





グランド パーク ロイヤル コスメル
オクシデンタル コスメル - オールインクルーシブ
私の婚約者と私は2020年に10日間ここに来ました、そして、信じられないほどの時間がありました、それで私たちは2022年10月にここで結婚式を予約することにしました。到着した分から、私たちと39人のゲストはすべてのスタッフから5つ星のサービスで扱われました。私たちが遭遇した誰もが私たちの滞在を驚かせるために上回って行き、素晴らしい時間を過ごしました。私たちは毎年戻ってきます。また、他のホテルを考えません。ビーチで数時間過ごしたケリーさんに感謝します。 彼女の心の良さからスキューバダイビングの後、髪を解き放つのを手伝ってくれました。 そして、スーレマさんは、私の髪を梳いて、私の結婚式の日に髪を解き放すのを手伝ってくれました。私たちの結婚式を調整し、私たちの人生の時間を私たちに与えたナディアについてもっと高く言うことはできません!
プレジデント インターコンチネンタル コズメール リゾート & スパ
カーサ デル マール コスメル ホテル アンド ダイブ リゾート
長所:海と素晴らしい海岸ダイビングスポットから通りの向かい。美しく造園された敷地、素敵なプール、ビーチクラブ、スイムアップバーのある屋外レストラン。オープンな中庭と庭園や海の素晴らしい景色を望むラナイを備えた伝統的なメキシコのホテルのレイアウト。平和な雰囲気。CONS: この地域のほとんどのレストランは、ドリンクとダイビングの群衆に対応できる高価な Senor Frog / Hooters タイプの施設です。町の北とセントロのすぐそばにあるレストランは、はるかに優れた品質と価値がありますが、町にはタクシーが必要です。ビュッフェ式朝食は炭水化物の重いスチームテーブル料金で、15/person以上の高値でした。アメリカのレストランではこれを無料で提供します。フロントデスクのスタッフは特にフレンドリーで親切ではありませんでした。夫がロビーでバッグをなくし、紛失したバッグを見つけられなかったとき、私たちが2回目尋ねるまで、彼らは机の後ろでそれをチェックしませんでした。ここで少しの努力と考えが私たちに違いを生むでしょう。ビーチクラブはいいですが、水泳は私にとってあまりにも荒かったです(2つの桟橋と道路の間にあり、ほとんどが目の前のクルーズ船の景色を眺めることができます)。ネット:マルガリータを飲んだりダイビングしたりするのに最適な場所
ホテル バラクーダ
After considering the previous reviews, I must admit that our expectations were not very high. We were surprised! The location is excellent. Front counter staff were extremely friendly and helpful. Rooms are basic, big, very clean with a mini fridge as well as a patio. All rooms have a sea view, overlooking the beach club below. The bonus for us was the free access to the No Name Beach Club with the added bonus of a significant discount on food and drinks. Staff at the beach club were amazing, friendly and hussled like crazy. Plenty of restaurants and bars just an easy walk away. The supermarket, Mega Soriana is directly across the road. Is it loud?... not for us as we enjoy music and people having fun. Is it clean?... absolutely! Is it outdated?... slightly. Is the price good?... absolutely! Is the staff friendly?... yes - show respect and respect is given. Will we go back?... In a heartbeat!
エル シッド ラ セイバ ビーチ
My wife and I, and a close friend arrived at the hotel on April 18, 2023. The friend and I previously stayed at this El Cid in 2015, and found the place pleasant during that visit for a week of scuba diving. During both stays at El Cid we found the people there very cordial and anxious to please. However, we will likely never stay there again. The place was noisy day and evening. One of the two small elevators had recently been maintained, and the other, right outside our door, was under construction. Construction noise, smells, and debris from this elevator work were part of every day, often into the evenings until after 7 PM. Whether or not we had our front door open, to exit the room, or not, we were subject to noise and concrete debris from this source, as workers were cutting through rebar and concrete, just a few feet from our door. There was also major demolition underway on another part of the hotel, with workers utilizing jackhammers much of each day. This is what we also listened to on the other side of our rooms. We were in the middle of two MAJOR construction projects. If the above weren’t enough, we were almost directly above the restaurant, which until 10:30 most evenings was the source of a very loud band. One evening we went down to the restaurant to dine, not realizing that the band was about to start, and found that we could not hear each other talk, at all. While on the subject of the restaurant, upon checking in, we were presented with a coupon book of discounts. Three of these (photos attached) were confusing, as they did not seem to apply to any of the menu items, so we asked our waiter for elucidation. He had never seen the coupons, and went for help from the manager. The manager, Carlos, came over to our table to inform us that we could order virtually any three items from the menu for $5 US dollars off each item. I then repeated this back to him, in front of my wife and friend, twice for clarification and confirmation. He affirmed my reiteration of his statements. We enjoyed a beef meal, a chicken meal, and a seafood meal. At the conclusion of our meals, we presented the coupons for credit. Our waiter again sought the manager who came over to us again, to inform us that the coupons would not apply to any of our meals. We were incredulous. Wi-Fi: When my friend and I stayed at El Cid Cozumel in 2015, Wi-Fi (poor) was provided in the lobby area. This time we were informed that Wi-Fi was provided throughout the hotel, but for only two devices per room. There were three of us! So my wife had Wi-Fi on her phone (but not on her computer), my friend had Wi-Fi on his computer (but not his phone), and I had NO Wi-Fi for my iPad or phone. As such, I was unable to send photos, texts, or email messages to our friends back home, unless I wanted to borrow my wife’s phone. There were a couple times where I used my wife’s phone for necessary communications with the scuba diving organization we used while in Co




Cozumel International Airportはコスメルの世界へ結ぶ主要国際空港になります。

コスメルは59軒おすすめホテルを有しています。コスメルのホテルの1泊平均単価が安く、旅行の予算を立てる際に、高く見積もらなく良いでしょう。旅行の宿泊先をこだわるお客様は,コスメルのウェスティンホテルをおすすします。多くのお客様がコスメルへ旅行する際に、宿泊先をウェスティンホテルに指定しています。ヴィラブランカ ガーデン ビーチ ホテルコスメルの中で、比較的に人気が高いホテルの一つです。なかなか宿泊先を決められないお客様に、フィエスタ アメリカーナ コスメル オール インクルーシブをおすすめします。


•1月~3月: 昼27.11°C,夜22.26°C

•4月~6月: 昼29.98°C,夜25.22°C

•7月~9月: 昼30.26°C,夜25.78°C






