





ラス ブリサス アカプルコ

ラス ブリサス アカプルコ

全室プライベートプール付きのカシータタイプのホテル、1956年の開業当時は5つ星の超高級ホテルだったらしいですが、リノベーション済とはいえ老朽化も進み、現在はリーズナブル価格です。 高台でアダルトオンリーのBrisas Beach Clubに3泊しました。 タクシーの運転手も言っていましたが、アカプルコで一番の眺望を誇るホテルというのは本当でした。部屋のテラスから見える景色は日中も夜も素晴らしかったです。プライベートプールも結構大きいうえに、水深も1.6メートルと結構深め。7月のプライベートプールの水温はもはやぬるま湯くらいで、夜でも全然入れました。 アメニティがイケてなくて、なんとシャンプーのみでコンディショナーが置いてなかった。フロントに電話したら、「ある」とのことで持ってきてもらいましたが、1時間たっても来ない・・・仕方なく再度フロントに電話したら、今度はすぐ来ました。 ただ、質も良くなくて髪がキシキシになりました。虫よけスプレー、消毒ジェル、歯磨きセット、洗口液はありました。 公式HPによるとBrisas Beach Clubの特典として、毎晩カナッペが部屋に届くと書いてあるのですが、届いたのは初日の夜に赤ワインフルボトル1本と一緒に、そして3日目の夜の計2回。何故か一日おきでした。 朝食も部屋に届くのですが、内容は決まっていて、日替わりの菓子パン2種、フルーツ盛り合わせ、コーヒーです。 ただ、なぜか初日だけ何故か菓子パンとコーヒーだけしか届かず。翌日からは毎回フルーツ盛り合わせがセットで届きました。 ホテルのビーチクラブには、フロントから20分おきに出ているシャトルに乗る必要があります。自家用車で来ている人は、ビーチクラブに駐車場もあるので自分で運転していってもOKですが、車でも片道10分強かかる上、超急斜面なので徒歩行くのはでは無理です。ラスブリサスはビーチに面していないのですが、海水を引き入れた人工の小さなビーチと海水を引き入れた広い海水プールがあります。水もきれいで魚やカニもいます。 そして海水プールを囲むようにチェアとパラソルが配置されています。 ドリンクや食事のオーダーは、チェアまでスタッフが注文を取りに来てくれます。海水なので岩には藻が付いていて、水中の階段は非常に滑りやすいので注意!!!そして非常に深いので子供は浮き輪必須です。 浮き輪はとシュノーケルセットは無料で貸し出しています。上段には通常のプールもあります。水温はぬるま湯なみです。海水プールのほうが少し冷たいですが、7月の気温なら全然水は冷たく感じません。シャワーもあるので、海水に使ってもベタベタのまま車に乗ることもないです。タオルも自由に交換できます。 Bellavistaというレストランはドレスコードがありますが、眺望がとにかく素晴らしいので 是非夕陽の時間に行ってみてください。 概してリーズナブルな割に満足度の高いホテルだと思います。



ホテル エンポリオ アカプルコ

ホテル エンポリオ アカプルコ

私はレビューを書くことはめったにありませんが、このホテルで必要とされたように感じました。このホテルには素敵な部屋とプールエリアとビーチの良い場所がありますが、カップルやシングルまたはビジネス旅行者にはお勧めしません。ゲストの少なくとも80%は家族でした。ホテルには、滞在をはるかに楽しくするはずがない本当にイライラするものがあります。 1.チェックイン - 私たちがキューで1番の人であり、他のカップルが1人しかチェックインしていないにもかかわらず、チェックインまで20分待った。フロントカウンターとバックオフィスの間に移動するスタッフが3人いるようでしたが、誰も目を合わせたり、認めたりしなかった。少し見えないように感じた。いい第一印象ではない。2.朝食。混沌とした。宿泊料金とビュッフェに含まれています。0930に到着し、とても忙しいので30分待って入りました。入り口の周りに留まっていて、あなたの名前まで待たなければならなかったが、入るのを待っているすべての空腹のゲストの圧力の下で、入り口のスタッフは素敵でよく対応しました。入り口とレセプションエリアの周りに他のスタッフが立っていますが、ゲストの経験をより良くするために何もしていないことを観察しているだけで、奇妙です。朝食レストランでは、家族や子供たちがいっぱいになります。本当に騒々しく、混雑していて、壁に音楽とテレビがあります。素敵なリラックスした朝食であるべきことはストレスの多い経験です。各ビュッフェステーションにはキューがあります。キューが待つには長すぎるので、調理された朝食を食べたことはありません。翌日(0800)に同じ朝食体験をしないように、90分早くベッドから出ました。朝食レストランは、宿泊客の数に対処するには小さすぎます - これは日常的な経験だと思います。スペースを拡大する必要があります。 3.プールエリア。人々が朝早くベッドを節約するファミリープールがあります - あなたはここでサンベッドを得るために早起きする必要があります。アダルトプールは本当にいいですが、3つの迷惑なこと、プールでリラックスするのは本当にリラックスできない経験です。音楽 - 高エネルギーの音楽 低品質のクラック低品質のスピーカーから爆発し、それはひどい音を鳴らしました. それは明らかに誰も音楽を楽しんでいて、冷たいリラックスした雰囲気を作成していません.ホテル経営がなぜこんなものを見ることができないのか理解できません。プールから離れているサンラウンジや芝生の上は木製のブロックで直立して固定されているので、平らに敷くことはできません。私は世界中のどのホテルでもこれを見たことがありません - 私はなぜホテルが写真でそれらをよりよく見せない限り、それをするのか理解できませんか? それは確かにゲストの最善の利益ではありません。ウェイターがあなたに飲み物の注文をしますが、彼は私たちに近づいたり、私たちがそこにいた2日間で目を合わせたりしませんでした。あなたが彼に会ったとき、あなたは彼の注意を引いたり、彼に近づいたりしたようです。プールバーで一生懸命働いているバーマンは1人しかいませんでした。いつも注文を待っている人々がいます。だから、長い待ちになるように見えます。他のs



