなため複数選ぶのも楽しいです。甘いドーナツはコーヒーにもよく合うため、旅の疲れをほっと一息癒したいときにもおすすめのドーナツ店です。
