



ザ シャトー スパ & ウェルネス リゾート

ザ シャトー スパ & ウェルネス リゾート



I couldn't wait until I checked out to write this review. I have been to The Chateau for at least 8 years. The 1st time I was here. I was shocked that in my home country there's a resort that provide world class service that's comparable to any 5 stars hotel in the world. Since then, I been at The Chateau for at least once a year. My family love here so much that my elder brother held his wedding here. 2 night of dinner for 200 pax and dozens of hotel room. This is how much we love it here. Before what it became, the resort lives up to it name 'Organic resort'. Everything from the food to the bed linen to the shampoo was organic. The turn down service was awesome. Unfortunately, for the past few years it was bad is the word I am using if I am being kind. I still come once a year even during covid. Last year I came. It was bad but still bearable. This year 12/2/2022, I hope for the best and book a night at The chateau again and I am throughly disappointed. Let me start from the beginning, usually we went reach the resort we will be greeted by the staff and we will be escort to the study room or bar to have a sit and we are being serve some welcome drink while we take a rest from a long drive. Today, they just hush you to the reception and do the normal check in procedure and the worst part is the credit card machine is not working and I am waiting there for 15 minutes. Side note while l was waiting I overheard that a couple complaining that their toilet is flooding because of the plumbing issue. When they can't resolve the credit card machine issue and I starting to get irritated I offer to put down the deposit by cash. When we got the room key. The freaking room key holder is not new. It looks old and used for some time. Even a budget hotel gave a new one. When I ask can I have my tea time at the tea room I was informed that only 1 restaurant is available which is la Vie. I couldn't believe it. A 5 star hotel but you only provide a location for dining for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Oh ya, your bar is closed as well. I did try to order some food from the only restaurant available. I have to say the food that I have is one of worst dining experience in my life. Under cooked chicken, Overcook fish. With all the disappointed I try to took a shower. Well there's no hot water. I have to call the reception informed them about this. They sent someone over and the person told me that I need to wait for an hour for hot water. Are we still leaving in the 18th century? Bear in my I been here a lot of time. This is the 1st time I faced this issue. In fact I am writing the review while they are checking the hot water. Long story short, AVOID THIS RESORT I am throughly disappointed. This is going to be the last time I visit this place. And since this is not an organic resort anymore please change the name. It's just false advertising now.



コルマー トロピカル ベルジャヤ ヒルズ

コルマー トロピカル ベルジャヤ ヒルズ



部屋は古いがクラシックに見えます。清潔さはありますが、便器の水は静かで高く、トイレを使った後、私にいくつかの感染を引き起こしました。朝食ビュッフェは、そのような高級な場所に非常に失望し、食べ物のサービスは最低品質のOE量を満たしていませんでした。メインディッシュはナシトマトとチキンカレーで、どちらも塩も味のない政府の病院料理として味わいました。サンバルはありますが、ゆで卵、友達の卵、スクランブルエッグしかないので、何と一緒に食べるかわかりません。ミー/ミツンスープとして煮る麺の小さな部分があります。それから西洋料理の側には、小豆、牛肉ソーセージ(インド人観光客もたくさんいるのを見たので、鶏肉ではない理由はわかりません)、チキンスライス(真剣に?)ナゲット(一部は焼かれています) 、パウ、お粥、シリアル、.. そしていくつかのトーストと非常に限られたペストリー。それは時改善することです。しかし、良いことは、場所がとても美しくリラックスできることです。コインの価格がrm2のものであるこの楽しいフェアな種類のもの。あなたがプレイするゲームは5コインが必要です。だから、RM10を費やしてボールを投げたり、RM10ギフトよりも少ないもののためにアヒルをキャッチする必要があります。 ..価値がないので、子供をそのセクションに連れて行かないでください。 ..天気も日本庭園と動物公園を訪れる計画を台無しにしました。しかし、天気をリラックスして美しい写真を撮りたいだけなら。間違いなく行く場所です。
ザ シャトー スパ & ウェルネス リゾート

