







クラウン プラザ クアラルンプール シティ センター  IHG ホテル

クラウン プラザ クアラルンプール シティ センター IHG ホテル

クアラルンプール中心部 クアラルンプール|ジャラン・アンパンより0.35km


We spent six nights here in a Premium room on the 15th floor. The room was spacious, well laid out and comfortable apart from the rock hard bed. We asked for the bed to have some softening layers added to it which helped but it still wasn’t great. If the mattresses are so hard now I shudder at the thought of what they’ll be like in a year or two… There were some teething issues with the hotel being so new. This was to be expected as it’s only been open for a couple of weeks. Probably one that was unforgivable was that our door was left unlocked all day by housekeeping. We reported this to the front desk but I was made to feel at fault as I didn’t tell them sooner. A little hard to do that considering we’d been out all day… this simply can’t be allowed to happen to anyone. The biggest issue for us centred on catering. We ordered room service one night and it was disgusting and almost inedible as it dried out, overcooked and tasteless. The main gripe was around breakfast as the food was never hot and you couldn’t get a decent coffee as the machines either produced luke warm beverages or only half a cup. Very frustrating. The staff were well aware and were full of apologies and mentioned they are having lots of issues with the induction heating. I hope it gets sorted as there is potential for a phenomenal breakfast to be offered as it was a good spread. Hygiene was also a concern when it came to the breakfast cereal as you had to dig the spoon out and I watched staff using their bare hands to shove the spoons back in. Gross… I made the suggestion of leaving the spoons in a bowl at the front but the staff member wasn’t having it. Apart from that, I could see the staff are trying very hard to make the breakfast better. Similarly, I let the swimming pool attendant know there was a broken tile on the side of the pool that I nearly cut my arm on. I’m not sure he cared less or perhaps he didn’t understand. I’m leaning towards the former. The location of the hotel is okay and it’s about a 10 minute walk to KLCC and 20 to Pavilion. Many of the Grab drivers didn’t know where the hotel was as it’s so new. We had to guide them. The biggest asset to the hotel are the staff who were super friendly, especially the lively security guys out the front. I hope they manage to get the opening issues sorted soon. Best of luck to the team.



スターレジデンス by Axquisiteスイーツ
Siamo arrivate alla reception con una camera prenotata mesi prima. Avevamo prenotato su Agoda. Star Residences Art Apartment KL, proprietario Alexander Polyakov, 5 notti. Alla reception che non è una vera reception ma una postazione per le guardie del controllo, ci dicono che dobbiamo chiamare l'host. Gli mandiamo un messaggio su whatsapp e non risponde neanche dopo la visualizzazione. Chiude pure le chiamate. Grazie alla gentilezza della guardia alla reception che ci ha prestato il suo telefono abbiamo immediatamente contattato Agoda. Neanche a loro sembra che l'host risponda. Morale cancellazione della prenotazione. L'opzione proposte il rimborso o altro alloggio. Chiediamo di trovarci un altro alloggio. Nel frattempo il tempo passa e si sta facendo sera. Non prenotate con questo host, non è per niente serio. In attesa apro l'app di booking e trovo una camera in un residence che in mappa sembra molto vicino a dove eravamo. Pagamento in contanti e prenoto. Residence klcc che per fortuna sono appartamenti nel solito palazzo del primo. Quindi non c'è da spostarsi. Incrociamo le dita nella speranza che questa volta l'host risponda. Ha risposto, è arrivato immediatamente e ci ha salvato la situazione. Essendo il giorno stesso alle 17, il prezzo è stato davvero scontatissimo. Agoda ci ha immediatamente rimborsato. Appartamento, carino, spazioso, pulito. Mitiu ( non so se il nome si scrive cosi) è stato molto disponibile, ci ha persino procurato una pentola per cuocere la pasta. Le petronas in vista, piscina panoramica sull'attico, zona centrale. Consiglio questo residence ma mi raccomando non prenotate appartamenti di proprietà di Alexander in residence star one perché rischiate di dormire per strada. Optate per residence klcc e possibilmente con Mitiu che è una garanzia.
Scarletz Premier Suites Kuala Lumpur
オーナーはアパートを会社に借りています (オーナーに電話して部屋のパスワードを尋ねる必要があります) ホテルのような経験はなく、流れを吸収するために屋上のプールにのみ依存しています。プラットフォームのチェックインの概要に提案が記載されています。
コーラス ホテル クアラ ルンプール
事前にペナン行きのアレオラインバスを予約し、このホテルを選びました。ペトロナス ツイン タワーから遠くない、立地の良い古いホテル。外に出たら右に曲がると、夜の屋台や24時間営業のセブンイレブンがあります。店頭では MYR 10 を VISA、Master、または現金でお支払いいただけますが、UnionPay カードはご利用いただけません。間取りは普通のホテルのようで、寝具も比較的古いもので衛生面もまあまあなので、一晩寝るだけの場合や、ホテルにあまり頼らない場合には適しているかもしれません。ホテルのフロントデスクは私の特殊な状況を知っていて、救急箱に入っている過酸化水素を貸してくれたので、使用後はすぐに返却しました。ホテルのフロントの人、ありがとう!
ル アップル ブティック ホテル @KLCC
ビンジャイ 8 KLCC バイ ラグジュアリー スイーツ アジア
非常に大きな豪華なアパートメント。 10人を収容できます。ただし、Leyna TopperとLeyna枕を持参すると、20人まで入ることができます。安心感。駐車場があります。タオルは6枚あります。他の人は自分で持参します。シャンプーも持参する必要があります。洗濯機と乾燥機があります。
The Mews KLCC by ALMA












 クアラルンプールで訪れたいグルメスポットの一つが「Yik See Ho Bak Kut The」。肉骨茶(バクテー)。薬膳とにんにくのスープで豚肉を煮込んだ一品で、マレーシアを代表する料理の一つです。ブキッ・ビンタン地区のこちらのお店は地元の人で賑わう人気店で、味もお墨付き。カジュアルにマレーシアならではの食事を楽しみたい方におすすめです。ホテルで一息のんびり食事を楽しみたい方におすすめなのがアフタヌーンティー。ラグジュアリーホテルが多くイギリス統治時代の影響も色濃く残るクアラルンプールはアフタヌーンティーを提供しているホテルが数多く存在します。ぜひ、アフタヌーンティーを楽しみたいホテルの一つが「ザ・マジェスティック・ホテル・クアラルンプール、オートグラフ コレクション」です。このホテルは1932年に建てられたコロニアル様式のホテルで、ホテル自体が国家遺産に指定されている歴史のあるホテルです。生演奏の音色に耳を傾けながら食事を楽しめるティーラウンジや、胡蝶蘭が飾られた部屋でクラシックな雰囲気の中アフタヌーンティーを楽しむことができる大人気のスポットです。海外からも多くの人が訪れるスポットのため、ご利用の際には事前のご予約がおすすめです。