HS ホットソン アカプルコ ヴィラ

HS ホットソン アカプルコ ヴィラ

The building has an intriguing shape and there are many pools. It’s also right in La Condesa Beach. Ideal location, you would think. BUT…. 1. After checking in, I found a very dirty washroom sink, and called down to report it. The woman who arrived waved her hand dismissively but I stood my ground and she cleaned it. Turns out the drain is clogged so even if the poor cleaner did her job the first time, the previous guest’s hair and muck would ring the sink unless you took special care. Annnd the sink was never fixed the whole time I was there. 2. At checkin I got a band slapped on my wrist and later realized every guest got one. It showed you belong on the property. Also they come in different colors: White means a basic stay; red means breakfast included and purple means all inclusive. So yea others will know what you’re paying for during your stay. 3. The beach is pretty good except it’s a pirate’s cove — meaning that because of the vagaries of Mexican law, though Hotsun has a great location and a piece of the beach for its guests, where you can generally sit free, the spots nearest the water belong to the government. So if you sit in the lounge chairs and under the tents nearest the waves, you have to pay different guys who keep changing the price every single day. If you land on a cruise ship from some far-flung country you may not be aware of this. Those guys, wearing uniforms of some sort, also sell drinks that are exorbitantly priced. Before you figure out they have nothing to do with Hotsun, you may be taken for a ride. I was. Also, every 1-2 mins of every day, vendors descend on the beach with all sorts of things for sale. In one day I was asked to buy grilled shrimp on a stick, coconut water with jelly, sun hats, fridge magnets, massages, boat rides, oysters, sun dresses, sunglasses, beach floats, tattoos, braids, sunscreen, sand boots and a serenade from a nice old man with a guitar. People have to make a living, yes, and the law makes Mexican beach space very democratic, but I wish the hotel, which took a $200 MXN returnable deposit to give me a towel to lie by the pool for the duration of my stay, had warned me about the Wild West nature of the beach where it is located, and pointed out which uniformed person belongs to the hotel and a head’s up so I could buy at my own risk. I said “No, gracias” maybe 90 times during that one week. 4. The noise, oh the noise. El ruido comes up to the hotel’s top floors and grabs you by the neck: Music, laughter, children squealing, etc. These are usually all marvelous aspects about living on planet earth, but when you can’t sleep because a group at the hotel is holding a party on the beach and the thump thump thump of reggaeton is blaring deep into the night and giving you a headache, the conclusion is the hotel is not prioritizing the comfort of the rest of its guests. If this is your jam, go for it. But for many it would be a frustrating experience all around.
ホテル エルカノ

