【2024年最新】イーストウッド ヴァレー ゴルフ & カントリー クラブ 口コミ・評判・レビュー情報


Posted 2024-04-15 01:29:58
My family and I went for lunch. The food was just average. One of the menu we ordered was a fish mau soup. We expected to get a tick soup like we always serve in other Chinese restaurants. But it ends up with a very clear soup like you can imagine they just throw everything in the pan and boil it up!! The most awful thing we had experienced at this restaurant when we got paid RM9.00 for one cup of the regular "chinese tea"! , RM33 for 1 plate of the spaghetti carbonara which you will never get this price at any famous hotel around Miri! No wonder the place is empty since we enter until we're done.
イーストウッド ヴァレー ゴルフ & カントリー クラブ 口コミ