

ホテル エクゼクティブ
Non si può fare questa brutta esperienza in un hotel a 4 stelle. La prima camera che mi avevano dato aveva un cattivissimo odore. Ho chiesto un'altra stanza ma il cattivo odore era simile anche se più attenuato. Stanza stretta con letti bassi e scomodi. Il letto dondolare un poco. Il bagno era orribile e piccolissimo; vi era un'unica presa di corrente con attacco inglese. Per asciugarsi i capelli bisogna infilare la spina in una presa vicino al comodino del letto senza poter avvicinare lo specchio. La stanza non aveva armadio e non era insonorizzata: tutta la notte ho ascoltato la TV degli ospiti nella stanza accanto. La colazione è stata modesta e il personale alquanto indifferente. Non è un hotel a 4 stelle, ma a 2 mentre il prezzo è troppo elevato.
グランド ホテル ダ ヴィンチ
We had just stayed at the hotel's 4☆ sister hotel Miramonti in Bango Di Romango and were so impressed with the service and food. It was an accident to book Grand Hotel Da Vinci. We were hoping for great things and the hotel lobby and enterence were lovely. We arrived at the impressive gates to the hotel to be told we had to go down a side street to what looked like a piece of waste land. OK, not a big issue. You then have to walk round the back of the hotel, where the staff were all smoking and shouting, where the workmen and bins were. And walk round a tented part of the hotel held together with wood. Not a great first impression. The reception staff were friendly but more proficient than affording personal service, so different to the Miramonti. We were told the restaurant was open for dinner from 19:30-21:00. Later we went back to the reception to book a table for dinner to be told, the restaurant was closed for a private party and we could eat in the room or lobby bar. The lobby bar had no character and literally is just part of the lobby. What 5 ☆ doesn't have another restaurant or the facility to put another room together for guests to dine in?? We were not amused. The room was spacious but a bit well!! Italian OTT. The view was over a roof top. There was 1 welcome cake for two people. No complimentary water nor tea or coffee facilities. Again not really 5 ☆ The terrace and outside pool was wonderful. Really gorgeous and well set out. Must be wonderful in summer. After the wonderful spa at the Miramonti and the thermal spa, we were so looking forward to the pool and spa as it looked stunning in the picture, from a distance it looked nice but it really need attention. Total lack of maintenance and care. See photos. At breakfast, it was 'adequate ', but as there were only a few guests there, it was a good opportunity for the staff service to shine, but we had to ask twice for a person to cook the omelettes, when the waiting staff entered the kitchen their was loud shouting, laughing etc as if there were no guests present. Very bad impression. What makes a hotel 5☆ is not the size of rooms, not the building or stunning external pool it is; the total attention to detail and to the customer experience and this hotel doesn't have that. It has the appearance of a 5☆ but for Northern Europeans, used to attentive and responsive service and an attention to detail, it is more a 3.5☆.
ホテル カザーリ
ボルゴ コンデ ワイン リゾート
年末にイタリアの田舎でゆっくりしようと泊まりに行きました。最寄りのForli駅からはタクシーで30ユーロ前後です。ホテルのメインの建物と各部屋、ヴィラが別の建物になっていて、遠いところだと車移動が推奨されているのでホテルのウェブサイトでロケーションを確認したほうが良いかと思います。また、朝食はメインの建物でいただけますが、昼・夜のレストランは坂を700メートル下ったところにあります。タイミングが合えばホテルの方が車に乗せてくれることもありますが、自家用車がなければ徒歩で行き来することになります。坂道ではありますが、夜は星空も空気もきれいなので元気があれば歩くのもそんなに苦にはならないかと思います。レストランではホテルで作っているワインとローカルなお料理(味も良い)が楽しめました。料理4皿(前菜、パスタ、メイン、デザート)とワイン3種のテイスティングメニューが35ユーロで用意されておりおすすめです。 ホテルの周囲はブドウ畑で囲まれていて、とても美しい環境です。街や集落からも離れており、私たちは車がなかったのでブドウ畑の間をぬっての散策を楽しみました。Google mapで見つけた近くのお城(徒歩40分程度)に行ってみると、かつてムッソリーニが滞在したところだったことがわかり(この村の出身とのこと)思わぬ発見にびっくりしました。 夏ならばブドウ畑の緑も楽しめてよりきれいだろうなと思います。車があればよりアクティブに、なくてものんびり楽しめる大人向けのリゾートだと思います。
グランド ホテル フォルリ
Hotel IN





トリップドットコムはビジネスホテル、家族向けなどの利用シーンに合わせて、格安料金でProvince of Forli-Cesenaの人気ホテルを予約できます。Province of Forli-Cesenaの人気ホテルを探すなら、トリップドットコムにお任せください。Province of Forli-Cesenaは安静な都市です、ここで休暇を過ごすなら、きっと居心地の良さを感じられるでしょう。Province of Forli-Cesenaは比較的に小都市ですが、トリップドットコムならきっとあなたに合う宿泊先が見つかります。

空港がなくても、他の交通手段でProvince of Forli-Cesenaへ来られます。多くの観光客はバスを利用してProvince of Forli-Cesenaへ行くこともあります。

Province of Forli-Cesenaは観光都市ではないため、当地のホテル業が発達していません。多くのホテルは現地でしか予約できないです。Province of Forli-Cesenaのホテルの1泊平均単価が安く、旅行の予算を立てる際に、高く見積もらなく良いでしょう。Province of Forli-Cesenaの人気ホテルに関して、Clorofillaの評価は最も高いホテルの中の一つです。もちろん、多くのお客様はAgricola Casa Cucina Bottegaも予約されています。
