The first thing I will mention is that the hotel is 5 star and is expectedly, very expensive, being in the heart of Times Square. I took this into account when writing my review. If I am paying that much, my expectations would be higher than normal. I stayed for 12 nights over the Christmas and NY period so I obtained a very comprehensive view of the hotel and everything about it. Overall it was a very comfortable stay and the staff were always there to attend to any requests and issues. The moment I got out of my transfer car, there was a lovely young gentleman waiting to get all my bags and transport me upstairs to the reception. The check-in was reasonably flawless but there was a bit of confusion around the payment because of resort fees the hotel charges daily. I prepaid my booking and there was confusion over whether it included or excluded the resort fee. The reception area is immaculately presented and the bar and restaurant are both located here. I intended to use the gym during my stay, but didn't have time to even take a peek. Nor did I visit the bar or restaurant. There's way too many options outside to do that. The very polite and courteous young gentleman then took me up to my room. He showed me everything and away he went. I got a bit of a room upgrade which I highly appreciated and had a beautiful view of Times Square. I was on the 2nd highest floor, floor 39. The room is not big. It was adequate for one person but nothing more. I don't think I would be able to stay here if I was with another person. It would be too uncomfortable and I had to find space for my 2 suitcases and carry-on. The bathroom is open plan, with a door for the shower and toilet. A big problem I had in my room was that if it was windy you will hear a loud whistle coming through the bottom of the front door. It really annoyed me. I had to take the cover off the bed and make a snake shape to block the gap underneath the door to stop the noise. Even a bath towel didn't work. They need to fix this. The hotel is very new and the rooms are very beautifully equipped, presented and maintained. I was pleased to see that most of the things I requested before I arrived (some extra bath mats, bath towels, hand towels, face towels, mini fridge, bathroom scale) were mostly there upon arrival. I quantified the number of towels I needed as I was not getting any housekeeping during my 12 night stay but I did not get the quantity requested. I expected a bit more attention to detail for a 5 star hotel. Before I arrived I was asked if I was celebrating a special occasion and Guest Services pushed up my expectations as I was celebrating a special occassion and they said something nice, I assume maybe a cake or some alcohol would be waiting for me in the room. When I arrived there was nothing. And there was never going to be anything throughout my stay. I didn't mind and only remembered towards the end of the stay. When I enquired via email I was met with silence. They
The hotel is located in the centre of Manhattan, right next to Grand Central Station, and another 200 metres to the Intersection of Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street. There are my favorite New York Public Library, 沿ってにぎやかな 5 番街. It is a beautiful古い建物で、多くのカフェやレストラン、教会、セントラル パーク、メトロポリタン美術館、グッゲン美術館などがあります。上司、私のように古い建築物、美術館、アート ギャラリーが好きな人には、住むのに最適な場所です。ここ。すべて徒歩圏内。土地が非常に高いニューヨークでは、ホテルの部屋は大きく、比較的静かで、部屋には飲料水がなく、1階のスーパーマーケットで販売されており、中央駅には大きなスーパーマーケットがあります。湯たんぽはフロントのカスタマーサービスにお送りいただけます。 .早朝から淹れたてのコーヒーと焼きたてのパンを提供するカフェがたくさんあるので、ホテルで食事をする必要はありません。
私たちの訪問は、会議のためにEven Hotel Brooklynに私たちを連れて行きました。私たちはもっと満足することができませんでした。私たちが出会ったスタッフの誰もがフレンドリーで親切で、非常にプロフェッショナルでした。私たちは部屋を愛しました。スタンドアップデスクと十分なコンセントとポートで仕事をするのに最適です。ホワイトボードはスーパータッチです。ベッドは非常に快適で、バスルームの予約はセンセーショナルでした。ストレッチバンドとボールの助けを借りて毎日部屋でミニワークアウトができるのは素晴らしかった。ホテルそばの通りで一晩で駐車場が利用できた。駐車場は不要だった。誤って部屋に残された荷物を返却したハウスキーピングでクリスに感謝します。私たちは車に決して作らなかったことを認識して2日以内にそれを戻しました。戻ってくるのを待つことはできません。
The location was perfect, and the local response was smooth. However, because the payment amount was multiple, I contacted customer support, but when I called, I suddenly hung up and didn't call back. I'm not satisfied with the service. Even now, it's been more than a week and we haven't responded to anything.
ニューヨーク近代美術館は、アメリカの画家Ed Ruschaの個展Now Then "現在過去"を展示しています。これは、画家の芸術生涯を比較的全面的に振り返る展示です。Ruschaはアメリカ西部で生まれ、ロサンゼルスで生活し仕事をしています。今年で85歳になります。2016年にサンフランシスコで彼の展示Ed Ruscha and the Great American Westを見たことがあり、その記憶は新鮮です。数年後に芸術の都ニューヨークで彼の展示を見ることができるということは、彼がより広範囲で認識されていることを示しています。
ガソリンスタンドから連想されるもう一つの絵画もMoMaで非常に好きな油絵、Edward Hopperの Gas(画家の名前が同じで面白い)。美術館のギフトショップで2枚のポストカードを買いました。同じガソリンスタンドですが、2人の画家の異なるスタイルにより、全く異なる感覚をもたらします
観光スポット: ハイライン / High Line
場所: New York, NY 10011, United States
⑴展望台 Edge
30 Hudson Yards, New York, NY 10001, United States
55 Hudson Yards, New York, NY 10001, United States
⑶スターバックス ニューヨーク リザーブロースタリー
61 9th Ave, New York, NY 10011, United States
Pier55 in Hudson River Park @, W 13th St, New York, NY 10014, United States
75 9th Ave, New York, NY 10011, United States
#ニューヨーク旅行 #アメリカ旅行
住所:1717 Broadway, New York, NY
#ニューヨーク #ニューヨーク観光 #ホテルステイ #アメリカ #マンハッタン