


Ottaway Amusement Inc

ハンプトン イン ダービー ウィチタ サウスイースト

ハンプトン イン ダービー ウィチタ サウスイースト

ダービー|Ottaway Amusement Incより3.65km
Your general manager tried his best to ruin our family reunion stay. We were paid and prechecked in for a 6 day stay in 106 many days ahead of time. We prebooked 106 due to health issues. Aaron Garrett, general manager, forced an employee to bump us and give our room with 2 Queen beds to a young couple and put the 3 of us in 211 with one bed and a fold up bed. It's as small as a Cubin jail cell! Add the fold up bed and we had to crawl over one bed to get out of the other! Of the 3 of us booked, one is an 80 year old lady with mobility issues and myself with mobility issues as well. I got in the shower and midway through my shower, no tub option, the glass from the enclosure fell in on me! I laid it on the floor next to the toilet. We met with general manager, Aaron Garrett, and he didn't act concerned but offered us 30K loyalty points that never happened. He kept telling us his people would find us another hotel. My wife and I believe there was a fair amount of age discrimination involved here. Due to one of your employees using their brain, we were able to get 106 the next day. I requested our room be serviced on our 3rd day there and came back that afternoon to find the room had not been touched! Off to the front desk I went and an employee came and serviced the room that is not her normal duties. We were told Arron told them not to service it but when he left for the day, our room was serviced anyway. What a way to run a name brand hotel! There's a lot more to the story but I'm not going into it here. We are the ones that directed 6 people to book rooms with you and this is the way we are treated? Did I mention mold in and on the shower/tub? There's a lot more to the story but I'm not going into it here. My wife contacted corporate and a case number has been issued with an ”extensive” investigation promised. After 4 nights, we all gave Aaron what he wanted and found another hotel that welcomed us. This report involves none of your employees as it all rides only on the General Manager. What about your 100% guarantee written on the front desk? We are waiting on a full report to come back to us. Aaron is a smooth talker but it didn't work on us.
ホリデイ イン ウィチタ イースト I-35  IHG ホテル

ホリデイ イン ウィチタ イースト I-35 IHG ホテル

ウィチタ|Ottaway Amusement Incより8.37km
2022年2月に2泊の私と2人の子供のために部屋を予約しました。ゲストの好みとして、最上階の部屋とエキストラ枕をリクエストしました。ソファベッドを利用できることを知っていたので、事前にリクエストしました。ソファベッドは底から木が折れていて、マットレスは平らに開かなかった。1日目-ホテルのプールは混雑していて、子供たちはプールエリア全体にミズーリアイテムを投げているので、あなたはプールルームにいることができません。フロントデスクに言った、彼らは彼らがフォローアップし、それが適切でないことに同意するだろうと言った、30分後、まだ発生しています。フロントに電話して訪れ、メンテナンスには世話をする部屋がたくさんあると言われて、しばらくかかるかもしれません。更衣室について尋ねられ、利用できないと言われました。バスルームが利用できないため、変更室に関するIHGアプリの連絡先メールをメールで送信しましたが、今日はまだ応答がありません。昨日チェックアウト。私たちの隣の部屋に夜2-犬の駐車場。フロントデスクに2回電話して、彼らは毎回メンテナンスを送って調べると言いました。また、部屋の男性が犬を叫んで黙っているのを聞くことができました。寝返りに行き、犬の吠え声と男の叫び声で11時45分に目覚めました。フロントへ電話して、移動する部屋について、犬について何かできるかを尋ね、犬が騒動を起こすことを許されたかどうかを尋ね、犬について何の反応もなかったが、彼女は「動かせる」と言った。だから私は一人で子供と一緒に旅行し、夜中に荷物をすべて詰めて移動しなければなりませんでした。電話で、部屋は8階にあると言われました。私は8階に空室があるとは思わないと言った、そして彼女は言った:「今週8階に空室がたくさんあります」。私は最上階の優先事項をチェックするときに言われました。8歳の人が部屋を移動した後眠れず、第二の部屋に到着し、テレビのリモコンが機能しませんでした。チェックアウト日 - 食事のために添付されたレストランに20ドルのクレジットが与えられました。フロントデスクに、私たちはそれを使用することができないだろうと言った、私はそれが夜中に部屋を移動しなければならないという補償であると仮定しています。私は、破壊的な動物の移動室でゲストを私たちと移動させないのが普通かどうか尋ねました。彼女はノーと言った、私たちは通常、文句を言う人々を移動させるだけです。私はどちらの夜もあまり眠れなかったので疲れました。The kids and I each felt itchy in both beds, I couldn't visually identify anything and we don't have sensitive skin but it's as enough at times to wake me up.私はホスピタリティビジネスに何が起こったのかわかりませんが、電話で何度も滞在し、フロントで直接不満を表明した後、何も提供されませんでした。正直 吸い取ったばかりで エキサイティングだった


