Denkmal Josef Madersperger周辺のホテルをお探しですか?実際の旅行者の口コミをホテル選びに役立てましょう。


Denkmal Josef Madersperger周辺の人気ホテルをチェック


Hotel Imperial, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Vienna

Hotel Imperial, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Vienna

ウィーン|Denkmal Josef Maderspergerより0.25km
夜20時半頃に空港からタクシーで到着、ベルボーイがすぐに出てきて鞄を持ちチケットをくれる。帰りもチェックアウトするとベルボーイが空港までのタクシーを直ぐに手配してくれ、ベンツのワゴン車で快適に帰れた。とてもスムーズ。 フロント女性は笑顔で親切、AMEXのFHRで予約してあるが、特典をきちんと説明してくれ、最後にフロントから出て、バーと朝食レストランを案内してくれてエレベーター迄案内してくれた。入室すると直ぐに先程のベルボーイが荷物を持って来てくれる。 部屋は、DLXから5階のJr.StにUGされており、ツインベッドにソファーコーナーが付随、角部屋に2ヶ所のバルコニーがあり、オペラ座も眺められる素晴らしい部屋だった。バスルームはシャワーブースとバスタブが分離され、2つのシンクがある洗面台があり、ゆったりしている。小さなインペリアルタルト、小さなチョコ、コーヒー等がサービスでソファーコーナーのテーブルに置いてあった。 朝食は屋外もあるレストランで、*料理は好きな料理をウェイターに注文し、他はビュッフェだった。ローランペリエのシャンパンが置いてあり、朝から豪華にシャンパンブレックファストを頂いた。ビュッフェは、コンチネンタル風で、シリアル、ハム類、チーズ類、フルーツ、様々なパンがあり、暖かい料理は少ない。2日間朝食を食べたが、日本人は皆無で、朝7時半頃は韓国人のグループが数組食事していただけだった。 このコーヒーショップは昼も営業しており、やや狭い外のテラスで昼食も食べた。 フロント奥のバーは大きなシャンデリアがあり吹き抜けの豪華な内装、夜はピアノ演奏があり、ウィーンらしくクラッシックからポップスまで演奏していた。ウェイター、ウェイトレスも笑顔でテキパキしている。 地下鉄カールスプラッツ駅に徒歩5分、歩行者天国の通りに3分、街の中心シュテファン寺院にも徒歩10分程度と便利な場所にある。 総じて、程よい大きさ、立派なクラッシックな内装、愛想の良いスタッフ、便利な場所、良い滞在ができた。
Hotel Bristol, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Vienna

Hotel Bristol, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Vienna

ウィーン|Denkmal Josef Maderspergerより0.35km
The Ritz-Carlton, Vienna

The Ritz-Carlton, Vienna

ウィーン|Denkmal Josef Maderspergerより0.49km
Ive stayed at many Ritz properties in city centers all over the world and this one is by far and away the nicest I’ve ever stayed at, both in terms of service as well as the property itself. When I arrived (on foot) I was immediately greeted by the bellman who offered to take my luggage. Check-in was pleasant and I was offered a glass of sparkling wine. As a Titanium member, I was proactively upgraded from a Deluxe room to a Premier Executuve room on the 2nd floor. I really could not tell the difference, but it was still a very nice room (more on that later). I was happy to see they my room was ready at noon and my bags were delivered to the room about five minutes after I arrived. As a Titanium member, I was also offered a property specific welcome gift that I was able to cash in for a 17€ cocktail at the bar by the lobby. The room was absolutely stunning, and was a nice mix of modern and classic. The ceilings mort have been 15 feet high! Bathroom amenities were by Dyptique. The bed was heavenly as were the pillows and bedding; I never wanted to get out of bed! I loved how all the light switches were labeled with what they controlled. The room had a mini bar, Nespresso machine, and plenty of complimentary bottles of water that were replenished twice per day. I simply cannot day enough good things about this room. One minor issue I had, there was a small leak coming from my toilet that I reported that never appeared to be addressed. It didn’t really bother me, but it did appear to get worse throughout my stay. I was able to dine at all the restaurants during my stay. The food at the steakhouse and Italian restaurant was absolutely out of this world, service was good, and drinks were delicious. Prices were fairly high, but it was a nice splurge, and I think the quality and service delivered were in line with what they were charging. I went for a night cap at DBar, and they have a great selection to choose from. I tried the roof bar, but it was about to rain so I was advised to leave as there was no covering. My rate included breakfast, and there was a good selection of hot and cold options, and I was also entitled to a dish from the menu. The buffet was very high quality, especially the pastries; one of the best pain aux raisins I’ve ever had. I did go to the pool and liked the ambiance of the spa area; I wish I could have spent more time there. I had one service issue, which was that during my stay, it was Vienna Pride. The parade passed by the hotel entrance and I guess it got so crazy that the hotel basically went on lockdown and it was nearly impossible to enter. It took me a while to finally get someone to let me in. Not sure how that could have been avoided, but that irked me a little. Great hotel, highly recommend, can’t wait to return!







