





GALLERYone - ダブルツリー スイーツ バイ ヒルトン ホテル

GALLERYone - ダブルツリー スイーツ バイ ヒルトン ホテル

I am writing you today to let you know of my experience at one of your hotels in South Florida. The GALLERYOne a doubletree hotel located at 2670 E Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale is one of the worst hotels I have ever been to. This past Saturday, March 11th, I had the pleasure of joining my cousin in room 1132. A room that she booked to get ready for her wedding which was very close to your hotel. The day started off great until about 11am when she called down to the front desk to get some fresh towels so that she could take a shower for her wedding. An hour went by, no towels were delivered. Two hours went by, nothing! During that two hour period of time, the only toilet in the room started to overflow. A maintenance man came up to plunge it and left maybe 5 minutes later. The toilet worked for maybe one flush after and then literally started spraying water all over the bathroom. The water was coming out of the bowl and the tank. Disgusting! Water was all over the floor and immediately became a safety hazard. We called down to the front desk again to have maintenance come up, as well as remind them about the towels that we had asked for hours before and also have someone mop up the nasty mess on the floor. A few minutes later, maintenance came up to plunge the toilet again. I asked him if it was working properly and his reply was simply “for now”. Really? He couldn’t care less about his job. He left and told us to call someone to mop the floor because he couldn’t do that. About 40 minutes went by, nobody came to mop nor were the towels delivered. I tried calling the front desk again from the phone in the room and the lines were busy. I called from my cell phone and immediately got an answer. Strange that calling from within the hotel the lines were busy but not from my cell phone. Anyway at this point, I was livid. I asked the lady to send up a supervisor, the towels and a mop. It had been nearly three hours since we first called. What kind of service is this? The lady didn’t want to hear what I had to say and put me on hold without even warning me ahead of time. Well, I walked my livid behind down 11 flights of stairs, oh did I mention the elevators were not working? So add that to the list. I got to the front desk to see three women standing there. One helping a customer, two not doing a damn thing. After explaining to one of them that there was nasty toilet water over the floor and demanding some towels for the bride, she immediately came up with towels and a mop to clean up the floor herself. My cousin ended up being an hour late to her ceremony because of the lack of care, attention and service that she received at your hotel. That hotel needs a lesson in hospitality because what we received that day was far from it. I guess they would have preferred one of us to slip and get hurt than to get some prompt attention to the matter. Needless to say, my cousin will never rent a room from any of your hotels again if this is how she will be treated