Field Station: Dinosaurs

ハンプトン イン ダービー ウィチタ サウスイースト

ハンプトン イン ダービー ウィチタ サウスイースト

ダービー|Field Station: Dinosaursより0.7km
Your general manager tried his best to ruin our family reunion stay. We were paid and prechecked in for a 6 day stay in 106 many days ahead of time. We prebooked 106 due to health issues. Aaron Garrett, general manager, forced an employee to bump us and give our room with 2 Queen beds to a young couple and put the 3 of us in 211 with one bed and a fold up bed. It's as small as a Cubin jail cell! Add the fold up bed and we had to crawl over one bed to get out of the other! Of the 3 of us booked, one is an 80 year old lady with mobility issues and myself with mobility issues as well. I got in the shower and midway through my shower, no tub option, the glass from the enclosure fell in on me! I laid it on the floor next to the toilet. We met with general manager, Aaron Garrett, and he didn't act concerned but offered us 30K loyalty points that never happened. He kept telling us his people would find us another hotel. My wife and I believe there was a fair amount of age discrimination involved here. Due to one of your employees using their brain, we were able to get 106 the next day. I requested our room be serviced on our 3rd day there and came back that afternoon to find the room had not been touched! Off to the front desk I went and an employee came and serviced the room that is not her normal duties. We were told Arron told them not to service it but when he left for the day, our room was serviced anyway. What a way to run a name brand hotel! There's a lot more to the story but I'm not going into it here. We are the ones that directed 6 people to book rooms with you and this is the way we are treated? Did I mention mold in and on the shower/tub? There's a lot more to the story but I'm not going into it here. My wife contacted corporate and a case number has been issued with an ”extensive” investigation promised. After 4 nights, we all gave Aaron what he wanted and found another hotel that welcomed us. This report involves none of your employees as it all rides only on the General Manager. What about your 100% guarantee written on the front desk? We are waiting on a full report to come back to us. Aaron is a smooth talker but it didn't work on us.



ハンプトン イン ダービー ウィチタ サウスイースト

ハンプトン イン ダービー ウィチタ サウスイースト

Your general manager tried his best to ruin our family reunion stay. We were paid and prechecked in for a 6 day stay in 106 many days ahead of time. We prebooked 106 due to health issues. Aaron Garrett, general manager, forced an employee to bump us and give our room with 2 Queen beds to a young couple and put the 3 of us in 211 with one bed and a fold up bed. It's as small as a Cubin jail cell! Add the fold up bed and we had to crawl over one bed to get out of the other! Of the 3 of us booked, one is an 80 year old lady with mobility issues and myself with mobility issues as well. I got in the shower and midway through my shower, no tub option, the glass from the enclosure fell in on me! I laid it on the floor next to the toilet. We met with general manager, Aaron Garrett, and he didn't act concerned but offered us 30K loyalty points that never happened. He kept telling us his people would find us another hotel. My wife and I believe there was a fair amount of age discrimination involved here. Due to one of your employees using their brain, we were able to get 106 the next day. I requested our room be serviced on our 3rd day there and came back that afternoon to find the room had not been touched! Off to the front desk I went and an employee came and serviced the room that is not her normal duties. We were told Arron told them not to service it but when he left for the day, our room was serviced anyway. What a way to run a name brand hotel! There's a lot more to the story but I'm not going into it here. We are the ones that directed 6 people to book rooms with you and this is the way we are treated? Did I mention mold in and on the shower/tub? There's a lot more to the story but I'm not going into it here. My wife contacted corporate and a case number has been issued with an ”extensive” investigation promised. After 4 nights, we all gave Aaron what he wanted and found another hotel that welcomed us. This report involves none of your employees as it all rides only on the General Manager. What about your 100% guarantee written on the front desk? We are waiting on a full report to come back to us. Aaron is a smooth talker but it didn't work on us.



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