

ホテル オイローパ
レオナルド ホテル&レジデンツ ミュンヘン
This is a lovely warm hotel. We arrived late due to rail strikes, which made transport to the hotel a pain. However, once we were checked in, we were straight up the the room which was toasty (really toasty!). Breakfast was a continental buffet style with plenty of everything and some of the items changed on a daily basis. The hotel bar was open on Saturday and Sunday, where their barman, Boris was extremely friendly, warm, polite and helpful. He also takes a keen interest in football. I would also like to give Filip and his team at reception a shout out as they were extremely helpful. For those who read the reviews saying they could not speak either English or German, we found this to be simply not true. Their English was fluent as was their German. We had wanted to come back out to Munich specifically to stay here again this year but unfortunately that will now have to wait until next year. If you want the u-bahn, it is a 2 minute walk from the hotel reception (turn left from the door, left again, cross at the lights and you are there).
Holiday Inn Munich - City East
While the hotel stay was comfortable and the rooms a nice and clean we found the front desk staff rude and unhelpful. From the start they have shown no courtesy, I called up the hotel from the station to inquire about the location and landmark and found the person speaking to me couldnt care less about giving directions. Then when we arrived there, there was no one at the front desk. Since there are two Holiday Inns adjacent to each other we were confused as to which one is ours and kept the cab waiting to check. Finally we had to let the cab go as not one was there to answer our query. After a long wait the lady manning the front desk finally emerged from the cabin and was very rude with us. She couldnt find our reservation, we had to panic call the booking.com customer service and incurred a huge mobile bill for the international call only so that we could confirm our booking. She insisted we had not paid for our rooms and we had to argue and show proof of payment. Any query we had about the hotel amenities or sightseeing were unhelpfully answered. The person who looks after the snacks corner was the only congenial and courteous person. The hotel is within walking distance of a train station and the bus stop is right outside the drive way, There are some good restaurants about 5- 7 minutes walk from the hotel. Lidl is a stones throw away so are a few other grocery stores. Once you get the hang of the place its pretty convenient. The only reason why the rating is average is because the hotel is good and the rooms were comfortable and neat. Otherwise only based on their customer service it would be poor.
メルキュール ホテル ミュンヘン アルトシュタット
観光客にとってミュンヘンに住むには最適な場所は旧市街です。このホテルは醜い建物にあります。また、ロビーはかなり控えめです。朝食ルームはスタイリッシュです。朝食は食べ物の良さが感じられ、とても気持ちよかったです。私たちは11時15分に到着したときに私たちの部屋が準備ができていたことを幸運に思います。7階の唯一のスイートに次いで2番目に優れた快適な部屋を予約しました。私たちの部屋は5階に位置しました。眺めは素晴らしかったです。狭い通りの向かいに建物がありました。私たちの部屋は、独立したベッドルームとリビングルームでかなり広かったです。しかし、リビングルームは非常にスプー****に家具が整っており、小さな椅子とテーブルが2つしかありませんでした。ソファのスペースがあったはずです。バスルームは小さかったが、かなり機能的だった。私たちの最終日には、奇妙な事件がありました。朝食を楽しんだとき、私たちの部屋は掃除されました。朝食から戻ったときにすぐにパックするように、私たちはベッドにすべてのものを置きました。ただ、ベッドは(おそらく私たちが使っていたシーツで)作られていました。希望に、出発後、部屋は掃除がされていました。立地のせいか、当ホテル最初のCocoon Hauptbahnhofよりも1泊236ユーロの有料で多少の価値が良かったです。毎日補充される小さなミニバーが価格に含まれていました。
ホテル ヴァリス
ギリシャ・サントリーニに向かう途中、ミュンヘンのトランジットで1泊だけ利用しました。 Sバーン・カールスプラッツ駅から徒歩5分程度で、マリエン広場も徒歩圏内の、観光に便利なホテル。 お部屋は豪華さはありませんが、広さは十分でした。 周辺のホテルと比べて、宿泊費も格安です。 朝食は別料金で一人9ユーロでしたが、バラエティに富んでいてなかなか美味しかったです。
ホリデイ イン エクスプレス ミュニック シティ イースト
The location is convenient. The breakfast is good. The room is comfortable.



最高値BRL 7,328
最安値BRL 251
平均価格(平日)BRL 1,234
平均価格(週末)BRL 1,362