Archaeological Museum of Kalymnos周辺のホテルをお探しですか?実際の旅行者の口コミをホテル選びに役立てましょう。


Archaeological Museum of Kalymnos周辺の人気ホテルをチェック


チャイチェート リゾート

チャイチェート リゾート

クロンプラオビーチ コ・チャーン|Archaeological Museum of Kalymnosより0.75km
私たちは早くチェックインすることができました。ヴィラガーデンルームは私たちにとって良かったです。庭と海の景色を望む別の部屋とデッキを共有しました。デッキには通常サイズのテーブルと椅子2台もあり、ラップトップの作業、訪問、ゲームのプレイに最適です。部屋はきれいで、大きなキングベッド(2つのダブルを一緒に押す)、柔らかい枕または硬い枕の選択があり、素敵でした。冷蔵庫、コーヒー、やかん、テレビ(タイ語)、水2本が提供されました。素敵なシャワー付きのバスルーム、短い壁でバスルームの残りの部分から分離されています。良いwifi。睡眠を邪魔する騒音に問題はありません。朝食ビュッフェは西洋とタイの選択で、すべて良かったです。彼らは毎日変化しました。また、卵ステーション、トースト用のパン、新鮮な果物、サラダも。私たちは彼らのプールが大好きでした。水の景色が良く、泳ぐのに十分な深さでしたが、立ち上がって訪れるのに十分な浅さでした。日陰と太陽の周りにラウンジチェアがあり、傘を持っている人もいました。小さな子供たちのための独立した小さなプールがあります。周囲の素敵な植生と近くのバスルーム。レストランはプールの隣にあるので、食べ物や飲み物を注文するのに便利です。クノンプラオビーチ沿いでは、時間が経つにつれて小さくなっています。自然はゆっくりと砂を運んでおり、数年前にそこに行き始めたので、ビーチに沿ってすべてのリゾートに影響を与える数メートルのビーチが消えました. Chai Chet には、ビーチに開く大きな日陰のエリアがあり、座るためのラウンジャーがあります.潮が引いたら、ラウンジャーを太陽愛好家のために砂の上に持ち込むことができます。私たちは日陰を楽しみ、景色を楽しみながらそれのための十分な部屋を持っていました。スタッフはとても親切でフレンドリーでした。私たちは過去に何度かそこに滞在し、将来再びそこに滞在します。
コッチャーン パラダイス リゾート & スパ

コッチャーン パラダイス リゾート & スパ

クロンプラオビーチ コ・チャーン|Archaeological Museum of Kalymnosより1.11km
We have stayed at Koh Chang Paradise Resort several times and have loved our visit every time except this last time. My in-laws came from the USA for their first ever visit to Thailand, so we chose the Koh Chang Paradise Resort with full confidence that they would enjoy their dream beach vacation with excellent “Thai hospitality.” The guest relations employee, Alex, who has worked at this resort for over 7 years handled our check-in process at the Koh Chang Paradise Resort. His behavior towards us is the reason why we will never stay here again. The resort double-booked the beachfront room we had reserved for my visiting in-laws, but they didn’t tell us that. Instead, Alex said they would upgrade my in-laws to a brand new beachfront room for the last three nights of our stay. These rooms were literally still under construction when we arrived. The room was not ready the morning of the move, so my in-laws told the front desk before breakfast that they would rather stay in the room they already were using. The front desk agreed, so my in-laws went to breakfast. After breakfast Alex found my in-laws and assured them that the new room would be ready by the supposed move time later that same day at noon, but my relatives have young children and were afraid that if something wasn’t constructed quite right or if there were any construction materials left by accident that someone would get hurt. Also, my in-laws were heading out shortly for an elephant experience, so they would not be present at the hotel at noon when the move was supposedly happening. My in-laws politely declined the move, but Alex escalated the situation by raising his voice and forcefully trying to intimidate my in-laws to acquiesce to his will. This is entirely inappropriate! No one should ever talk to a guest in this way, ever! My in-laws needed to leave for the excursion, so I stepped in and had to interact with Alex. I am disappointed with how Alex managed himself. We have rights as guests, and he raised his voice at me and tried to intimidate me into saying that my in-laws would move. He told us that the guests who were arriving always came every year and booked the same room that my in-laws were using. It’s not our fault that the room got double-booked. In fact, why did Alex even give us the room knowing that this double booking could be a problem? Completely the resort’s fault and not ours. I’m disappointed that Alex tried to blame his mistake on us. We as hotel guests who were given that room had just as much right to stay there as these incoming guests. Alex made us feel like we were insignificant and had no right to stay in the room in his attempt to intimidate us into moving so that the “VIP” guests could have the room. It was the resort’s fault, and Alex made us feel terrible with his forceful yelling. We felt belittled. As Alex was yelling at me and being extremely pushy, I could tell that the Thai staff who were watching the whole situation felt embarrassed about how