ソネスタ フォート ローダーデール ビーチ
ザ アトランティック ホテル & スパ
私はこのホテルに9/27から10/1/22...Worstまでの経験をしました。私が泊まったどのホテルでも覚えています。私は失望を超えました。どこから始めるかさえわかりません。私は1日82ドルの追加料金を請求され、チェックアウト時にのみ到着したときにこれらの料金を通知されませんでした。彼らは私の車を駐車するために1日42ドルを請求しました。チェックイン時や予約時に誰も私にこれを通知しませんでした。私が怒りを表明したとき、フロントデスクはあなたが予約した3番目のパーティーと話す必要があると言った[私が予約した3番目のパーティーに連絡したとき、彼らはホテルに話をすると言った、それは冗談です]。それからフロントの女性は私が通知されたと指摘し、チェックイン時にあなたに与えるこのシートに小さな細かい印刷物のチェックインシートにそれを初期化しました。各行を初期化する必要があります。 7-12アイテム....そこに立って1時間読んでみる? 本気で! そして、私は一日中旅行したばかりで、振り向いて家に帰っていません! それから、チェックアウト時に再び1日39ドルのリゾート料金があることに気づきました![今、私はこれがFt Lauderdaleであり、ビーチにあることを理解しています。だから、それは高価ですが、私が求めているのは適切な開示です。...顧客に、隠された秘密料金と非倫理的なビジネスをしていることを事前に知らせてください。 ...そうすれば、私は知っています。入ると予想されます。それで私の部屋は税金の前で1泊300ドル近くとそこのビーチホテルの追加エリア料金になりました。私は1泊171ドルで予約しました。それが価格のためにそれらを選ぶ理由です。このホテルに関する他の恐ろしいことのリスト;ルームサービスはありません(ボタンとして部屋の電話に持っていますが)、氷や氷の機械はありません。氷を部屋に持ち上げたり、レストランに降りて自分で入手するように頼まなければなりません...私は電話しました4日間で2回アイスを飲み、今まで受けたことがない、私は尋ねるのをやめました]。レストランの食べ物は価格と質の悪い方法です。サービスは遅くて不足しています。空のレストランでトゴーバーガーを手に入れるのに35分かかります。部屋は古く、家具は古く、非常に不快です[私の尾骨はまだ部屋の椅子に座って痛いです]。通常、フロントデスクの電話に答える人はいません。降りるとデスクに誰もいません。バスタブはデストラップです[出入りしてびた]。部屋はかび臭い臭い。ベッドはコンクリート硬く、ただひどいベッドはとても不快で、古い感じがしました。テレビの写真はとても暗くて、見ることができず、明るさのためにコントロールボタンをロックしました。明るくする方法はありません。私が車を出るために戻ったとき、それは不潔でした。私はそれが駐車されていることを理解していますが、それはガレージではなく外に駐車されているように見えました、ただ汚れで覆われています、それは不潔でした、私はガソリンスタンドに行って窓をきれいにしなければなりませんでした。私はそれを見ることができました。それはほとんど子供たちがそこで働いているだけのようです。チェックアウトしたとき、私は本当に気にしない態度で缶詰の答えをもらい、彼らの隠された告発を見つけました。私は彼らが私のコンサーを気にしないことができると感じました。
GALLERYone - ダブルツリー スイーツ バイ ヒルトン ホテル
I am writing you today to let you know of my experience at one of your hotels in South Florida. The GALLERYOne a doubletree hotel located at 2670 E Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale is one of the worst hotels I have ever been to. This past Saturday, March 11th, I had the pleasure of joining my cousin in room 1132. A room that she booked to get ready for her wedding which was very close to your hotel. The day started off great until about 11am when she called down to the front desk to get some fresh towels so that she could take a shower for her wedding. An hour went by, no towels were delivered. Two hours went by, nothing! During that two hour period of time, the only toilet in the room started to overflow. A maintenance man came up to plunge it and left maybe 5 minutes later. The toilet worked for maybe one flush after and then literally started spraying water all over the bathroom. The water was coming out of the bowl and the tank. Disgusting! Water was all over the floor and immediately became a safety hazard. We called down to the front desk again to have maintenance come up, as well as remind them about the towels that we had asked for hours before and also have someone mop up the nasty mess on the floor. A few minutes later, maintenance came up to plunge the toilet again. I asked him if it was working properly and his reply was simply “for now”. Really? He couldn’t care less about his job. He left and told us to call someone to mop the floor because he couldn’t do that. About 40 minutes went by, nobody came to mop nor were the towels delivered. I tried calling the front desk again from the phone in the room and the lines were busy. I called from my cell phone and immediately got an answer. Strange that calling from within the hotel the lines were busy but not from my cell phone. Anyway at this point, I was livid. I asked the lady to send up a supervisor, the towels and a mop. It had been nearly three hours since we first called. What kind of service is this? The lady didn’t want to hear what I had to say and put me on hold without even warning me ahead of time. Well, I walked my livid behind down 11 flights of stairs, oh did I mention the elevators were not working? So add that to the list. I got to the front desk to see three women standing there. One helping a customer, two not doing a damn thing. After explaining to one of them that there was nasty toilet water over the floor and demanding some towels for the bride, she immediately came up with towels and a mop to clean up the floor herself. My cousin ended up being an hour late to her ceremony because of the lack of care, attention and service that she received at your hotel. That hotel needs a lesson in hospitality because what we received that day was far from it. I guess they would have preferred one of us to slip and get hurt than to get some prompt attention to the matter. Needless to say, my cousin will never rent a room from any of your hotels again if this is how she will be treated
ロロ ビーチ ホテル
不錯,並且到的晚了,安排了自助辦理check in
トランキーロ ノース ビーチ ビレッジ リゾート ホテル
ホテル モーテル ローダーデール イン
素晴らしい場所と非常にフレンドリーな女性のためのレセプションは、私たちが必要とするすべてを助けるために喜んで。 私はただ戻って行きたい





フォートローダーデールへ旅する際に、ホテルが取れない心配はなく、なぜならフォートローダーデールは177軒以上のホテル情報をトリップドットコムが提供しています。現在、多くの有名ブランドホテルチェーンがフォートローダーデールで運営しています。旅行の宿泊先をこだわるお客様は,フォートローダーデールのラマダホテルをおすすします。フォートローダーデールでの宿泊において,ホテルチェーンのラマダは多くのお客様から予約されています。フォートローダーデールロードウェイ イン & スイーツ エアポート クルーズ ポート は最も人気が高いホテルです。もちろん、多くのお客様はW フォート ローダーデール も予約されています。











