

ピピ クリフ ビーチ リゾート
Ibiza House & Rawianda Villas
素晴らしいロケーション徒歩2分、ビーチにはたくさんのバーがあり、音楽をロードしますが、クールな素晴らしい火のショーとプールパーティー 足を濡らす準備をするためにバーに来てください。 パーティーをしたいなら、リラックスしたいなら島の別の部分を選択してください ねえ、自転車を借りて小さなものに行って楽しんではいけません
ピピ ザ ビーチ リゾート
私たちが予約した最も安いスタンダードルームは最上階にあり、少し登る必要がありました。 設備:部屋はとても綺麗で設備もピピ島随一、エアコンの音が少しうるさいですがあまり影響はありません。 414号室からさらに上に2つの展望ポイントがあり、島全体を見渡せます。 環境: ホテルはロングビーチの丘の上に建っています。環境は美しいです。玄関先のビーチはとても美しいです。小さなサメダイビングスポットもあります。そこでカヤックをしたり、ボートをチャーターしたりすることができます。ホテルにはたくさんの猫がいますが、首輪をしているシャオヘイが一番しつこいので、ずっと撫でていました。 サービス : ホテルのスタッフはフレンドリーで熱心です。レストランには中国語をとても上手に話す従業員がいて、毎回挨拶をしてくれます。ホテルの食事は美味しいですが、値段が少し高いので、バイキングに行って食べると安くなります。 一言で言えば、とてもお勧めですので、次回もまた来ます(ホテルにはダイビングショップもあります)
HIP シービュー リゾート アット ピピ
We enjoyed our three-night stay at the hotel due to its commanding view of the area, isolation from the main town and arranging private long-tail boats tours. The hotel itself is located a short complimentary (check-in and checkout only) long-tail boat ride away from Ao Ton Sai Pier, which we had to wait a few minutes for after arriving by ferry. Once at the hotel, the staff greeted us and walked us up the several flights of stairs. Luggage is transported up to the hotel on a rail mounted cart. Our two bungalows (Bungalow West Seaview and Grand Seaview) had nice views of the Andaman Sea with lots of windows. The bungalows themselves were rather basic and would align with mid-range to slightly budget hotels. Our room was comfortable, including the bed, with all the features we needed and we enjoyed the bungalow feel with all its windows. I would have a preferred a nicer bathroom, due to the bungalows having a wet shower. The air conditioning was also a little noisy. Overall, I likely would pick the bungalow over a similarly appointed hotel with full bathroom. During our two full days, we hired a private long tail boat for 1,500-2,600 bhat/day (through the hotel). We enjoyed this option as we got to specify our schedule and got to Maya Bay before the tour groups. We also enjoyed snorkeling during our day tour. After the second day tour, I went snorkeling in front of the hotel by Shark Point. On our last morning, I asked the hotel about hiring a long-tail boat to take us to Shark Point and was quoted a 1,500 bhat, which felt really expensive considering it was a few hundred meters from the dock. I tried swimming out to Shark Point again, but the current/tide was too strong at times without flippers. You also need to be careful to avoid stepping on sea urchins. Overall, we would recommend the tours. The hotel itself is situated a 30 minute or so walk from the town center. However, we always took the long-tail boat, which cost 100 bhat/person before dusk and 150 bhat/person after. The hotel was fairly quick about getting long-tail boats to take us into town. However, hiring the long-tail boat by the pier to take us back to hotel was normally slow, as they seemed to wait for other people before departing. On one trip back (after a long wait) the boat left closer to the end of dusk and we got high-centered for a little while, due to the low tide. Typically, we would go into town in the late afternoon for groceries, arrange ferries, etc. and come back to have dinner at hotel next door. During Omicron, the town center was fairly busy near the water front, but away from main street many businesses were closed. I expect they all are open now. I preferred the quieter area surrounding the hotel and would likely choose to stay away from town center even if it meant dealing with expensive long-tail boat trips to town.
PP Blue Sky Resort
Questa è la nostra idea di vacanza al mare. Struttura semplice con bungalow molto spaziosi, puliti, letti king comodi con topper, zona toeletta per le donne con asciugacapelli. Spazio per aprire le valigie e stendipanni. Bagno grande con doccia grande dotata di bagnoschiuma e shampoo. Fuori al bungalow ci sono due poltrone per rilassarsi vista mare. 40 passi dal bungalow e ci si trova con i piedi nell'acqua. Si è circondati dalla vegetazione. Nel prezzo non è inclusa la colazione ma in realtà loro te la offrono gratuitamente. Succhi, bevande calde, espresso, piatti cucinati al momento come pancake buonissimi o uova. Personale gentile, sempre sorridente. Per il pranzo è la cena ci sono 2 ristoranti ai due lati del Blue Sky che sono di altri due Resort, ma accessibili, anche dalla spiaggia. Prezzi assolutamente buoni e non gonfiati. Torneremo il prossimo anno!
ピピ ロング ビーチ リゾートでの滞在は素晴らしかったです。私たちは何も失敗することはできません。唯一の問題は、ホテルが菜食主義者に対応していないことです。昼食と夕食のために別のレストランに行かなければなりませんでした。ホテルの部屋はかなり広く清潔です。朝食は 3 つ星ホテルに最適でした。


  • Trip.comでホテルを予約するにはどうすればよいですか?


  • Trip.comでホテルのお得情報を入手するにはどうすればよいですか?


  • Trip.comのどのページでホテルのお得情報を確認できますか?


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  • Trip.comに掲載されているホテル数は?


  • Trip.comでホテルの予約をキャンセルまたは変更できますか?


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クラビーへ旅する際に、ホテルが取れない心配はなく、なぜならクラビーは834軒以上のホテル情報をトリップドットコムが提供しています。有名の観光都市クラビーは多くのブランドホテルチェーンが運営しています。ソフィテルを好むお客様は、その傘下のホテルを利用することができます。旅行の宿泊先をこだわるお客様は,クラビーのソフィテルホテルをおすすします。クラビーのデーバナ プラザ クラビ アオナンは最も人気が高いホテルです。また、サンド シー リゾート は観光客がよくご利用される人気ホテルです。

クラビー周辺を探索するには、ランタヤイ島は良い選択になるでしょう。上記の紹介したスポットと別に,ライレイ ビーチ, アオナンビーチも比較的に有名です。