Archaeological Museum of Kalymnos周辺のホテルをお探しですか?宿泊料金や口コミを比較して、ぴったりの宿泊先を見つけましょう。
ココナッツ ビーチ リゾート コ チャン
ホチャンは木、山、滝に覆われた美しい島です。その西海岸には完璧なビーチがあります。そのうちの 1 つはココナッツ ビーチ リゾートです。この島にふさわしい規模と建築です。そこにあるいくつかの大きなホテルは、過大開発された都市にあるかもしれません。宿泊施設は、美しいスイミングプールとトロピカルガーデンに囲まれた、タイ風の 2 階建ての建物のクラスターにあります。ビーチには木があり、ぶら下がっているブランコと子宮の椅子があります。レストランはビーチの端にテーブルがあります。タイ料理は美味しいです - 赤いカレーのシーフード、あなたのテーブルで煮込んだ魚全体、エビのグリル - そして休日の治療を完了するためのカクテルがあります.サービスはフレンドリーで効率的です。
フローラ アイ タレイ
Об этом отеле есть разные отзывы, так как у них разные домики (бунгало). Общая инфраструктура и сервис хорошие - хорошие завтраки, бассейны, чистый пляж и удобное расположение отеля. Есть большая бесплатная парковка, ресторан со столиками у моря. Красиво оформлена территория. Но в самих бюджетных бунгало нет ничего хорошего (возможно как-то иначе в дорогих). Очень мало места, некуда расположить даже вещи. Всё очень старое, грязное включая простыни, сантехнику и другое. Стены на столько грязные что их нужно уже перекрашивать а не мыть. По углам внизу на дверях и стенах плесень. Даже в солнечный день вы будете использовать плотные шторы и включать свет из-за того что перед панорамными окнами ходят соседи. Пока не повесили табличку о необходимости уборки номера, его не убирали и даже мусор из номера не был выкинут за пару дней (про смену простыней и полотенец просто молчу). Места расположения домиков разные, наш домик был на крайней линии к дороге и был слышен шум машин, есть дома ближе к пляжу, тут как повезет (6 рядов домов). Справедливости ради - шум с дороги небольшой и нам спать не мешал, но для кого-то может это будет плохо. Из хорошего в домиках - всегда горячая вода, мало шума от соседей, кондиционер работал нормально, есть холодильник (чайника нет, фена нет). В целом на пару ночей можно остановиться, но это не будет райским отдыхом в бунгало.
コッチャーン パラダイス ヒル
The Paradise Hill is located on the western coast of Koh Chang, next to many other hotels and restaurants. As with all locations here, you need a car or a motorbike to get around. The staff are very friendly and helpful, whatever our request was. The rooms are very clean and spacious, and as far as I can tell, they all have a balcony big enough to sit on it comfortably. Breakfast was very good, a lot of Asian food, though. For me that's perfectly ok, but I know not all western tourists like that. But then again, you also have toast, eggs, sausages and corn flakes. Next to the hotel is a huge pool area, with sliders and stuff, a paradise for kids for sure. If I ever go visit Koh Chang again, I will definitely consider staying here again.
コッチャーン パラダイス リゾート & スパ
We have stayed at Koh Chang Paradise Resort several times and have loved our visit every time except this last time. My in-laws came from the USA for their first ever visit to Thailand, so we chose the Koh Chang Paradise Resort with full confidence that they would enjoy their dream beach vacation with excellent “Thai hospitality.” The guest relations employee, Alex, who has worked at this resort for over 7 years handled our check-in process at the Koh Chang Paradise Resort. His behavior towards us is the reason