
RedDoorz Hostel Hardin de Corales la Union
古い家がホテルになりました。たくさんの植物、木、海の景色があるので、とてもリラックスできました。 彼らは私たちが電子レンジや他の道具を使うことを可能にします。ベッドはとても柔らかく、部屋は大きかった。
コモディダッド デ アマンダ
全体的な経験は非常に良好で、改善のためのいくつかの提案があります。客室料金は比較的低いです。施設は新しく、塗装されたばかりの壁、きれいな部屋、新しく建てられたトイレ、クールなエアコン、無料駐車場です。スタッフもとてもフレンドリーです。ホテルの場所はまだカレクリソロゴとプラザブルゴスに近く、徒歩10分以内です。そこに行く道は狭く、短い橋の後は近所が住宅街になり、夜は薄暗い照明が灯ります。ホテルは新しく建てられたようで、ファミリールームにはビデ、シャワーヒーター、シャワーパーティション/カーテンなどの必需品がまだいくつかありません。 wifi信号は廊下(12号室)で強いですが、部屋内は非常に弱いです。 全体的に、ホテルは、さらに改善できる場合、ヴィガンの既存ホテルに代わる完璧な代替となる可能性が強いです。
Good location! Clean and very prompt cleaners. I asked for a calesa to drive us around town, and they said yes, they have a contact who will come pick us up at the agreed time. And then the time came and the calesa did not show up, they called the calesa driver and he said that he has a customer. So he advised hotel people to tell us to just go get calesa at the park. This (service) would have been 5/5 if they immediately told us that it's the busy season so we don't know if someone can pick you up (and could have advised us to just go pick up a calesa in burgos park where there's a station. Other than that, they were excellent!
Ragtime Suites
非常に手頃な価格で、5 つ星バスターミナルの交差点にあります。最も重要なことは、ダグパンで唯一の真のペットフレンドリーホテル!長所:1. 価格ポイント - 範囲は $20 $50 2.良い場所-Five Starの前、7-11階下、Mercury Drugは通りの向かいにあり、SMは5-minuteウォーク3です。素晴らしいスタッフ-彼らはフレンドリーで歓迎してくれました。彼らは私たちのバッグを運ぶことを主張しました。チェックインとチェックアウトはそよ風でした4。ペット料金なし - 2匹の犬がいて、追加料金はかかりませんでした 5.古い部屋のために驚くほどきれいです。古くて汚れたタイルを裸足で歩くのに問題はありませんでした 欠点: 1.部屋は本当にいくつかの修理とさわやかさを使うことができました。最初は印象的ではありませんでしたが、私が得ていた良い取引を自分自身に思い出させなければなりませんでした.彼らはLCDテレビを持っていて、ACはうまく機能していて、温水シャワーを浴びていました。ペットの所有者であり、ペット料金を支払う必要はなく、部屋は十分にきれいで、私のニーズに応えていたので文句を言うことはできません。 2.道路騒音。ひどくはありませんでしたが、フィルターされた音に似ていました。あなたはまだそれを聞くことができますが、軽い寝台車にとって問題になる可能性があります 3.限られた駐車スペース。7/11の前で利用可能なスロットは2つだけです。
ブリッジビュー イン
カリビアン トゥランシェントゥ ハウス
Well don't know where to start with this place. Yes on arrival they were warm, the room was clean. That's the good part. As advertised this place stated that it's nearest beach was 0.6km away. That's a total lie. Its nearest beach if you don't want to pay for a boat trip is bolo beach a 30minute tricycle ride away. They offered a tricycle to us for the price of 1500peso which I thought was expensive. (walked 100 yards up the road 600peso) and the driver waited all day for us. In a nutshell this place isn't near anything unless you want to pay a tricycle or a boat trip to the hundred islands which I will say is beautiful but costly. Next this is meant to be a transient house with use of facilities. On using the kitchen we noticed straight away from day one there was a rat problem. Droppings on the kitchen worktops that were there for days (until I complained to agoda as the staff here totally ignored my complaint) when complaining I explained that we wouldn't be using the kitchen anymore as we felt it unsanitary and it really did put us off cooking anything in there. My partner saw rats in there on 2 occasions. I then contacted agoda as I wasn't getting anywhere with the transient staff even asking politely on numerous occasions to talk to a manager I was blanked and told there wasn't one and the owner was busy. Agoda then took my complaint with photographic evidence and I explained we wanted to depart 11 days earlier than we should have been and if possible I'd like to be refunded on the remaining days. Agoda then contacted the transient house and the next thing we got a knock on our door and was told that because we had made complaints we must vacate the room immediately. No warning nothing just go. I again contacted agoda as all we had done was follow what the carribbean transient house had told us to do. ( you made your booking with agoda not us. Take your complaint to them). We left withing 15 mins and I didn't get any kind of refund. So they kept our money for services that were never used. Not once did any management or owner approach us with any response to our complaint. So there you have it. Yes the rooms are clean but as for your kitchen it's rat infested. I'd not eat a thing from there and if you expect a little decency when trying to state this fact politely don't expect a reply your be ignored. I've travelled extensively in Asia and yes the hundred islands here are beautiful but this place is a no no. I'd give it a swerve if you value your health.
Cvbnb Guesthouse
Location One Eighty
Villa Manuela Ilocos Beach Resort


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