Napoli Sotterranea周辺のホテルをお探しですか?実際の旅行者の口コミをホテル選びに役立てましょう。


Napoli Sotterranea周辺の人気ホテルをチェック








Napoli Sotterranea周辺のホテルをお探しですか?宿泊料金や口コミを比較して、ぴったりの宿泊先を見つけましょう。
Encouraged by the effusive reviews on this thread we booked for 2 nights. Our experience was not quite in line with the uncritical approvals that we had read. First, in its favour, the staff were very friendly, welcoming and helpful as reported by others. The pick up from the airport by a ‘private’ car really helped avoid the chaos around Arrivals. The fit out of this otherwise time-weary building was clever and showed sensitive creativity. The open access kitchen for guests was appreciated and the breakfast was thoughtful and generous. However…there were some issues. This part of town is not for everyone. If you want the immersive experience in the 'centro storico' with all of the mayhem that entails, fine. You should know that the entrance to the building is pretty scruffy with much needed security doors in place. Our room was the one heavily photographed on this thread. It looks down on a small Piazza in front of the cathedral. On the second evening a huge group of children started to play a very noisy game of football at around 6.00pm. They were still there when we returned from dinner and indeed until well past midnight which made sleep impossible without the aid of noise cancelling headphones. Not the hotel’s fault but thank goodness for technology! The room had a TV but as it could only receive 3 or 4 channels, it was of limited use. The (empty) mini fridge made such an irritating electrical buzzing that we had to pull the plug out. The safe, well that was hilarious. It was a tiny metal box, approximately 25cm square, only lockable with a key and… not attached to the wall or anything else! A thief could simply tuck it under his arm and be away. If you had hoped to be able to store your tablet or laptop safely you would be disappointed. The Bathroom was simply but inexpensively fitted out but already showing signs of wear. On the second day we returned in the afternoon to find that the Housekeeper’s keys had been left in our door-lock providing quick and easy access to anyone interested. We were asked to pay in cash to settle the bill as ‘we had booked directly and received best rates’. This was most peculiar. In a lifetime of travelling I have never been asked to pay cash to settle a hotel bill. We negotiated our way around this and payed in the usual way but still, most odd! And not mentioned by any of the other reviewers. The price was around €220 per night. For the same (actually slightly less) money we then stayed in a full service 4 star hotel in a smart part of town which while old fashioned in decor, was superior in most other respects. Sorry but a fair price for the Duomo House in our opinion would be around €150 and then you might be willing to forgive some of the shortcomings.
ホテル ネアポリス
どのように...本当にすべての中心にあります! ! !私たちはこのホテルに3泊しました:非常に快適なクリーンルーム、非常に広い、非常に大きな部屋は、一日中千面の街に移動した後に回復するのに適しています。豊富な朝食、新鮮なサブ、この名前の価値... eはsurgelati...come私たちは今ほとんどどこでも食べることに慣れています!ステージにはAidaの笑顔... e優れたサブ、礼儀とプロフェッショナルサービスがあります!すべての人事とすべての人々はとても良いです...マークは顧客を理解し、貴重なアドバイスを与えます...滞在を最適化するために、できるだけ個人的な好みに基づいてアクセスしてください!ホテルは有名なSorbillo Sa、St. Gregorio Street、St. Lassi、St. Sephro Churchから2歩も離れていません.....レストラン、トラクター、Sa、レストラン1メートルあたりの長い道のり裁判所...要約は唯一の問題です。もちろん、私たちが街に戻った後、私たちは再びネポリスに住んでいます...
イッツ ルーム





トリップドットコムでは、ナポリのホテルが901軒以上の情報を掲載し、高級ホテルや人気・格安ホテルなど情報が豊富です。現在、多くの有名ブランドホテルチェーンがナポリで運営しています。旅行の宿泊先をこだわるお客様は,ナポリのラマダホテルをおすすします。多くのお客様がナポリへ旅行する際に、宿泊先をラマダホテルに指定しています。ナポリの人気ホテルに関して、ベストウェスタン ホテル プラザの評価は最も高いホテルの中の一つです。もちろん、多くのお客様はパラッツォ カラッチョーロ ナポリ Mギャラリーbyソフィテルも予約されています。



•1月~3月: 昼11.39°C,夜6.9°C

•4月~6月: 昼19.75°C,夜14.58°C

•7月~9月: 昼25.54°C,夜19.89°C






