Iglesia Unida Metodista Pentecostal Lo Arrieta周辺のホテルをお探しですか?実際の旅行者の口コミをホテル選びに役立てましょう。


Iglesia Unida Metodista Pentecostal Lo Arrieta周辺のホテルをお探しですか?宿泊料金や口コミを比較して、ぴったりの宿泊先を見つけましょう。
Abba Presidente Suites Santiago
We arrived at the Abba Presidente on 7 January after cruising South America. Even though our travel agent had inadvertently scheduled us for January 7, 2025, Daniella welcomed us into the hotel, and gave us a room until we sorted the reservations out. The location is ideal just a few hundred metres down the avenue is a large mall. The Costanera Center. This enormous centre has every store. You can possibly imagine over multi levels in addition, a huge food court, which includes dine in restaurants, such as Chile, Tony, Roma, and many others. In the short walk from the hotel to the mall, you will encounter Street vendors with many local, artisan, crafts, clothes, etc. approximately 5 km from the hotel, and the uptown area will get you into the downtown anne Moore historic area where many tours are available to show you around and explain the history of this magnificent city. Taxis, Ubers are available, but we chose to walk and it was an easy walk, uncomfortable, and safe sidewalks to the city centre. In the morning, you can wake up from seven till 10 to very good buffet, breakfast with eggs, sausage, toast, fruit, yogurt, cereal, and more. I did find the coffee, a bit strong, but that’s my personal taste. The English spoken to me by the staff was excellent and for this I was very grateful as my Spanish is very bad. It didn’t take long to straighten out my reservation and the manager assured me that all was good. the room we had was more than adequate very spacious with a small sitting area a nice bathroom, a large and comfortable bed, good air conditioning and excellent Wi-Fi. I could not have asked for more .The front desk staff organized my taxi to the airport on my departure date without trouble I would definitely stay in this hotel again if and when I return to Chile.!!!
要約+と--今月の半年、私の家+絶好のロケーション、コスタナラの中心部と地下鉄から数メートル。 +アパートを借りるような完全な住居。 +優れたWifi信号+非常に良い睡眠品質、ベッド、10ポイント。 +朝食と昼食はとても良いです。+ホテルのスタッフ全員の優れた注意、なぜ高さの旅行者には適していないのですか? - 部屋が壊れ、30日後に修理されていません。 - 1月2日、ジムは2つしか失効しませんでした。 2月12日、彼らはまだ機能していませんでした。 - 古い冷蔵庫、水、解決されていません。-氷水-テレビのない2番目の部屋-SMARTテレビではない-朝食と昼食サービスの深刻な破壊。彼らはあなたが望む時間にあなたを送ります、そして昼食は15時間.....朝食に数日かかります、あなたが早く遅れるならば、早く遅れるならば、早く。ASEOサービスに似ています。簡単に言えば、従業員に感謝します。彼らはもっと喜んで小さなことを再配置することを提案します。
Hotel Boutique Reyall
ノルス ラス コンデス
A sua boa localização permite acesso fácil a facilidades: Mercadinho, metrô, shopping e restaurantes. Foi o que sobrou – sua localização. Chegamos numa madrugada de sábado e recebemos as chaves na portaria do prédio sem problemas. Entretanto, encontrarmos um apto descuidado, desgastado pelo tempo, com cortinas e colchão surrados, ralos parcialmente entupidos, mecanismo do cofre com defeito e geladeira sem funcionar – calefação apenas na sala – aquecia também o quarto desde que a porta ficasse aberta, lógico. A infraestrutura é limitada – Disponível precariamente aos sábados e não funcionam aos domingos. Assim, somente na segunda-feira conseguiram resolver a questão do cofre, graças