北ミンダナオ ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

レッド プラネット カガヤン デ オロ
このホテルに来るのはこれで 4 回目になります。 ホテルの立地はかなり良いですが、大都市に比べると設備は少し劣りますが、価格とパフォーマンスの比率は非常に良いです。とても良い!
ランゾネス カバナ
Our quick stay was nice. The pool was spectacular! We enjoyed it so much! Our room was okay. We were initially offered with a bigger room as there were 5 of us but we chose to stay in the 4 person cabana as we found the bigger room stuffy and the toilet was sunken. The receptionist was very nice and quick to respond to this request. Our cabana was fine but the hotel could look into ”child proofing” the room as the double deck corners are a bit dangerous. We had to wrap the corners with bath towels. The sliding doors of the toilet and shower room could also do a little maintaining as they were already rusty. We loved the garden and surrounding area. It was so serene and gave us a very relaxing atmosphere. Perfect for morning coffee. The chicken bbq we had for dinner by the pool area was very tasty. Our breakfast was okay. The location is good. It's not too far from the airport and walkable distance to the White Beach Port (around 30 mins) and restaurants. There's also a scooter renting place in front of the hotel entrance. The staff were very warm and helpful. They allowed us to store luggage in the reception area upon checkout while we went to the White Beach and wait for pick up. Kudos to Benj and Grace for their top-notch hospitality and honesty! We highly recommend this for a budget friendly stay.
ヌーヴォー リゾート
私が行った中で最もリラックスできるリゾートの 1 つ。一流!どれも贅沢ですね!鳥のさえずりが心地よくて、まさに楽園です!海と山を一望できます。素晴らしい景色。部屋はとても清潔です。良く眠れました。私たちが朝食をとっている間に、彼らはすでに部屋を掃除して修理してくれました。親切なスタッフ。 Mi Asian Cuisineの料理はとても美味しいです。これまで味わった中で最高の骨なしバンガスの 1 つ。 振込手数料はちょ​​っと割高ですね。三輪車でそこに行くだけです。カミギンの観光地からは遠い。ここに滞在して、リゾートのアメニティとインスタ映えする景色を楽しむことをお勧めします。間違いなくまたここに泊まります。ありがとうヌーボー カミギン島
CDO市近くの山岳地帯。タクシーに乗るには2倍の料金(500ペソ)を支払う。美しい風景と息をのむような景色。 場所は高価ですが、それだけの価値があります。すべてが完璧であるわけではありません。配管には改修が必要です。 とても良い補完的な朝食。 外の孔雀!!! プールは絶妙です-大きくてきれいで、街の景色を眺めることができます。 シティビュースーペリアルームがありましたので、強くお勧めします
Agoho Resort
離機場差不多7️⃣到🔟分鐘TukTuk路程,在北面靠西一點的位置,resort自帶的花園可以直接看到離島white island,花園也十分漂亮,本次在這個resort呆了四晚五天,一晚是對着海邊花園躺着可以直接看到珊瑚白沙島的房間,非常享受。有個碩大的廁所,有沙發有廚房冰箱等,房間有空調電視吊扇廁所有通風扇等,洗漱用品也可以要求提供。老闆是個西人,目測像法國意大利那邊的,老闆娘是當地人,看起來很有能耐的女子。整體服務很好,但是因為海島關係,停電和網絡不穩定是很日常的事情,海島玩家都懂(馬代那種奢品酒店不在對比範圍內)。晚上如果沒有網,就去跟服務員一起英語角聊天,裏面有個高高的笑起來很好看的服務員小姑娘很活絡很好玩的,很粉內娛偶像劇,一説起中國男明星就害羞捂臉。推薦的晚餐雞肉蘑菇意麪是我那段時間吃到最好吃的食物(請看圖)。讓他們規劃及幫定TukTuk或者小卡車multicab也都很積極。甚至後面聊熟了在我離店後還幫我去諮詢了宿務城市tour的價格,十分貼心。酒店客人以西人和中產本地客人為主。還有有摩託車租賃服務(會開摩託車有國內駕照的比較建議,其他還是建議租司機走,因為很多山路,不太安全)。
N ホテル
The hotel and the staff were wonderful. The staff saw to your ever need, they constantly greeted you with a smile and a kins word. The breakfast service was the most disappointing aspect of the hotel. The meal choices were so odd. We stayed for two 3 day stints (a total of six days), the breakfast was some sort of soup, either a sunny side up egg or a hard boiled egg; steamed rice; then what seemed like leftovers from dinner the night before - one morning it was chop suey (vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower; and carrots); another morning it was sardines, fish on cabbage; the only item that i would consider a breakfast food was their beef chorizo (but the beef chorizo was not tasty or seemingly fully cooked). I was surprised that there were no Filipino breakfast staples - tocino, longanisa, or even spam. I would say the breakfast menu needs to be reviewed.
1A エクスプレス ホテル
Very clean, modernised rooms, bed very comfortable, aircon old style hole in the wall mounted but okay, and key card which also turns on the power. Unfortunately, fridge and aircon go off too when you go out. After the bad rap breakfast has been getting, we made sure we went early (soon after opening at 6.00am), and it was more than satisfactory. Two staff were trying very hard to make sure we were happy... probably as a consequence of the bad reviews. Front desk very efficient, very handy commercial laundromat on ground floor where you can wash and dry two suitcases full of clothes for 260 pesos. A couple of minor issues we had were dealt with straight away. Very central location with a 5 minute walk to several shopping malls. CONS: does not warn you that you will have to pay 2000 peso refundable deposit when you arrive.
チャレタ デ カミギン パワード バイ ココテル
I would like to thank the owner of Txaleta Ma'am Milet and her hubby for the excellent accommodating hospitality especially the welcome drinks and towels such an exceptional service rendered just like home. The facilities in the room are eco friendly and well groomed. They offer bag, water bottles, towels That can be used for Island hopping and going to some scenic spots. Moreover, they have delicious breakfast, beverage and Full meal of your choice. I love the homely ambiance, cliff scenery overlooking seaview. At night, the surrounding was peaceful just hearing birds chirping pleasant to ears. I had 2 great night sleep with soft comfortable bed. I will definitely come back soon. Although, the hotel is on going construction but the facilities could still cater what's needed. 😍
ニュー ドーン ペンショーネ
ロイヤル ガーデン ホテル (帝苑時尚旅)
The water is malfunctioning specialy in the morning,the hot water never function at all but it does’nt matter the important is it is around the city and very accesible🎂🎂


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