ホテル エルカノ

I will start off with the positive and give 5* to the 3 waiters in the Bambuco Restaurant. David M who has always made my previous visits to Hotel Elcano Bambuco Restaurant a lovely experience in dining. David is a personable, pleasant young man and speaks excellent English. This visit in January I also had the pleasure of being served by Rigoberto who is pleasant and speaks English. And I can not forget to thank the pleasant Pablo at breakfast who always with a smile would bring over when ever he saw me two Concha (delicious sweet breads). Pablo also speaks English so he was the only one at Breakfast that knew what kind of bread rolls I wanted. I booked an all inclusive package with Sunwing Vacations to Hotel Elcano from January 11 to 18 and stayed in room 815. I am sure the Reservations Manager and Director of Hotel Elcano knows who I am and did not really care that they might lose me as a returning guest. One of the many reasons I returned to Hotel Elcano in the past is because I enjoyed having the choice of Buffet or Set Menu at Lunch and Dinner. I also enjoy their food, their wonderful presentation of their dishes and their excellent service by their waiters when I order from the set menu. This trip in January I was told by the Hotel Elcano Reservation Manager according to this years contract with Sunwing, Hotel Elcano has arranged for all meals to be buffet unless the hotel does not have many guests on specific days then it will be Set Menu. I told the Reservation Manager that my contract with Sunwing is still the same indicating lunch and dinner buffet or set menu. I even had a copy of my contract with me of what is included in my all inclusive package that I purchased through Sunwing. I was told by the Reservation Manager that it was Sunwing responsibility to inform their customers of the change and I would have to speak to Sunwing. So I made a complaint with Sunwing Representative onsite in Acapulco and I was told I have to speak with Guest Services Desk at the resort, since this is internal resort information that has to be managed with them. What a disappointment! This really ruined my enjoyment of my stay at Hotel Elcano. Hotel Elcano also changed their Dinner Hours which was only available from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Sunwing website indicated the Dinner hours are from 16:30 to 22:00. The limited Dinner Hours set by Hotel Elcano for Sunwing guests became a big inconvenience for me. Because of the limited two hour time frame to have Dinner at the hotel denied me the opportunity to arrange other activities in the evening to enjoy in Acapulco. Whoever is familiar with Sunwing knows who is at fault and I know there were other complaints at other resorts in Acapulco with similar situations having problems getting what they paid for. I feel though that Hotel Elcano could of rectified the situation at the moment since this was my third visit to their hotel.
ホテル ロマーノ パレス アカプルコ

ホテル ロマーノ パレス アカプルコ

The Covid-19 pandemic has really hit Acapulco HARD! Additionally, the recent earthquake didn't help hotels in the area either. But, guest looking to book this hotel should know a few things. I was willing to let a lot of things go that would normally concern me about a hotel. But..... First: This hotel has not been updated at all since it was built. There were only 2 (2-pronged) outlets in the room. If you had a computer to charge/use - you were out of luck. The plumbing fixtures appear to be original to when the building was built. If you had children - it would be very easy for them to scald themselves while taking a shower. The toilet is updated and very noisy. It could wake the dead. The wifi works sufficiently as this room was right outside the repeater which is clearly visible from the hallway. And, the AC worked too. Second: The room looked and felt dirty after seeing mold growing on the ceiling of the bathroom and shower curtain; you start to notice all the things that needed to be addressed/cleaned. The sink was intended to be ”under mount” but appears to be cemented in place. The sliding patio door had a huge crack in it (I assume after the earthquake) Third: EVERY SINGLE HOTEL in a tropical area should supply their guests with ICE! This hotel charges $20 pesos for ice. It's a small amount; but, given all the other crummy elements you put up with staying at this hotel - - it is the least they could do for their guests. I spoke with the manager to let him know that other hotels in Acapulco have ice machines and provide that ice to their guests as part of their room rates. He re-stated the hotel policy (absolutely useless!) FINALLY: there are 2 elevators for a 22 story tower hotel. That is not sufficient. Additionally, they appeared to be mal-functioning. When you would press the PB button - every floor below you would light up. The elevator would stop on all floors below you and no one was waiting to get on. The floor of the elevator was never even with the floor it stopped on. I tripped a few times. Getting on these elevators after a earthquake was SCARY to say the least. The location of this hotel is the only reason why I booked this location. I had nicer hotels that were less expensive that I could have stayed at - but chose this one because of the location. It is safe to say, I would never stay here again - under the current management and without a complete/full renovation.






