
アレンテジョ マルモリス ホテル & スパ スモール ラグジュアリー ホテル オブ ザ ワールド
This is a wonderful, unique hotel in Vila Vicosa. It's owner also owns one of the many marble quarries in the area and has made extensive use of Portuguese marble as well as marble from other countries in the décor of the hotel. Our room was the Arabe suite which was one of the largest, most opulent suites we've ever stayed in. Daily housekeeping was thorough and efficient and our bed was extremely comfortable. The daily breakfast was full of many different dishes, including typical European breakfast food, as well as pastries, eggs and sausage. Service at the hotel and dining areas was attentive and professional. The one issue, which seems to be unique to Portugal since I've never run into it before, is that one Nespresso coffee pod was provided each morning for free and each additional pod was 2 Euros each. Every hotel I've ever stayed in has always offered free in-room coffee. But, in the grand scheme of things, this was minor annoyance since coffee was plentiful in the dining area and included with breakfast.
コンヴェント ド エスピニェイロ ヒストリック ホテル & スパ
このホテルへの2回目の訪問。修道院のルームデラックススイートに初めて滞在し、この地域の壮大な景色を望む大きなテラスがありました。利用可能だったら、もう一度予約したでしょう。デラックスデザインルームもとても良くて快適でした。スタッフは皆とてもフレンドリーで親切で効率的でした。ディヴィヌスレストランでの夕食は、ビュッフェ式朝食と同様に、最初の訪問と同じくらい楽しかったです。照明とカラースキームは、そうでなければ冷たい回廊エリアとして見えたかもしれない場所で、柔らかく清潔な雰囲気を作り出しました。教会を訪れることをお勧めします - 美しく復元されました。
マール デ アレ アクイドート
ポサーダ コンベント デ エヴォラ
昨年に引き続き二度目の滞在。相変わらずスタッフ達が親切で素晴らしいです。細やかな気配りが凄いです。一年一度だけの滞在なのに覚えていて下さったのも嬉しいですね。我が家のアレンテージョ探索の基地になったのは間違いないです。 エブォラの街はコンパクトながら、歴史と沢山の素晴らしいレストランに恵まれており、近隣の村や街も楽しく、他の街へ向かう道はいつまでもドライブしていたいと思うほど美しいです。 ちょっぴり残念だったのは、連れと二人で荷物を運びこんた直後のわずかな時間帯に、ドアの内鍵を閉めていなかったのですが、二人ほど別々に私たちの部屋をドアを開けて覗きに来た事です。物も言わずノックもせず、ジロリと中を見るなんて!思わず小さな悲鳴をあげてしまいました。これはお昼ご飯だけ来ていたリスボンからの日系グループ日帰りツアーのメンバーでした。見たら、レストランで仲間と日本語で話していました。もう、超びっくり。 こちらの方が情けなく、恥ずかしくなってしまいました。素敵なエボラのホテルやスタッフ達にも、こちらの方がいたたまれない気持ちになりました。 でも、大好きなアレンテージョ地方に行く時は、必ずこちらに泊まりたいと思っています。スタッフの皆さん、素敵な滞在をありがとう。
サン ロウレンソ ドゥ バーホカル
ランド ヴィンヤーズ
The hotel has a lot of potential, like the architecture and surroundings, however the generalized lack of empathy and professionalism by the staff ruins it in our opinion. Case in point: on check out, I asked to be invoiced under my name and company. “Mr C” said the invoice could be under my company name but would also need to reference my wife’s name instead of mine, as the booking was made by her. This was of no use for me, so I asked whether there was a way around this issue, as this has happened for us before at other hotels and they were easily able to accommodate the change. The answer was no – the software had recorded everything under my wife’s name. I then joked that ok, but maybe they should consider changing their software, to which he insisted that the software was doing what it was supposed to. So: 1) the staff was unable to put himself in my shoes and understand this was an impactful situation; 2) he was unable to escalate to management to find a solution; 3) not only did he not understand this was a reasonable request (attended to at other hotels), he insisted on making a point that everything was correct (hence I was incorrect); 4) total lack of empathy and professionalism. In the end he should have just said “sorry that we cannot accommodate your needs”. This was just an example. In the restaurant, there was just one person we found friendly – the sommelier, fantastic man. It’s really as if no one cares about their guests. Other notable exceptions: the girl that checked us in and the hotel director, both very friendly. Finishing the list of “cons”, we were a bit surprised there was construction going on near our suite (11) both on Saturday and Sunday. Not what we expected as a tranquil place to relax. To try to finish with a positive note, we liked the architecture and surroundings which, while tired here and there, still retain their charm. The suite was comfortable and the upgrade to a 2 bedroom was a nice touch. As were the gratuities like wine bottle, cookies, flowers, and honey. Breakfast was good, and so was the food at the restaurant. But in the end, none of this matters when your guests leave with bad memories and not wishing to return.


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