







ニューコルン - クロイツベルクのアエロノートサービスアパートメント (パール1による)

ニューコルン - クロイツベルクのアエロノートサービスアパートメント (パール1による)

During my recent stay at your hotel, I encountered a number of issues that affected my overall experience. While the hotel appeared relatively new and clean, there were several areas where improvements are needed. 1. Blocked Floor Drain: One evening, as I prepared to take a shower, I noticed that the floor drain was completely blocked. This was highly inconvenient and unexpected. As a hotel guest, I believe it is not my responsibility to unclog drains manually. The task was unpleasant and should have been addressed by the hotel staff promptly. 2. Lack of Proper Cleaning Services: The cleaning services provided during my stay were disappointing. We had to repeatedly request basic cleaning essentials such as vacuuming and toilet paper. It was frustrating to spend a significant portion of our vacation time coordinating with the cleaning staff, especially considering that our requests were not excessive. 3. Inadequate Floor Cleaning: Upon arrival, we noticed that the floors were dirty and had not been properly vacuumed. This gave a poor first impression and indicated a lack of attention to detail in maintaining cleanliness. 4. Inconsistent Trash Management: The handling of trash was inconsistent. While one of the trash cans was emptied, the other remained full, suggesting an incomplete job by the housekeeping staff. Consistency in maintaining cleanliness is crucial for a pleasant guest experience. 5. Inconsistent Towel Change Service: The towel change service was also inconsistent. Some days, the towels were replaced, while on other days, they were not. This inconsistency can leave guests feeling uncertain about the level of service they can expect during their stay. 6. Misleading Information about Air Conditioning: One of the most significant issues we faced was the absence of the air conditioning system that was promised on ***********. This was particularly problematic as we had a family member with asthma, and the lack of cool air aggravated their symptoms. False information provided regarding amenities is not only misleading but also poses potential health risks to guests. I hope this review provides comprehensive feedback that will assist the management in identifying areas for improvement. It is my sincere hope that necessary actions will be taken to rectify these issues, ensuring that future guests have a more positive and comfortable stay at your hotel. Due to these problems, we decided to check out a day earlier than planned. We hope to hear from you regarding our concerns and the appropriate resolution to address the issues we encountered during our stay.



