



セレクト ホテル シュピーゲルトゥルム ベルリン

セレクト ホテル シュピーゲルトゥルム ベルリン



By the time this incident happened, I have already completed a 4 days stay in the hotel and was willing to increase my stay. For that purpose, I went to Mrs. Hausweld and asked to please consult the availability and the price of the rooms for extra nights. In response, I was told that the final price, including the city tax for 3 additional nights would be 350 euros with breakfast included. Consequently, I was willing to go along with that reservation and requested to pay by card. Afterward, then Mrs. Hausweld offered me the POS terminal to go along with the payment, and the amount ascended to 419 euros. Due to that unexpected difference, I kindly asked for an explanation and was told that 419 euros were the final price, and if I was not happy with it I would need to leave the hotel immediately. As a result, I kindly refused to pay that amount and asked her to please consult the price for two nights instead of three. In response to that, the front desk manager told me that no more rooms were available for me and that I needed to check out now and leave the hotel. Following that conversation, I went on and reserved a room for the same days, without breakfast, and surprisingly rooms were still available. Next, I went to the front desk and asked to please pay for my booking Mrs. Hausweld looked at me in an unfriendly manner and told me she could not find any reservation. After 5 minutes of searching, she could finally open my booking. Then, although I already provided a credit card in my booking, she asked me to show it to her because she was not believing that it was not mine. I answered that the card was in effect mine and offered her to have a look, but it did not have any numbers on it. So she got ahead to request me to write down my credit card details, including the CVV code, on a piece of paper as ”a security”. Afterward, I was asked again by her if I would like breakfast or not, despite I selected the no breakfast option on A moment later I was offered the POS terminal to pay by card, which stated an amount 30 euros higher that the price I booked the room for on this site. Due to the reoccurrence of the same, previous situation again, I refused to pay and respectfully asked her why the price was higher again. Mrs. Hauweld answered in a very disrespectful manner that I asked her to have breakfast included and that I was confusing her again. After that situation, I kindly asked them to speak with her supervisor. She answered, that she had no supervisor and was the only person working in the hotel for the whole weekend. That experience left me in complete disbelief of her professionality and her being in that important role in the hotel. However, despite that bad experience with that particular staff member, I would like to note that the other front desk managers were very friendly and helpful at all times.