Playa Papagayo


Acapulco Best Fishing




Mural Diego Rivera



バンヤン ツリー カボ マルケス
Miguel, Gustavo and Hugo has a awesome servicie its a good place to have a nice vacation. 5 stars in everithing that you need on your vacation, food, service , instalations and a place to have a relax time with room independence. Very recomended place to have a nice time, with awesome sea views and incredible service. One of the best places to have vacation.
ホテル ロマーノ パレス アカプルコ
The Covid-19 pandemic has really hit Acapulco HARD! Additionally, the recent earthquake didn't help hotels in the area either. But, guest looking to book this hotel should know a few things. I was willing to let a lot of things go that would normally concern me about a hotel. But..... First: This hotel has not been updated at all since it was built. There were only 2 (2-pronged) outlets in the room. If you had a computer to charge/use - you were out of luck. The plumbing fixtures appear to be original to when the building was built. If you had children - it would be very easy for them to scald themselves while taking a shower. The toilet is updated and very noisy. It could wake the dead. The wifi works sufficiently as this room was right outside the repeater which is clearly visible from the hallway. And, the AC worked too. Second: The room looked and felt dirty after seeing mold growing on the ceiling of the bathroom and shower curtain; you start to notice all the things that needed to be addressed/cleaned. The sink was intended to be ”under mount” but appears to be cemented in place. The sliding patio door had a huge crack in it (I assume after the earthquake) Third: EVERY SINGLE HOTEL in a tropical area should supply their guests with ICE! This hotel charges $20 pesos for ice. It's a small amount; but, given all the other crummy elements you put up with staying at this hotel - - it is the least they could do for their guests. I spoke with the manager to let him know that other hotels in Acapulco have ice machines and provide that ice to their guests as part of their room rates. He re-stated the hotel policy (absolutely useless!) FINALLY: there are 2 elevators for a 22 story tower hotel. That is not sufficient. Additionally, they appeared to be mal-functioning. When you would press the PB button - every floor below you would light up. The elevator would stop on all floors below you and no one was waiting to get on. The floor of the elevator was never even with the floor it stopped on. I tripped a few times. Getting on these elevators after a earthquake was SCARY to say the least. The location of this hotel is the only reason why I booked this location. I had nicer hotels that were less expensive that I could have stayed at - but chose this one because of the location. It is safe to say, I would never stay here again - under the current management and without a complete/full renovation.
ホテル バリ-ハイ アカプルコ
プラヤ スイーツ
Perfect location for shopping, beaches and dining. You can choose the All Inclusive and good and drinks are provided all day long. Bring a mask tho, you have to wear a mask in dining areas.The hotel is right on the beach he b arch with a big pool. The rooms are suites with a seperate room for sleeping and a room with couch, chairs and balconey. Don’t expect an upscale room for the price, we found the room comfortable for the price. The drinks have plenty of liquor too! For any transportation needs such as If you need a ride from the airport or want a tour, or a ride anywhere transportation, contact Acapulco for All by Sebastián Hernández in Acapulco” Just go on line and do a Google search ”Sebastián Hernández in Acapulco. He is a fantastic tour guide, safe driver with shuttle transportation in a nice clean vehicle . He speaks very good English. He is honest, kind, friendly, funny and most of all will give you the best service. His tours are fantastic and his vehicles are air conditioned!
エンカト アカプルコ
Is By far the best hotel of Acapulco, it offers the best views from Dorado and Diamante beach, every single room as it’s own charm, luxurious bath, bed, and amenities from L’Occtane. The main pool is gorgeous, and the bar is tended by the best people ever, Daniel, Diego the 2 Alfredo’s, Alberto you guys are so awesome, thank you for the best drinks ever. If you are a private person, the hotel has 20 pool villas, very spacious, great private pool and they have amazing views to the bay. We come back every year because we love the food which is amazing all the way, the views and the tranquility Encanto provides but the key part for us is the service, the staff will make you feel at home from the very first moment and we love that every single time we come back we see the familiar faces ❤️ Thank you so much to Edwin, Candido, Fany, Iliana, Sebastian, Neftalí, Alfredo, Alberto, Francisco, Oscar, Lety, Ana, Arantza and everybody else who took care of us. Special thanks to Miguel A. For all the details, warmth, attentions and of course for creating this beautiful place. We will come back very soon Until then stay healthy Estefania & Tobias Bechtel
キャピタル O ホテル ロス カラコレス アカプルコ
Excelente lugar. Agua caliente y素敵なプールの眺め.良い価格といくつかの素敵なシーフードレストランの隣にあります







アカプルコは138軒のおすすめホテルを立ち並んでおり、トリップドットコムなら最高20%の割引でご提供できます。アカプルコの地元の特別ホテルは、訪問者に異なる新しい体験を味わうことができます。旅行の宿泊先をこだわるお客様は,アカプルコのホリデイ・インホテルをおすすします。多くのお客様がアカプルコへ旅行する際に、宿泊先をホリデイ・インホテルに指定しています。アカプルコCocos Campは最も人気が高いホテルです。また、Condominio Marazulは観光客がよくご利用される人気ホテルです。


•1月~3月: 昼28.68°C,夜25.18°C

•4月~6月: 昼29.77°C,夜26.44°C

•7月~9月: 昼30.29°C,夜26.74°C






