全室禁煙室です。京都駅中央口より徒歩4分。観光にもビジネスにも大変便利な立地でありながら『ゆったりとした空間』と『大浴場』で癒しの時間をご用意しております。「コンビニ」も向かいにあり、利便性も充実。京都の滞在に、新しい形をご提案します。私たち「ALA HOTEL KYOTO」は、京都の玄関口に位置し、今日の京都をより深く、お愉しみいただけます。
仕事で大阪から京都に移動して1泊しました。京都駅から地下鉄烏丸線の五条駅で降りて、徒歩5分くらいで到着です。ホテルの裏側は京都の下町の風情があって、閑静な場所でした。3時のチェックインタイムよりも1時間早く到着したところ、すぐにチェックインをさせてくれました。 一番安いクイーンルームですが、アクセシブルルームであったので、部屋が広めで、裏窓から遠くの山が見えました。体重計や空気清浄機などもそろっていて、全て真新しかったです。シャワーの水圧もよく、石鹸類は香水の香りがしました。 1階のレストランは、夕ご飯の時間が貸切ということで、外で夕食をとりました。ホテルの対面付近に近江ちゃんぽんという珍しい店があって、晩ご飯には困りませんでした。小雨が降っていましたが、ホテルの1階に置き傘もあったようです。翌朝の朝食は、1階のレストランが自由席となっていて、ゆったりと座ることができました。多種類の食材があって、特に野菜がみずみずしく、新鮮でした。 1泊で2万円余りの安価であったので、仕事で利用するにはちょうどよかったです。スリッパも部屋の備え付けのものでしっかりしていて、歩きやすかったです。 2泊以上する場合、つぎの各点を改善してもらうと、いいと思います。 ① 1階のレストランは、軽食やアルコールのつまみのようなものが多いようですが、和食を増やしてもらうといいです。 ② 建物のどこかを改装をするなどして、大浴場があればもっとゆったりできます。 ③ ホテル特製の歯ブラシは立派でいいのですが、使い捨てのひげそりがあるといいです。
ゲゲストI’ve booked for two nights in this hotel. Everything is almost perfect in the first night. The location is good, nearby the train station, a 24hr familymart in 2min walkable distance. The non-contact check in requested by the hotel through email is smooth and im okay with this arrangement. The instructions in the email are clear enough and i had successfully found the hotel and got into the room. It did look like perfect but something terrible happened in the second night. I came back to the hotel at 8:49pm and found i could not enter the room because the password was wrong. I entered exactly the same password which did work at the first night. Ive tries so many times slowly and clearly to confirm its not my mistakes if i had enter wrong password. After many times of wrong entering, the electronic lock was locked for trying. I was so desperate and sending email to the hotel asking for help, as my phone had only internet service but no phone call. Of course there was no any reply even till now, which is extremely ridiculous. Then I walked to the familymart trying to ask for help. Luckily there was three locals in the shop and one of them could speak english, they helped me calling to the hotel number instructed in the email , saying that is a 24hr number for emergency need and no one answered :) Then we google the hotel and find another number, then a japanese local answered. After communication with the staff, the three locals go to the hotel with us( they were super super friendly and helpful, thank you very much), trying to unlock the door by following the steps told by the staff in the phone, yet the door was still locked. Then the staff asked we to wait for 10 mins and someone will come. The 3 locals waited with us( AGAIN, THEY WERE EXTREMELY FRIENDLY, i cant imagine how would it end up that night without their help) Then the staff came and took only 2 seconds unlocking the door, I watched with my eyes that he did not enter the password I was given but another one, he did exactly know what was the right password. What the f was happening? Why the Password was changed? Who did that? Ive paid for two night! After opening the door, the staff just continually saying sorry and not answering my question. EVEN TILL NOW, i dont get any reply from the hotel, explaining what happened that night, it is the most ridiculous and terrible experience i ever had in my life.