a única atendente que se empenhou para resolver os problemas – Depois, trocaram a geladeira, seguindo a recomendação do técnico que, no sábado, desistira de consertá-la e ele mesmo recomendara a troca. A comunicação com a administração é feita apenas por texto WhatsApp, sem qualquer iniciativa para oferecer um bom serviço - como se estivessem fazendo um favor. Não havia interfone no apto – qualquer problema com o celular do hóspede, causaria falha de comunicação. Também, não havia dicas e nem orientações dos serviços disponíveis nas redondezas. A limpeza não é um primor e em razão de pequena marca de um sabonete colorido (laranja) na toalha, erradamente confundida com maquiagem, recebemos, já no aeroporto, mensagens da Norus, sem identificação pessoal, cobrando (?) por uma mancha de maquiagem na toalha, insistindo que “maquiagem não sai” – sem sequer terem tentado sua remoção com uma simples lavagem - Isso, só isso. Fica agora a dúvida sobre a qualidade da lavanderia usada. Minha mulher retoca maquiagem com lenço de papel tipo Kleenex, levados de casa e eu não uso maquiagem e nem protetor solar, até deveria, mas não uso. Uma marquinha de sabão colorido ao pousá-lo sobre a toalha. Não recusaríamos o ressarcimento de eventuais danos causados, se efetivamente causados, ainda mais de valores tão irrisórios. Ninguém sai de seu conforto de casa, numa época de restrições de pandemia, a custos elevados de hospedagem, câmbio e passagens aéreas para se aborrecer por coisas tão insignificantes. Ao contrário, esperávamos sim, que se desculpassem pelo tempo que perdemos para lidar com as más condições do apto oferecido e talvez até relevado o desconforto, mas ao contrário, recebemos uma comunicação desnecessária e deselegante. Santiago vale a visita sempre e oferece excelentes opções de hospedagem com melhores diárias e atendimento mais profissional.
タイム スイート
Hotel Regal Pacific Santiago
This is when you wished you would have spent the time to do a little more homework than TA reviews… Pros: responsive and pleasant customer service, tasty lunch in the restaurant (the chicken stew, black bean stew and ceviche were delicious). Also, The sauna was very warm and cold water was provided when I rented the sauna for $10. The room was large and nice. Opportunities…the worst- at 2:30am, the lighting above our bed turned on and it could not be shut off. It took maintenance 15 minutes to determine how to shut down the whole system until the morning. It was especially painful later to have the hotel charge us $2 for a cup of coffee in the room, for the nicest room in the hotel when we were inconvenienced in the middle of the night. ??? The gym had a lot of useful equipment but it is no spa or gym really. It’s a small room with rusty weights. The team was very friendly but the gym is unacceptable for a hotel deemed 5 star????!!!! Massages were done by nice people and they were value priced for sure, but it was more like a body rub on a hard table with a rough towel to cover you. And finally, not the hotels fault assuredly, but if you are looking for a charming area to stay and visit in Santiago, to walk to cafes or shops, this is not it.


