トビリシ ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

I normally read reviews and go to hotels .Our expectations were little more for this hotel. First time went wrong with the reviews . From the first day we had issues which were never been fixed . We booked the hotel in advance but didn’t get what we booked for . To the front desk I asked they said they will do something as we stayed for 5 days but nobody fixed . We had a Lounge access but after 7pm there is not hot meal which was never mentioned. The Staffs in that Lounge are the best . Very accommodative & nice . Breakfast was just ok . In a 5* hotel the breakfast area staffs are just casual.Each day we ask for hot omelette but it never came and we have to go ourselves. On the last day the hotel manager or may be the supervisor was there while checkout . She asked how was our stay we explained to her but her reply was is it . Seriously is it a 5 * hotel . Only positive side is location. But paying so much and not getting the service is not worth. We went first time to Georgia but we had a real disappointment .


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