Chateau Sew & Sew周辺のホテルをお探しですか?実際の旅行者の口コミをホテル選びに役立てましょう。


Chateau Sew & Sew周辺の人気ホテルをチェック






オーベルジュ ヌーヴェル オーリンズ ホステル

オーベルジュ ヌーヴェル オーリンズ ホステル

ニュー・オーリンズ|Chateau Sew & Sewより0.22km
For legal reasons all of this is alleged, of course. Word to the wise, especially women, there’s a predaceous atmosphere here. Seems like the intention is to hire attractive impressionable women and encourage alcohol consumption beyond belief. One of their own volunteers likened it to “sex tourism”. It makes for a weird time. Great place to go if you’re looking for underage drinking because they’ll supply that. Got my wallet stolen on Bourbon St (watch yourself if you go), can’t help but feel like part of it was the negligence of Kat the volunteer leading. She was too drunk to properly guide. She didn’t even check on me after my wallet was stolen. I don’t blame her though, it’s on the owners. They put all the responsibility on the naïve and unpaid volunteers. The owners are never around, they just do the paperwork there. I was able to make the most of the trip but overall the hostel has a weird vibe. —— If you want to know the full story; Everything turned extremely sour when there was a misunderstanding with my reservation. I don’t blame the worker who missed it, it was a simple misunderstanding. My reservation was booked for one day shorter than I thought, they didn’t catch the mistake so I slept the night there and was charged in the morning (had I known this prior I would’ve booked different hotel for the night. Due to how much sound travels in house it’s impossible to sleep). They had no card on file because I canceled it due to the theft. They would’ve been outta luck if I had refused to pay, I could’ve challenged it due to their lack of due diligence. But I enjoy being honest. Hence why I’m leaving this review. I was waiting for my mom to send her card info so I could pay and Kat insisted on watching me pack. She sat on the floor attempting to manipulate me while packing, even tho I had earbuds in. She wouldn’t let me walk away from the fight, which tells me she’s miserable in her life. Her pride finally gave up after I continued ignoring her and packing for 5 minutes. She was attempting to have me sit in the office until payment arrived, instead of packing up. Sounded counterproductive to me because I was making myself busy, having a panic attack, while waiting for my mom to send payment info. There’s only one door to leave so this intensity made no sense. She also refused to give me a towel, even though I had an hour until check out. Seemed like an ego trip for Kat. Not to mention she didn’t sleep the night before working, she was busy partying. Kat might’ve done it, but Myrridas didn’t do anything to stop her. It was so so weird. So unprovoked. Felt very “mean high school girls” which is not that you want from “professionals” while on vacation. I understanding wanting payment but I agreed to once the card info came in and I wanted to carefully pack until check out time. Kat was acting like I killed her first born baby. Honestly got the vibe they were trying to hold me up so I’d be charged another night. Some of the volunt



