Museo di Antropologia周辺のホテルをお探しですか?実際の旅行者の口コミをホテル選びに役立てましょう。


Museo di Antropologia周辺の人気ホテルをチェック


グランド ホテル マジェスティック ジア バリオーニ

グランド ホテル マジェスティック ジア バリオーニ

ボローニャ市中心部 ボローニャ|Museo di Antropologiaより0.92km





ドーパ ホステル

ドーパ ホステル

ボローニャ市中心部 ボローニャ|Museo di Antropologiaより0.44km
This hostel gets a 5 out of 5 vote from me and you won't find anyone as fussy as me when it comes to hostel reviews. I don't understand the mixed reviews it has been given by people staying here at the same time as myself? The staff are very friendly and help you as much as possible.....a special shout out to Ciara who is very lovely. My room was very clean and my bunk had a charging point, night light and curtain. The only minor problem are the lockers are small and square so you can't really get anything in them - they need changing to bigger ones! The meeting area is just a ten foot square area next to the reception desk with only around six seating places and likewise the kitchen area is also small with a single long table for breakfast that can only seat around twelve people at any one time. The main reasons for this is the hostel is small overall and also only has three shower rooms with the toilets housed within these rooms. This can be very annoying because if you're dying to use the toilet and all three showers are being used, you cannot gain access. The breakfast is substantial as it's an all you can eat comprising of tea, coffee and orange juice. To eat you have fruits, yogurt, ham, salami, cheese and salad. For the English pallet you have different cereals, toast, cakes, biscuits and the use of butter, jam and chocolate spreads. There's also a coffee perculator which can be used at anytime during the day. Within the kitchen there's a large fridge to store your own personal food items if you wish. You are expected to wash up all your items after you finish which is no big deal but something I don't agree with on principle. I'm on holiday and I've paid for my B&B so I don't expect to do their job for them - maybe that's just me? The location of the hostel is very good and within easy reach of the main city centre and tourist attractions with various buses a two minute walk from the front door and the main railway station just a fifteen minute walk away



Museo di Antropologia周辺のホテルをお探しですか?宿泊料金や口コミを比較して、ぴったりの宿泊先を見つけましょう。
ドーパ ホステル
This hostel gets a 5 out of 5 vote from me and you won't find anyone as fussy as me when it comes to hostel reviews. I don't understand the mixed reviews it has been given by people staying here at the same time as myself? The staff are very friendly and help you as much as possible.....a special shout out to Ciara who is very lovely. My room was very clean and my bunk had a charging point, night light and curtain. The only minor problem are the lockers are small and square so you can't really get anything in them - they need changing to bigger ones! The meeting area is just a ten foot square area next to the reception desk with only around six seating places and likewise the kitchen area is also small with a single long table for breakfast that can only seat around twelve people at any one time. The main reasons for this is the hostel is small overall and also only has three shower rooms with the toilets housed within these rooms. This can be very annoying because if you're dying to use the toilet and all three showers are being used, you cannot gain access. The breakfast is substantial as it's an all you can eat comprising of tea, coffee and orange juice. To eat you have fruits, yogurt, ham, salami, cheese and salad. For the English pallet you have different cereals, toast, cakes, biscuits and the use of butter, jam and chocolate spreads. There's also a coffee perculator which can be used at anytime during the day. Within the kitchen there's a large fridge to store your own personal food items if you wish. You are expected to wash up all your items after you finish which is no big deal but something I don't agree with on principle. I'm on holiday and I've paid for my B&B so I don't expect to do their job for them - maybe that's just me? The location of the hostel is very good and within easy reach of the main city centre and tourist attractions with various buses a two minute walk from the front door and the main railway station just a fifteen minute walk away
ホテル ユニバーシティ
051 ルーム & ブレックファスト
場所とベッドは十分に快適でした嫌いオンラインで予約して支払いた後、7.30pm後の到着は追加料金がかかると言われました!私たちの滞在全体のために、レセプションエリアと私たちの寝室はタバコの煙のにおいがしました。早朝のスーパーマーケットへの配達で非常に騒しい部屋、それは毎日午前6時頃に私たちを目覚めさせました。バスルームは小さかった。シャワーは弱く、シャワーヘッドホルダーが壊れていたため、低すぎて水しぶきが壁に面していました。部屋はとても暗く、私たちを見下ろすすべての人に見られるので、カーテンを開けることができませんでした。中庭。朝食は、特にボローニャで食べたいものではありません。食欲をそそらない小さなお店で、受付係がオーブンで焼いていたクロワッサンを購入しました。場所はおいしい自家製の新鮮なパンとペストリーを販売するお店に囲まれていました コーヒーは大丈夫でしたが、長寿命の牛乳でした-新鮮なものは見えませんでした。部屋には紅茶やコーヒーの製造設備がないため、コーヒーを飲む前に着替える必要があります。
ホテル アカデミア
エミリア ホテル ボローニャ
ベストウエスタン ホテル サン ドナト
素晴らしいスタッフと絶好のロケーション。ベルは頻繁に鳴りますが、気にしません。シャワーは少し小さいですが、バスルームは大きいです。エレベーターは利用できますが、レベル 2 の一部の部屋には征服するためのいくつかのステップがあります。これらのいくつかのステップで荷物を運ぶことができない場合は、これに対処しない部屋をリクエストしてください。部屋ごとにキーが1つありますが、キーはレセプションに残すことができます。私たちは4つの部屋を持っていて、彼らは私たちの要求に応じて、私たち全員を同じフロアに連れて行き、近くに連れて行ってくれました。繰り返しますが、すべてのスタッフは素晴らしいです。チェックインは午後3時、チェックアウトは午前11時です。





ボローニャは442軒のおすすめホテルを立ち並んでおり、トリップドットコムなら最高20%の割引でご提供できます。有名の観光都市ボローニャは多くのブランドホテルチェーンが運営しています。ラマダホテルは現地の人気ブランドホテルチェーンの一つです。旅行の宿泊先をこだわるお客様は,ボローニャのラマダホテルをおすすします。ボローニャアタホテル ボローニャ は最も人気が高いホテルです。また、Hotel Palaceは観光客がよくご利用される人気ホテルです。


•1月~3月: 昼6.87°C,夜3.0°C

•4月~6月: 昼19.74°C,夜14.36°C

•7月~9月: 昼25.34°C,夜19.76°C






