

I must’ve been the lucky hotel guest to get the jet engine in the bedroom closet because I am surprised to see no other reviews about it. I came to Residence Inn thinking that it would be a Marriott quality experience. I stayed with my daughters for four days and should have checked out after the first night. We tried to keep the room at 70°. The air-conditioning unit/furnace was locked behind a door in the bedroom. Whenever it would turn on it would rattle the entire door and literally sound like a jet airplane about to take off. It woke me up EVERY TIME it turned on throughout the night and it was so incredibly loud. We tried turning it off for the night, but immediately the temperature of the room would jump up to 76°, so we dealt with it. Again, we should have left. BEWARE OF ROOM 137! My daughters tried sleeping in the hide a bed. When we pulled it out there was no bedding, and no bedding to be found in any of the closets. We called the front desk and a man delivered the bedding without saying a word. No smile, no words. The hide a bed was so incredibly uncomfortable that my daughters just ended up sleeping on the couch instead. We have slept on Marriott hide a beds before, but nothing so terrible. After our first full day being out in the city, we decided to come home and get in the hot tub. We opened up the towel bin to find only a few towels and some garbage. I also noticed that there was hardly any pool furniture. Maybe one table and four chairs? We got in the hot tub and enjoyed ourselves while the jets were going. As soon as the jets stopped and the water was still we noticed a layer of bugs all over the hot tub. We immediately jumped out and left. Is the hot tub ever cleaned? As we would walk back to a room I would notice piles of garbage in random corners, and bags of garbage left outside of rooms and in the parking garage. Sometimes they would stay for days without being picked up. I must’ve missed the memo that rooms are not cleaned every day either? There is nothing posted anywhere in the room or in the hotel. Again something I was not expecting, maybe I missed the fine print. I wish this “hotel” would take care of the rooms and hallways and keep them maintained as well as they take care of the lobby and breakfast area. My family will not be returning.
これはビジネスのためにこのホテルに滞在するのは2回目でした。私の最初の経験は大丈夫でした。しかし、この2回目は最初から最後までひどいものでした。まず...古い。ただきれいに感じず、正直に見えない。フロントデスクは私を通りに行くドアの隣の1階に置いた...私は滞在したかったが、テレビは機能しなかった!!私は別の部屋...を得るためにフロントデスクに行きました。 ...私は拒否されました。2番目の部屋は、ソファとオットマンの汚れで古くて汚れていました。シャワーを浴びようとしましたが、熱/冷たいレバーが壊れました。クレイジー。それから私は彼のミニ冷蔵庫に私の食べ物を保存しようとしました...しかし、あなたが押すボタンは2時間だけ電源を入れることを可能にします! ? ! ? ! ? ?それをインストールするにはどれくらい安いですか? ?サイドノート...部屋料金は150ドルでした。彼らは私のクレジットカードに400ドルを保持しました!!私はゴールドボンボイのメンバーで、返却顧客....です。同じ出張で、180...たぶん200ドルしか持っていなかった他の(より良い)マリオットプロパティに泊まりました。そのクレジットカードが私をゴミの1階に置き、人種差別を感じました!!しかし、もちろん証拠はありません!!ただひどいカスタマーサービス!!私は別の中庭にとどまることはありません。期間。しかし、私がパロアルト/ロスアルトスの場所についてあなたに警告しなかったとは言わないでください。私はより清潔で快適なモーテル6に滞在しました!!そして彼らは人種主義者です!!
アンシャンテ ブティック ホテル