グランド ホステル ベルリン アーバン
、、きれい、、、暖かい、、、素敵な場所、、素敵な人、お金の価値、、u bahnは非常に近く、、、、どこにでも行くことができます、カップルやシングルステイに適しています、、、かわいいバーと簡単に見つけることができます到着時に、、、次回はもっと長くなります
ホテル アム ヘルマンプラッツ
Hôtel plutôt bien placé, à proximité du métro. La personne a la réception était très gentille et arrangeante, elle a accepté que nous partions avant l’heure de départ minimum. La chambre était grande et plutôt confortable. Malheureusement, nous avons trouvé que cette dernière ne correspondait pas totalement à ce que nous avions vu sur les photos, elle avait l’air moins moderne et moins cosy. Le rideau sur la fenêtre était aussi légèrement trop petit par conséquent il y avait un peu trop de lumière la nuit. Nous n’avions également pas la possibilité de mettre un panneau à l’extérieur pour que personne ne vienne faire la chambre. Un peu cher pour ce que c’est.
ホテル ラドウィグ ヴァン ベートーベン
エアランガー ホフ
このホテルのレビューは2022のために更新を必要としました。ホテルの通りと正面は少し欺くことができますが、そのカバーで本を判断しないでください。受付から受け取った歓迎は非常にフレンドリーで効率的でした。受付係が中庭にあるリフトに案内してくれました。ダブルルームは広く清潔でした。快適なベッド。ケトルは間違いなくプラスでした。私は朝食を持っていなかったのでコメントを追加することはできません。チェックアウトしたとき、私は受付に希望を持って戻ってくると伝え、彼は「素晴らしい」と答えました!私は間違いなくこのホテルをお勧めします。近くにお勧めします:(1)ミュートホーンクラフトエールバー。(2) チャックヘッドズ コメディショー(英語) 木曜日の夜、デリバ·バーで オンラインで無料チケットを予約する必要があります。
ニューコルン - クロイツベルクのアエロノートサービスアパートメント (パール1による)
During my recent stay at your hotel, I encountered a number of issues that affected my overall experience. While the hotel appeared relatively new and clean, there were several areas where improvements are needed. 1. Blocked Floor Drain: One evening, as I prepared to take a shower, I noticed that the floor drain was completely blocked. This was highly inconvenient and unexpected. As a hotel guest, I believe it is not my responsibility to unclog drains manually. The task was unpleasant and should have been addressed by the hotel staff promptly. 2. Lack of Proper Cleaning Services: The cleaning services provided during my stay were disappointing. We had to repeatedly request basic cleaning essentials such as vacuuming and toilet paper. It was frustrating to spend a significant portion of our vacation time coordinating with the cleaning staff, especially considering that our requests were not excessive. 3. Inadequate Floor Cleaning: Upon arrival, we noticed that the floors were dirty and had not been properly vacuumed. This gave a poor first impression and indicated a lack of attention to detail in maintaining cleanliness. 4. Inconsistent Trash Management: The handling of trash was inconsistent. While one of the trash cans was emptied, the other remained full, suggesting an incomplete job by the housekeeping staff. Consistency in maintaining cleanliness is crucial for a pleasant guest experience. 5. Inconsistent Towel Change Service: The towel change service was also inconsistent. Some days, the towels were replaced, while on other days, they were not. This inconsistency can leave guests feeling uncertain about the level of service they can expect during their stay. 6. Misleading Information about Air Conditioning: One of the most significant issues we faced was the absence of the air conditioning system that was promised on ***********. This was particularly problematic as we had a family member with asthma, and the lack of cool air aggravated their symptoms. False information provided regarding amenities is not only misleading but also poses potential health risks to guests. I hope this review provides comprehensive feedback that will assist the management in identifying areas for improvement. It is my sincere hope that necessary actions will be taken to rectify these issues, ensuring that future guests have a more positive and comfortable stay at your hotel. Due to these problems, we decided to check out a day earlier than planned. We hope to hear from you regarding our concerns and the appropriate resolution to address the issues we encountered during our stay.
メルキュール ホテル ベルリン テンペルホフ


  • Trip.comでホテルを予約するにはどうすればよいですか?


  • Trip.comでホテルのお得情報を入手するにはどうすればよいですか?


  • Trip.comのどのページでホテルのお得情報を確認できますか?


  • ホテル料金を安くする方法を教えてください。


  • Trip.comに掲載されているホテル数は?


  • Trip.comでホテルの予約をキャンセルまたは変更できますか?


  • Trip.comカスタマーサポートに連絡する方法を教えてください。





ベルリンは821軒のおすすめホテルを立ち並んでおり、トリップドットコムなら最高20%の割引でご提供できます。現在、多くの有名ブランドホテルチェーンがベルリンで運営しています。ラマダを好むお客様は、その傘下のホテルを利用することができます。多くのお客様がベルリンへ旅行する際に、宿泊先をラマダホテルに指定しています。ベルリンのウィンダム ベルリン エクセルシオール は最も人気が高いホテルです。また、パーク イン バイ ラディソン ベルリン アレクサンダープラッツ は観光客がよくご利用される人気ホテルです。

ベルリンには多くの観光スポットがあり、例えば:ベルリン大聖堂, ドイツ歴史博物館はおすすめです。ベルリンの観光名所が多く、まずはインヴァーリデンフリートホーフ, カウルスドルファー・ゼーエンはいかがでしょうか。上記の紹介したスポットと別に,O2ワールド, ICCベルリンも比較的に有名です。現地のお土産を購入するエリアに関して、ヴェステン デパートへ行くのは良いでしょう。