why we will never stay here again. The resort double-booked the beachfront room we had reserved for my visiting in-laws, but they didn’t tell us that. Instead, Alex said they would upgrade my in-laws to a brand new beachfront room for the last three nights of our stay. These rooms were literally still under construction when we arrived. The room was not ready the morning of the move, so my in-laws told the front desk before breakfast that they would rather stay in the room they already were using. The front desk agreed, so my in-laws went to breakfast. After breakfast Alex found my in-laws and assured them that the new room would be ready by the supposed move time later that same day at noon, but my relatives have young children and were afraid that if something wasn’t constructed quite right or if there were any construction materials left by accident that someone would get hurt. Also, my in-laws were heading out shortly for an elephant experience, so they would not be present at the hotel at noon when the move was supposedly happening. My in-laws politely declined the move, but Alex escalated the situation by raising his voice and forcefully trying to intimidate my in-laws to acquiesce to his will. This is entirely inappropriate! No one should ever talk to a guest in this way, ever! My in-laws needed to leave for the excursion, so I stepped in and had to interact with Alex. I am disappointed with how Alex managed himself. We have rights as guests, and he raised his voice at me and tried to intimidate me into saying that my in-laws would move. He told us that the guests who were arriving always came every year and booked the same room that my in-laws were using. It’s not our fault that the room got double-booked. In fact, why did Alex even give us the room knowing that this double booking could be a problem? Completely the resort’s fault and not ours. I’m disappointed that Alex tried to blame his mistake on us. We as hotel guests who were given that room had just as much right to stay there as these incoming guests. Alex made us feel like we were insignificant and had no right to stay in the room in his attempt to intimidate us into moving so that the “VIP” guests could have the room. It was the resort’s fault, and Alex made us feel terrible with his forceful yelling. We felt belittled. As Alex was yelling at me and being extremely pushy, I could tell that the Thai staff who were watching the whole situation felt embarrassed about how
バーントンラック ブティック リゾート
上司はオランダ人にとても気を配っています。上司はドイツ人をとても誇りに思っています。予約した部屋には早めの朝食が含まれていないため、ガーデンスタイルの小さな中庭は非常に特別ですが、周りには多くのスーパーマーケットやコンビニエンスストアがあります。部屋はとても広いです。洗面所は基本的に部屋と同じ大きさです。ホテルはパールビーチに位置し、ビーチへの道を直接渡っています。白砂のビーチと穴を投げるビーチの真ん中に、毎日小さなプールがあります。上司は水質をテストする必要があります。 I2の前にチェックしてください。車が到着しなかったとき、私は庭で待っていました。女将がスタッフと一緒に自分で部屋を掃除しているのを見ました。これは子供たちを庭で遊ぶのにとても適しています。





コ・チャーンへ旅する際に、ホテルが取れない心配はなく、なぜならコ・チャーンは228軒以上のホテル情報をトリップドットコムが提供しています。コ・チャーンはブランドホテルチェーンが多くないが、地元のローカライズされたホテルもよい選択肢になるでしょう。メルキュールは現地で宿泊する際に、必要よい選択肢になるでしょう。旅行の宿泊先をこだわるお客様は,コ・チャーンのメルキュールホテルをおすすします。コ・チャーンのカチャ リゾート&スパ コ チャーン は最も人気が高いホテルです。もちろん、多くのお客様はKC グランデ リゾート & スパ も予約されています。