Chateau Sew & Sew周辺のホテルをお探しですか?宿泊料金や口コミを比較して、ぴったりの宿泊先を見つけましょう。
ヒストリック ストリートカー イン
私は4回延期し、合計8泊しました。場所とお金の価値は本当に素晴らしいです!フレンチクォーターやクルーズ、アウトレット、第二次世界大戦博物館、ガーデンディストリクトのラファイエット墓地など、多くのアトラクションがあります。近くには様々なフードバーがあります。中華がないとできない私は、8日間のアメリカ南部料理を食べました。マルガリータカクテルを1日飲む習慣を身につけましょう。ニューオーリンズもフレンドリーで、道を知らない私たちを助けてくれる観光客を迎えます。私たちが楽しんでいるなら、私たちは去るのを嫌がります。ホテルは築200年の建物で改装されています。フロントポーチは、米国南部で通例のロッキングチェアでいっぱいです。それは24時間お湯とコーヒーを提供します。持ち帰り用のラウンジエリアもあります。部屋はきれいで、バス用品は良かったし、ベッドは快適でした。 1階の部屋の窓のすぐ外には、ニューオーリンズの建築的特徴を備えた壁がありましたが、邪魔することを恐れていませんでした。ホテルの外には昔ながらの路面電車があり、簡単に移動できます。要するに、ニューオリンズの音楽、食べ物、湿地帯、そしてブードゥーの幽霊文化は非常に興味深いものです。残念ながら、カーニバルは聞き取れませんでしたが、今回の旅行で幸せになりました
メゾン サン シャルル バイ ホテル RL
オーベルジュ ヌーヴェル オーリンズ ホステル
For legal reasons all of this is alleged, of course. Word to the wise, especially women, there’s a predaceous atmosphere here. Seems like the intention is to hire attractive impressionable women and encourage alcohol consumption beyond belief. One of their own volunteers likened it to “sex tourism”. It makes for a weird time. Great place to go if you’re looking for underage drinking because they’ll supply that. Got my wallet stolen on Bourbon St (watch yourself if you go), can’t help but feel like part of it was the negligence of Kat the volunteer leading. She was too drunk to properly guide. She didn’t even check on me after my wallet was stolen. I don’t blame her though, it’s on the owners. They put all the responsibility on the naïve and unpaid volunteers. The owners are never around, they just do the paperwork there. I was able to make the most of the trip but overall the hostel has a weird vibe. —— If you want to know the full story; Everything turned extremely sour when there was a misunderstanding with my reservation. I don’t blame the worker who missed it, it was a simple misunderstanding. My reservation was booked for one day shorter than I thought, they didn’t catch the mistake so I slept the night there and was charged in the morning (had I known this prior I would’ve booked different hotel for the night. Due to how much sound travels in house it’s impossible to sleep). They had no card on file because I canceled it due to the theft. They would’ve been outta luck if I had refused to pay, I could’ve challenged it due to their lack of due diligence. But I enjoy being honest. Hence why I’m leaving this review. I was waiting for my mom to send her card info so I could pay and Kat insisted on watching me pack. She sat on the floor attempting to manipulate me while packing, even tho I had earbuds in. She wouldn’t let me walk away from the fight, which tells me she’s miserable in her life. Her pride finally gave up after I continued ignoring her and packing for 5 minutes. She was attempting to have me sit in the office until payment arrived, instead of packing up. Sounded counterproductive to me because I was making myself busy, having a panic attack, while waiting for my mom to send payment info. There’s only one door to leave so this intensity made no sense. She also refused to give me a towel, even though I had an hour until check out. Seemed like an ego trip for Kat. Not to mention she didn’t sleep the night before working, she was busy partying. Kat might’ve done it, but Myrridas didn’t do anything to stop her. It was so so weird. So unprovoked. Felt very “mean high school girls” which is not that you want from “professionals” while on vacation. I understanding wanting payment but I agreed to once the card info came in and I wanted to carefully pack until check out time. Kat was acting like I killed her first born baby. Honestly got the vibe they were trying to hold me up so I’d be charged another night. Some of the volunt
ザ クイズビー - ホステル


  • Trip.comでホテルを予約するにはどうすればよいですか?


  • Trip.comでホテルのお得情報を入手するにはどうすればよいですか?


  • Trip.comのどのページでホテルのお得情報を確認できますか?


  • ホテル料金を安くする方法を教えてください。


  • Trip.comに掲載されているホテル数は?


  • Trip.comでホテルの予約をキャンセルまたは変更できますか?


  • Trip.comカスタマーサポートに連絡する方法を教えてください。





ニュー・オーリンズは316軒のおすすめホテルを立ち並んでおり、トリップドットコムなら最高20%の割引でご提供できます。有名の観光都市ニュー・オーリンズは多くのブランドホテルチェーンが運営しています。デイズ インは現地で宿泊する際に、必要よい選択肢になるでしょう。ニュー・オーリンズにはデイズ インのホテルチェーンが運営しており、このブランドを好む方は是非ご予約ください。きっとデイズ インが提供された高品質サービスを堪能いただきます。オムニ ロイヤル オーリンズ ホテルニュー・オーリンズの中で、比較的に人気が高いホテルの一つです。もちろん、多くのお客様はロイヤル ソネスタ ホテル ニューオーリンズ も予約されています。

ニュー・オーリンズで宿泊するなら、観光スポットの周辺をおすすめします。例えば:フレンチ・クオーターなどあります。実は、ニュー・オーリンズへ旅行では,人気観光スポットジャクソン広場, ニューオーリンズ アリーナ, セント・ルイス大聖堂もおすすめです。