メルキュール ホテル ベルリン シティ ウェスト
友人と数日間ベルリンを旅行していたのでこのホテルを選びましたが、彼は私より数日遅れて到着しました。これは、予算、市内中心部からの距離、公共交通機関への近接という点で素晴らしいオプションであることが証明されました。シーメンスダムの U バーンから階段を上るとすぐに右側にあります。レセプションのスタッフは暖かくフレンドリーで、25年前に学校で少し勉強した後、私のドイツ語はあまり上手くいなかったので、とても良い英語を話しました。部屋は広く、とても清潔で、設備が整っていました。私にとっては暖かすぎて、エアコンをオフにしても役に立ちませんでしたが、窓は非常に広く開いています。バスルームにはボーナスだったお風呂もありました。ベッドはしっかりしていて、本当に楽しかったですが、誰もが好むものではないことに感謝しています。私は部屋にサービスを提供しないように頼んだと確信していますが、メイドは毎日そこにいました。私はテレビを使用しませんでしたが、Wi-Fiは少しパッチがあり、時遅いものでした。ベッドの近くにはプラグソケットがたくさんあります。床ランプとデスクランプに柔らかい光があり、素晴らしかったです。ある朝、私はビュッフェ式朝食を食べました。シリアル、パン、冷たい肉、チーズ、卵、ソーセージ、新鮮なジュース、お茶、コーヒーなど、温かい食べ物と冷たい食べ物の種類が豊富でした。道路の向かいには午後10時まで営業するスーパーマーケットがあり、夕食に食べ物を手に入れるのに便利でした。はい、静かで安全だと感じました。隣接する部屋からの騒音は聞こえませんでした。将来一人でベルリンを訪れるなら、またここに滞在するかもしれません。
シュロスパーク ホテル
このホテルは、素敵な森を見下ろす非常に快適な広々とした部屋から、私たち自身に持っていた美しいプールまで、朝食は非第二のもので、スタッフがもうできないことを確認しようとすると、もうできませんでした。私たちが望むすべて。毎朝の素敵なリトルイースターのおもてなしはとても特別なタッチでした。あなたの運転がどこでも簡単に手に入れることができ、無料か安い駐車場がたくさんあります。ナディンとステファニーの特別な言及は、彼らはいつもおはようと言って、私たちと話すために時間を費やしました - 私たちの滞在をそのような特別なものにしてくれてありがとう。
イビス ベルリン メッセ
セントロヴタル ホテル ベルリン
私の親友が私たちのためにこのホテルを見つけてくれました - しかし、私たちはそれが街から数マイル離れていることに気づいていませんでした。驚いたことに - それは幸せな事故でした。私たちはここが大好きでした。毎朝駅に行く途中、私たちは美しいスパンダウの町を歩き、パン屋、レストラン、農家の市場に立ち寄りました!そして電車はそこにあります-ホテルから約10-15分。階下のスパもとても素敵なタッチです。明らかに、人はスパを利用するために世界中からやって来ます!共同教育と衣料品はオプションで、サウナ 4 つ、スチーム ルーム、アイス バス、プール、ホット タブ、リラクゼーション ルームの機能がたくさんあります。ホテルの部屋は素晴らしく、清潔で広としています-バスタブとシャワーがあり、私たちは本当に楽しかったです。私たちが到着したり出発したりしたとき、フロントデスクの人は本当に私たちを認識しませんでした...しかし、それは大丈夫です。残りの財産は素晴らしいので、それは問題ではありません。ここでの時間を愛していました。
セレクト ホテル シュピーゲルトゥルム ベルリン
By the time this incident happened, I have already completed a 4 days stay in the hotel and was willing to increase my stay. For that purpose, I went to Mrs. Hausweld and asked to please consult the availability and the price of the rooms for extra nights. In response, I was told that the final price, including the city tax for 3 additional nights would be 350 euros with breakfast included. Consequently, I was willing to go along with that reservation and requested to pay by card. Afterward, then Mrs. Hausweld offered me the POS terminal to go along with the payment, and the amount ascended to 419 euros. Due to that unexpected difference, I kindly asked for an explanation and was told that 419 euros were the final price, and if I was not happy with it I would need to leave the hotel immediately. As a result, I kindly refused to pay that amount and asked her to please consult the price for two nights instead of three. In response to that, the front desk manager told me that no more rooms were available for me and that I needed to check out now and leave the hotel. Following that conversation, I went on and reserved a room for the same days, without breakfast, and surprisingly rooms were still available. Next, I went to the front desk and asked to please pay for my booking Mrs. Hausweld looked at me in an unfriendly manner and told me she could not find any reservation. After 5 minutes of searching, she could finally open my booking. Then, although I already provided a credit card in my booking, she asked me to show it to her because she was not believing that it was not mine. I answered that the card was in effect mine and offered her to have a look, but it did not have any numbers on it. So she got ahead to request me to write down my credit card details, including the CVV code, on a piece of paper as ”a security”. Afterward, I was asked again by her if I would like breakfast or not, despite I selected the no breakfast option on A moment later I was offered the POS terminal to pay by card, which stated an amount 30 euros higher that the price I booked the room for on this site. Due to the reoccurrence of the same, previous situation again, I refused to pay and respectfully asked her why the price was higher again. Mrs. Hauweld answered in a very disrespectful manner that I asked her to have breakfast included and that I was confusing her again. After that situation, I kindly asked them to speak with her supervisor. She answered, that she had no supervisor and was the only person working in the hotel for the whole weekend. That experience left me in complete disbelief of her professionality and her being in that important role in the hotel. However, despite that bad experience with that particular staff member, I would like to note that the other front desk managers were very friendly and helpful at all times.
アイビス ホテル ベルリン シュパンダウ





ベルリンは821軒のおすすめホテルを立ち並んでおり、トリップドットコムなら最高20%の割引でご提供できます。現在、多くの有名ブランドホテルチェーンがベルリンで運営しています。ラマダを好むお客様は、その傘下のホテルを利用することができます。多くのお客様がベルリンへ旅行する際に、宿泊先をラマダホテルに指定しています。ベルリンのウィンダム ベルリン エクセルシオール は最も人気が高いホテルです。また、パーク イン バイ ラディソン ベルリン アレクサンダープラッツ は観光客がよくご利用される人気ホテルです。

ベルリンには多くの観光スポットがあり、例えば:ベルリン大聖堂, ドイツ歴史博物館はおすすめです。ベルリンの観光名所が多く、まずはインヴァーリデンフリートホーフ, カウルスドルファー・ゼーエンはいかがでしょうか。上記の紹介したスポットと別に,O2ワールド, ICCベルリンも比較的に有名です。現地のお土産を購入するエリアに関して、ヴェステン デパートへ行くのは良いでしょう。
