

ハンプトン イン & スイーツ ハーシー ニア ザ パーク
Stayed at Hampton Inn Hershey at 195 Hershey Rd., Hummelstown for a day. The hotel was good but stayed very cold from the air conditioning. Got sick from it. However, I enjoyed my stay and had a lot of great conversation with the front desk lady and the general manger when I checked in Monday, June 26, 2023. Two lovely people!!!! However, the most embarrassing issue I encountered was on the morning of my check out day, Tiesday, June 27, I was sitting having an online meeting with very important people virtually in the lounge between 11:00 am and 12pm. One of the breakfast clean up Crew members ( an African American gentleman) who can clearly see I was in a virtual meeting with about 6 people. He decided to reach behind me to clean the window where everyone on my cam can see his arm wiping the window. He realize the window smudges were from the outside and decides to go outside behind me in view of my meeting to wipe the window and in addition starts to dance and lick out his tongue. He then proceeds to come back inside and reach behind me again to wipe the window. At this point I had to pause my meeting and put him in his place to let him know I was a guess and how unprofessional it was for him to do these inappropriate acts while I am in a meeting. No one was amused by his actions. He apologize and proceeds to say “ I can’t afford to loose this job I just started” well this is something he should have thought about before he embarrassed me and himself. This employee didn’t know if I was having a job interview and could have cost me a job or if I was from the corporal office dressed in disguised to check on the professionalism of the workers to pull this unprofessional stunt. There was no manager around at the time of the incident so I had to check out. I returned home and made phone calls and was provided with the general manager (who I had been interacting with prior) number from the front desk staff and left a message for a returned call. I cannot get this stunt out of my head I am so angry. I don’t want to get anyone fired but this stunt was uncalled for and will suggest training to his staff. Mainly the one breakfast crew member.


  • ハンメルズタウンにあるジム・フィットネス併設の人気ホテルを教えてください

    ハンメルズタウンへの出張にもバカンスにも、ハンプトン イン & スイーツ ハーシー ニア ザ パーク はおすすめのホテルです。

  • ハンメルズタウンにあるジム・フィットネスが併設されたホテルの平均宿泊料金を教えてください


  • ハンメルズタウンにあるジム・フィットネス併設のホテルで利用可能なキャンペーンを教えてください







ハンメルズタウンのホテルの掲載数が少なく、早めの予約をおすすめします。有名の観光都市ハンメルズタウンは多くのブランドホテルチェーンが運営しています。旅行の宿泊先をこだわるお客様は,ハンメルズタウンのホリデイ・イン エクスプレスホテルをおすすします。ハンメルズタウンにはホリデイ・イン エクスプレスのホテルチェーンが運営しており、このブランドを好む方は是非ご予約ください。きっとホリデイ・イン エクスプレスが提供された高品質サービスを堪能いただきます。ヒルトン ガーデン イン ハーシー ハンメルズタウンの中で、比較的に人気が高いホテルの一つです。また、コンフォート スイーツ ハメルスタウン ハーシー ハメルスタウン は観光客がよくご利用される人気ホテルです。
