I wish I could give it 5 stars! Let's start with the bad - the hotel thought of just about everything except effective soundproofing. It was unpleasant to hear the traffic at all times when in the room even with the balcony closed, but you could find a way to accept it. What really killed it was 2 evenings in a row hearing a kid running above you for .5-1 hr at a time and being woken up in the middle of the night twice because someone decided to enjoy their onsen on their balcony and was talking and laughing loudly. We stayed for 5 nights and the weekend was the worst as the hotel had a higher occupancy rate. Without that...there is no good, there is only great: - Check-in is private, seated in the lobby with welcoming refreshments - Private onsen on your balcony (in addition to the large one for all guests) - amazing! - Room accommodations very well appointed with numerous amenities and very spacious - Parking available on your room level very convenient (not all, but some... we stayed on 4th floor so even exit from garage was available on our floor) - Restaurants - we had breakfast which had great options and service, we also enjoyed a room service for dinner which offered ability to order from multiple of restaurants. We didn't have dinner in the restaurants as we didn't find the menus appealing for all in our party. - Location is great, short walk to most things you'd want to do in Atami, across the street from a beach (not a great one, but people use it) and relatively easy to get out by car (especially if you ignore GPS directions that guide to tiny streets)
- ゲスト
熱海駅から タクシーで。 (料金は ホテルが支払い!) 車寄せで 女性スタッフに 名前を告げると ランチのご予約を 頂いていますので と すぐに席に案内されました。まるで 海外のリゾート地か、日本なら 六本木のグランドハイアットのような きめ細かい対応に まず驚きました。 個室の中華は最高の美味でした。サーヴも申し分なしでした。 食後 部屋に入ると 風呂は 常時沸いていて満杯の湯を湛えていました。 二人分と 思えないふんだんに置いてあるタオルは すべて今治タオルでした。 先日 今治温泉に行った際 国際ホテルの売り場で買いましたが 大きなバスタオルは 1万円では買えません。秋田杉の風呂桶もきっと高品質です。 旅行会社に勧められた知らないホテルで 全く期待していませんでした。 宿泊費も ちょっと高くて 逡巡しました。 経験上 新しいホテルは スタッフの寄せ集め感が否めない気がしていましたが すべて熟練したサービス対応力を持ち合わせていたと思われます。 温泉地で、 フォーシーズンズやリッツカールトンの持て成しを望む方には ぜひ お薦めです。 . ・
- ゲスト