ザ シャトー スパ & ウェルネス リゾート



I couldn't wait until I checked out to write this review. I have been to The Chateau for at least 8 years. The 1st time I was here. I was shocked that in my home country there's a resort that provide world class service that's comparable to any 5 stars hotel in the world. Since then, I been at The Chateau for at least once a year. My family love here so much that my elder brother held his wedding here. 2 night of dinner for 200 pax and dozens of hotel room. This is how much we love it here. Before what it became, the resort lives up to it name 'Organic resort'. Everything from the food to the bed linen to the shampoo was organic. The turn down service was awesome. Unfortunately, for the past few years it was bad is the word I am using if I am being kind. I still come once a year even during covid. Last year I came. It was bad but still bearable. This year 12/2/2022, I hope for the best and book a night at The chateau again and I am throughly disappointed. Let me start from the beginning, usually we went reach the resort we will be greeted by the staff and we will be escort to the study room or bar to have a sit and we are being serve some welcome drink while we take a rest from a long drive. Today, they just hush you to the reception and do the normal check in procedure and the worst part is the credit card machine is not working and I am waiting there for 15 minutes. Side note while l was waiting I overheard that a couple complaining that their toilet is flooding because of the plumbing issue. When they can't resolve the credit card machine issue and I starting to get irritated I offer to put down the deposit by cash. When we got the room key. The freaking room key holder is not new. It looks old and used for some time. Even a budget hotel gave a new one. When I ask can I have my tea time at the tea room I was informed that only 1 restaurant is available which is la Vie. I couldn't believe it. A 5 star hotel but you only provide a location for dining for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Oh ya, your bar is closed as well. I did try to order some food from the only restaurant available. I have to say the food that I have is one of worst dining experience in my life. Under cooked chicken, Overcook fish. With all the disappointed I try to took a shower. Well there's no hot water. I have to call the reception informed them about this. They sent someone over and the person told me that I need to wait for an hour for hot water. Are we still leaving in the 18th century? Bear in my I been here a lot of time. This is the 1st time I faced this issue. In fact I am writing the review while they are checking the hot water. Long story short, AVOID THIS RESORT I am throughly disappointed. This is going to be the last time I visit this place. And since this is not an organic resort anymore please change the name. It's just false advertising now.



  • Trip.comでホテルを予約するにはどうすればよいですか?


  • Trip.comでホテルのお得情報を入手するにはどうすればよいですか?


  • Trip.comのどのページでホテルのお得情報を確認できますか?


  • ホテル料金を安くする方法を教えてください。


  • Trip.comに掲載されているホテル数は?


  • Trip.comでホテルの予約をキャンセルまたは変更できますか?


  • Trip.comカスタマーサポートに連絡する方法を教えてください。












 クアラルンプールで訪れたいグルメスポットの一つが「Yik See Ho Bak Kut The」。肉骨茶(バクテー)。薬膳とにんにくのスープで豚肉を煮込んだ一品で、マレーシアを代表する料理の一つです。ブキッ・ビンタン地区のこちらのお店は地元の人で賑わう人気店で、味もお墨付き。カジュアルにマレーシアならではの食事を楽しみたい方におすすめです。ホテルで一息のんびり食事を楽しみたい方におすすめなのがアフタヌーンティー。ラグジュアリーホテルが多くイギリス統治時代の影響も色濃く残るクアラルンプールはアフタヌーンティーを提供しているホテルが数多く存在します。ぜひ、アフタヌーンティーを楽しみたいホテルの一つが「ザ・マジェスティック・ホテル・クアラルンプール、オートグラフ コレクション」です。このホテルは1932年に建てられたコロニアル様式のホテルで、ホテル自体が国家遺産に指定されている歴史のあるホテルです。生演奏の音色に耳を傾けながら食事を楽しめるティーラウンジや、胡蝶蘭が飾られた部屋でクラシックな雰囲気の中アフタヌーンティーを楽しむことができる大人気のスポットです。海外からも多くの人が訪れるスポットのため、ご利用の際には事前のご予約がおすすめです。