  • Iglesia Unida Metodista Pentecostal Lo Arrieta周辺で大人気のホテルは?

    ホテル プラザ ニュニョア は人気があります。

  • Iglesia Unida Metodista Pentecostal Lo Arrieta周辺のラグジュアリーホテルは?

    Hotel Regal Pacific SantiagoThe Ritz-Carlton, Santiagoホテル プラザ サン フランシスコ が、お手頃価格で人気のラグジュアリーホテルです。

  • Iglesia Unida Metodista Pentecostal Lo Arrieta周辺のバジェットトラベラーに人気のホテルは?

    出張でもバカンスでも、 インティモホテルミラフローレスホステル シェンフエゴスホスタル フォレスタル - ホステル がお勧めです。

  • Iglesia Unida Metodista Pentecostal Lo Arrieta周辺のホテルの今週末の平均価格は?

    Trip.comのデータによると、サンティアゴのIglesia Unida Metodista Pentecostal Lo Arrieta周辺のホテルの、週末の1泊あたりの平均価格は、8,357円です。※参考情報です。価格は頻繁に変動します。

  • Iglesia Unida Metodista Pentecostal Lo Arrieta周辺で朝食を提供しているホテルは?

    一日の始まりを、おいしい朝食でスタートするのは重要ですね。サンティアゴのIglesia Unida Metodista Pentecostal Lo Arrieta周辺なら、朝食付きの ホテル プラザ ニュニョア がお勧めです。予約をお忘れなく!

  • Iglesia Unida Metodista Pentecostal Lo Arrieta周辺のホテルの1泊あたりの平均価格は?

    Trip.comのデータによると、サンティアゴのIglesia Unida Metodista Pentecostal Lo Arrieta周辺のホテルの、1泊あたりの平均価格は、7,857円です。※参考情報です。価格は頻繁に変動します。

  • Iglesia Unida Metodista Pentecostal Lo Arrieta周辺で無料Wi-Fiを提供しているホテルを教えてください

    出張でも行楽でも、ホテルにWi-Fiがあるかどうかは重要です。 ホテル プラザ ニュニョア が、Wi-Fi付きの人気ホテルです。

  • Iglesia Unida Metodista Pentecostal Lo Arrieta周辺のジムが併設されたホテルは?

    スタイルを維持したいお客様が多いため、多くのホテルではジムを設置しています。 ザ シングラー サンティアゴHotel Plaza Santiagoサンティアゴ マリオット ホテル が、ジム併設の人気ホテルです。

  • Iglesia Unida Metodista Pentecostal Lo Arrieta周辺のバリアフリー対応ホテルは?

    ホテル プラザ ニュニョア が、人気のバリアフリーホテルです。

  • Iglesia Unida Metodista Pentecostal Lo Arrieta周辺で禁煙の客室があるホテルは?

    客室のクオリティは、とても重要です。特に、匂いは気になるところです。 ホテル プラザ ニュニョア が、禁煙ルームのある人気ホテルです。

  • Iglesia Unida Metodista Pentecostal Lo Arrieta周辺の駐車場がある人気ホテルは?

    サンティアゴのIglesia Unida Metodista Pentecostal Lo Arrietaへのドライブ旅行をご計画なら、駐車場付きの Hotel Plaza Santiagoサンティアゴ マリオット ホテルThe Ritz-Carlton, Santiago がお勧めです。

  • Iglesia Unida Metodista Pentecostal Lo Arrieta周辺のおすすめホテルは?

    どのホテルにしたらいいかわからない?高評価のレビューの多い、 ホテル プラザ ニュニョア はいかがですか?早めの予約をお勧めします!

  • Iglesia Unida Metodista Pentecostal Lo Arrieta周辺のプールがある人気ホテルは?

    夏に家族やお子様を旅行に連れて行くなら、サンティアゴのIglesia Unida Metodista Pentecostal Lo Arrietaがお勧めです。 ザ シングラー サンティアゴHotel Plaza Santiagoサンティアゴ マリオット ホテル が、プール付きの人気ホテルです。

  • Iglesia Unida Metodista Pentecostal Lo Arrieta周辺のレストランがある人気ホテルは?

    現地グルメを満喫したいなら、バラエティ豊かな現地レストランが周辺に多数存在する、 ホテル プラザ ニュニョア がお勧めです。




トリップドットコムでは、サンティアゴのホテルが906軒以上の情報を掲載し、高級ホテルや人気・格安ホテルなど情報が豊富です。有名の観光都市サンティアゴは多くのブランドホテルチェーンが運営しています。サンティアゴでの宿泊において,ホテルチェーンのノボテルは多くのお客様から予約されています。ノボテルは現地で宿泊する際に、必要よい選択肢になるでしょう。サンティアゴクラウン プラザ サンティアゴは最も人気が高いホテルです。なかなか宿泊先を決められないお客様に、ザ リッツ-カールトン サンチアゴ をおすすめします。

サンティアゴには多くの観光スポットがあり、例えば:サンティアゴ競馬場, フルビアル・パードレ・レナト・ポブレテ公園はおすすめです。


•1月~3月: 昼23.99°C,夜15.18°C

•4月~6月: 昼15.21°C,夜8.42°C

•7月~9月: 昼13.15°C,夜6.85°C






