

クラウン プラザ カンザス シティ ダウンタウン  IHG ホテル
インターコンチネンタル カンザス シティ アット ザ プラザ  IHG ホテル
以前ここに滞在していないので、このホテルを予約し、それを試したいと思いました。 GMジェフは私たちをチェックインし、私がオンラインで予約した部屋にいるように見えましたが、私たちは私たちの部屋でアップグレードされたことに気づきました。彼は私達に私達の部屋に着くために、私達は私達の部屋の場所だった6階に着くために、駐車場のエレベーターに外に出て、4階に行き、他のエレベーターに渡るべきだと言った。これに驚き、すぐに気づいたのは、ただエレベーターを直接部屋のそばに降りれば、ロビーのすぐ横にあるエレベーターで、チェックインされたところでした。なぜこんな奇妙な方向を与えられたのか、全く分からない。寝るとき、私たちは枕カバーの1つに乾いた血と古い汚れがあることに気づきました。私たちはそれらを取り除き、フロントに電話してこれを知らせました。彼らの恥ずかしさの中で、彼らは私たちを1泊圧迫しました。コンシェルジュサービスはOKでしたが、チェックアウト時間を延長する事について朝にテキストを送った後、荷物を車に運ぶのに手伝ってくれる事をメールして、決して返事が来なかったので、自分でフロントに連絡しました。失望し、グロスな経験で、このホテルがその価値があるかどうか本当に確信していません。なぜGMがこれらの奇妙な方向を与えたのかわかりません。
ホーム 2 スイーツ バイ ヒルトン KCI エアポート
With all of the hotel choices near the Kansas City airport, I should have been able to make a better choice. We live in the KC metro area and were scheduled to fly out that morning, but after a number of delays our flight was canceled. We were booked on the same flight the following morning and decided to stay near the airport instead of going home since we'd used a car service to get to the airport and it just seemed like less hassle. We arrived at the hotel a little after noon and were told we couldn't check in until a room was cleaned. Given that checkout is at 11, I assumed that it wouldn't be all that long until a room was ready. I checked in with the gal at the front desk a couple of times and was told that she was waiting to hear from housekeeping. I asked if she couldn't initiate the contact and she indicated she'd do so, though never did. I even found the second floor cleaning crew who told me that all the rooms on the second floor were cleaned. Normal check-in is at 3 and a little before 3 I was called to the front desk to check-in. I honestly can't see a valid business reason to keep people waiting in the lobby until 3 if there's a room ready. Thankfully, not every hotel does that. There certainly wasn't anything in the lobby on which we could spend money, with the possible exception of a pop machine. This forced wait is the primary, but not the only reason, I'll ever stay at one of these properties again. Calling the room a ”suite” is laughable. It appeared to be pretty much an average size motel room. I guess what made it a ”suite” was a curtain in the middle of the room that could be pulled to divide the bed area from the rest of the room. The curtain only pulled about 75% across the width of the room, no it's not like there's any sense of privacy on either side. Also, for some reason that evades logic, the TV is on the end of the room with the bed, so it's not like someone could watch TV without disturbing someone who is sleeping. The pillows were very, very soft and not suitable for side-sleepers. The towel were very thin and the water pressure very low. There were other minor deficiencies that, while not critical, show a significant lack of attention to detail and a failure of supervision. My apologies for not having photos to share. Thanks for reading. If you've found this to be helpful, I'll appreciate a thumbs up below.
ハンプトン イン カンザス シティ エアポート
I understand renovations, but there needs to be more coordination with your contractors. You had me in Room #207 when the room directly above me was the specific room being torn apart and drilled in all day during my stay. I wasn't planning to be in the room all day, but found myself sick with a sinus infection and the constant loud drilling was an absolute nightmare. Also, when I booked the hotel, it said that ONLY the lobby was being renovated -- I see that this is updated now to reflect renovations of the whole property, but you really could have provided more notice upfront to guests. I would have stayed elsewhere if you had, e.g., I decided not to stay at the neighboring Hilton precisely because there was notice that the parking lot would be unavailable. To be quite honest, I understand the need to make money but when it comes down to it, your reputation is all you have. Did it ever cross your mind to close entirely for a month or two to reemerge as a hotel properly put together, that's not an embarrassment to your name? It was a terrible experience and a waste of my earned Hilton points. I am feeling very done with Hilton and its family of brands after this.
ホリデイ イン エクスプレス アンド スイーツ カンザス シティ エアポート  IHG ホテル
We are finishing up a road trip of around 4,500 miles through eleven states. We have stayed at ten hotels, four of which were Holiday Inn Expresses, and this is, by far the worst not only Holiday Inn Express but the worst out of all of them. And, in fact, it's the worst hotel I can remember staying at in a very long time. When we checked in (2 rooms), I found the trash can in the bathroom sitting on the counter. Then my daughter called saying that there was something sticky all over the nightstand in her room and when she tried to call the front desk, she discovered that the phone didn't work. She also found popcorn on the floor in the room. She called them on her cell phone, and they said they'd send someone to clean and their excuse was that they were undergoing renovations. How in the heck do renovations impact the cleanliness of a room?About that time, the fire alarm went off. We were in the lobby, so we went outside and waited. Eventually the alarm stopped. We went inside and got in line to ask for a new room for my daughter. There was one lady helping a line of customers while some guy ran around like a chicken with its head cut off accomplishing nothing. After a while, he went to the other computer at the front desk, and we were able to talk to him. I found out later that he was the General Manager which I would never have guessed from his obvious lack of leadership ability or composure. We explained to him the situation and he said he'd sent someone to clean the room (Shouldn't that be done before the room is turned over to a customer?) but that the phone couldn't be repaired until Monday because Maintenance wasn't available on the weekends. He told us that we could have another room or could cancel the reservation. I though he was very condescending and rude. We opted for another room and then he told us that it would be on the fourth floor (dirty room was on the second floor) and that we'd have to carry our bags up because the elevators wouldn't work until the fire department got there and reset them. (I heard him later telling the firemen that arrived that he'd silenced the alarm. Shouldn't it be the fire department that makes sure the building is safe and gives the green light for people to reenter the premises?) We told him we could handle getting the luggage up the stairs and that we'd like to check out the new room. He gave us a key and we did so and found it to be satisfactory although the remote for the TV didn't work. (In the old room, the back of the remote was missing.) In my room, I later discovered that someone had written in pen on the arm of the sofa, an outlet was black from some sort of electrical issue that apparently caused arcing and the sink in the bathroom drained ridiculously slowly. Apparently housekeeping doesn't report maintenance needs to management or maybe they do, and management just doesn't address the issues??? As far as breakfast service, it was by far the worst of any Holiday Inn Express we stayed at on
ハンプトン イン カンザス シティ - リバティー
途中、6 つのハンプトン インと 1 つのホーム2 スイートに滞在し、長い道のりの旅の終わりに近づいていました。このホテルは私たちにとって絶対的な喜びでした。登録時のエミリーとの挨拶と交流は肯定的で楽観的で、彼女が私たちを大切なゲストと見なしていることを明確に示しました。彼女は私たちの名誉あるゲストステータスに関する情報をボランティアしました。私たちの部屋はきれいで、ヒルトンのプロパティとは異なり、完全に供給され、すべてがうまくいきました!ゲストのwifiは私たちの旅行の中で最高でした。これは最近旅行者にとって大きな問題です。私たちは年に12回このホテルの近くを旅行しますが、通常はKCを通り抜けます。このホテルは私たちにとって立ち寄る可能性が高くなります。半径1マイル以内のレストランの選択肢がたくさんあります。滞在するのに最適な場所です。


