

Rockpool Motor Inn
Di & Fredは素晴らしいおもてなしで邪魔をしませんでした。レセプションの時間後に到着しましたが、歓迎され、素敵な居心地の良い部屋とミルクなどが提供されました。私たちは1泊しました-もっと長く滞在したかったでしょう!部屋は清潔で快適で広としていて、滞在に必要なものはすべて提供してくれました。その地域にいるときは間違いなく再び滞在します。私たちを連れてくださったDi & Fredに感謝します。 :)アン&フィル。
インゲニア ホリデイズ サウス ウェスト ロックス
私たちの一晩の滞在に関するすべてが素晴らしかったです。フレンドリーな歓迎レセプション、手入れの行き届いた広とした敷地から、キャビン自体まで。今回は休暇のためにそこにいませんでしたが、間違いなく帰りたいと思います。キャビンは広としていて、プライベートで、清潔で快適でした。キャビンのすべての設備は完璧に機能し、2つの大きな快適なラウンジは大きな驚きでした。短期または長期の滞在には、Ingenia SWR をお勧めします。
マンダリン モーテル マックスビル
ナンバッカ リバー ツーリスト パーク
Arrived 2 days before Christmas excited to start our break on the way to visit family. Skipped into the reception office to share the Christmas spirit only to be brought down by the female staff member who did not even acknowledge my existence. After me clearing my throat and announcing myself she barked what is the booking under and then proceeded to tell me that the cabin we had booked would be very cramped for 3 people...I thought that was strange given I had booked a 2 bedroom Riverview Cabin but wanted to keep my christmas vibes high so thanked her, took the keys and found...um...a box that we were to stay in for the night that had zero view and was definitely not the two bedroom cabin I had booked. A quick check of my booking confirmation...THROUGH THEIR OWN WEBSITE confirmed that I had indeed booked a Riverview cabin for one night. That's ok mistakes happen...I went back to reception and was again ignored by the receptionist and decided to just kindly say that I think there had been a mistake. A barked 'what' was replied. I stated that I had been booked into a Riverview cabin. She then raised her voice and told me no you are booked in a standard cabin (which are so crap that they aren't even displayed as an option on their website). I then attemped to show her my booking confirmation and she refused to even look at it and stated to take it up with booking.com. I explained I booked with their own website. It was then that I realised I was dealing with a stage 5 Karen. She breifly glanced at my booking confirmation which I was still holding out and simply said there's nothing available. I explained that we had paid extra to stay in their 'top' choice and would at least like a refund of the difference. Then she hit the roof. Apparently it's a 'tarrif issue' and that I had paid less than the current tarrifs. Ummm yes. No doubt I did pay less as I booked back in MAY and not last minute. The grumpy Karen continued on her rant so I stated. Look it's obvious that I'm not getting anywhere with you but I am not getting what I paid for and am disappointed. When I returned back to my waiting family, my husband was quite shocked at the customer service when I relayed my experince and assumed I was being a melodramatic mole. My only response to him going to talk to her himself was 'good luck'. After a minute or two he came back ashen faced to state that she had told him to either take the cabin or leave with a refund (I want to state here that e were both calm and kind and at no point abusive). So anyway. After cracking a drink and a swim in the very well photographed, much crapper in reality pool we tried to move on. Only to have my husband bitten by a bee....because of course there was also an entire bee hive in the inner wall of the cabin. Our one night in our 1970s shoebox was spent drifting off to the dalcet sounds of a swarm of bees and the creaky bed that was older than me. Long story short. Karen will ruin your holiday vibes before your h


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トリップドットコムでは、サウス・ウェスト・ロックスのおすすめホテルを47軒ほど掲載しています。サウス・ウェスト・ロックスの地元の特別ホテルは、訪問者に異なる新しい体験を味わうことができます。サウス・ウェスト・ロックスの人気ホテルに関して、Travellers Palms No.7の評価は最も高いホテルの中の一つです。もちろん、多くのお客様はParkside No.1 South West Rocksも予約されています。