Denkmal Josef Madersperger周辺のホテルをお探しですか?宿泊料金や口コミを比較して、ぴったりの宿泊先を見つけましょう。
シュロスホテル レーミッヒャー カイザー
ホテル アム シューベルトリング
The Ritz-Carlton, Vienna
Ive stayed at many Ritz properties in city centers all over the world and this one is by far and away the nicest I’ve ever stayed at, both in terms of service as well as the property itself. When I arrived (on foot) I was immediately greeted by the bellman who offered to take my luggage. Check-in was pleasant and I was offered a glass of sparkling wine. As a Titanium member, I was proactively upgraded from a Deluxe room to a Premier Executuve room on the 2nd floor. I really could not tell the difference, but it was still a very nice room (more on that later). I was happy to see they my room was ready at noon and my bags were delivered to the room about five minutes after I arrived. As a Titanium member, I was also offered a property specific welcome gift that I was able to cash in for a 17€ cocktail at the bar by the lobby. The room was absolutely stunning, and was a nice mix of modern and classic. The ceilings mort have been 15 feet high! Bathroom amenities were by Dyptique. The bed was heavenly as were the pillows and bedding; I never wanted to get out of bed! I loved how all the light switches were labeled with what they controlled. The room had a mini bar, Nespresso machine, and plenty of complimentary bottles of water that were replenished twice per day. I simply cannot day enough good things about this room. One minor issue I had, there was a small leak coming from my toilet that I reported that never appeared to be addressed. It didn’t really bother me, but it did appear to get worse throughout my stay. I was able to dine at all the restaurants during my stay. The food at the steakhouse and Italian restaurant was absolutely out of this world, service was good, and drinks were delicious. Prices were fairly high, but it was a nice splurge, and I think the quality and service delivered were in line with what they were charging. I went for a night cap at DBar, and they have a great selection to choose from. I tried the roof bar, but it was about to rain so I was advised to leave as there was no covering. My rate included breakfast, and there was a good selection of hot and cold options, and I was also entitled to a dish from the menu. The buffet was very high quality, especially the pastries; one of the best pain aux raisins I’ve ever had. I did go to the pool and liked the ambiance of the spa area; I wish I could have spent more time there. I had one service issue, which was that during my stay, it was Vienna Pride. The parade passed by the hotel entrance and I guess it got so crazy that the hotel basically went on lockdown and it was nearly impossible to enter. It took me a while to finally get someone to let me in. Not sure how that could have been avoided, but that irked me a little. Great hotel, highly recommend, can’t wait to return!
ホテル アム コンツェルトハウスMギャラリー コレクション
We have stayed in the hotel for 3 nights. Great location, next to the center and Belvedere. Specious and comfy room with nice view. Bathroom also with enough space. Big surprise were luxury shower gel and body lotion! Breakfast - amazing! A lot of choice, love cooking, all fresh and well presented. Also prices in the bar with good value. Very good whisky sour 👌 The most important staff - helpful, open and polite. Much recommend for next time in Wien!
Hotel Bristol, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Vienna
Hotel Das Triest





トリップドットコムでは、ウィーンのホテルが835軒以上の情報を掲載し、高級ホテルや人気・格安ホテルなど情報が豊富です。ウィーンは数多くの有名ブランドホテルチェーンが集まっており,ビジネス出張や旅行にぴったり!ラマダを好むお客様は、その傘下のホテルを利用することができます。ウィーンにはラマダのホテルチェーンが運営しており、このブランドを好む方は是非ご予約ください。きっとラマダが提供された高品質サービスを堪能いただきます。ウィーンの人気ホテルに関して、スター イン ホテル プレミアム ウィーン ハウフトバーンホフ バイ クオリティ の評価は最も高いホテルの中の一つです。なかなか宿泊先を決められないお客様に、スター イン ホテル ウィーン シェーンブルン バイ コンフォート をおすすめします。

ウィーンで宿泊するなら、観光スポットの周辺をおすすめします。例えば:シュテファン大聖堂, シュテファン大聖堂などあります。実は、ウィーンへ旅行では,人気観光スポットシェーンブルン宮殿, ウィーン楽友協会(ウィーンフィル本拠地), ウィーン国立歌劇場もおすすめです。ショッピングが好きなお客様は、是非スワロフスキーを立ち寄ってください。


•1月~3月: 昼4.54°C,夜1.4°C

•4月~6月: 昼17.26°C,夜12.37°C

•7月~9月: 昼21.36°C,夜16.54°C






